Do you still go to the salon?


Well-Known Member
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?

Thanks in advance!
I only go for a trim and I only go to supercuts.

The reason why I wont go anymore is because:
I value my $'s, those fake stylist popping up late and then I'm gonna pay I THINK NOT
I want my hair on my head
I like doing my hair and seeing my progress.
If I mess up its my own fault

If I ever can not do my own hair I will cut my hair down to a baldy
I don't go anymore at all because I taught myself how to flat iron my hair and still have swang and body. If I wanted extension braids, I might go back but only if it wasn't done too tight.
Yes I do still go to the salon. I get a touch-up every 2-3 months. And I get a wash and set when it is needed. I think that I am a regular salon goer. I am quick to go to the salon with my own products of course when I am too lazy to wash my hair or just want that salon finish.
Yes, Since I am natural rock my wash n go alot

I still go to be pampered for special events.

I have my ends clipped,blow dried and flat ironed.
I am a natural and I go to a salon for dustings/trims and coloring.

I style my own hair regularly.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
I go about every 3-4 months to get my ends gently trimmed. I don't trust myself with the scissors, despite the awesome tutorials that are around.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?
I just get trims and my hair flat ironed. My beautician works MAGIC with the flat iron. She also knows I'm uber persnickety with my hair, so she tells me step-by-step what she's doing and with which products/tools.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?
I generally go no more than 3-4 months, but if a special occasion arises, my face will be in the place! :yep:

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
I haven't been to the salon in years. I used to go every 3 months but my stylist charged way too much. $160 for a wash, deep condition and flat iron :( So I took matters into my own hands.
No, I haven't been to a salon in two years and I doubt I will ever go again. LHCF and YouTube has taught me everything I need to know to care for (and grow to long lengths) my hair and my 3 DD's hair. From natural rollersetting, DIY Dominican Blowouts, trimming, and everything in-between. I purchased professional tools recommended by the ladies on this board, too, so I have NO need for so-called hair professionals.
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Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
Complete DIYer. Not saying much as for some reason my hair has turned against me.:sad:
If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?
I go maybe 2-3 times a year for a touch up or wash & set.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
Everytime I do go out of desperation I always leave unhappy. I have thick hair & every stylist rips through it then wonders why I wont let them trim. I'd thnk if they were so genuinely worried about my ends they wouldnt rip through my hair creating split ends in the first place.:ohwell:At this point if I'm going to be losing the hair I worked so hard to grow I'd rather do it by my own hand.
I havent been this year because I have been trying to establish a regimen. But last week I met a new stylist that specializes in natural hair and I plan on going to her in the future.

I can do my own hair I just dont always feel like doing it. I have more of a philosophy of why do it myself when I can pay someone to do it. :lol.

I probably will go to the salon once a quarter just for a change and to enjoy the attention.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
I'm trying to limit my salon visits to 2 times a year.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?
Relaxer touch-ups and maybe a trim though I may no longer get a trim after my relaxers as I'm learning how to dust and trim my own hair.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?
I guess regular in the sense that I go every six months due to my HHJ schedule. I used to go for special occasions (wash and set only), which would add maybe 1 or 2 extra salon visits a year, but I'm currently learning how to do non-straight styles on relaxed hair for formal events.

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
Sure. I would go for a touch up or a wash and set. I have nothing against salons, really. There are a lot of good stylists out there - you just have to find them.
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I have a hair dresser that flat irons my hair for me, but I wash, DC and blow dry and everything before he does my hair. The thing is my stylist is actually a good friend of my family and does my hair, my mom and both my sisters' hair so he's been coming by the house to do our hair lately so I'm not actually going to the salon much anymore.
No way! On an almost daily basis, it still bothers me that my beautician always emphasied, "I always have my ladies come in every 6 weeks for their relaxer touch-ups." And she was dead set on setting those appointments. Fortunately she wasn't my beautician very long, and after my first relaxer by her, I decided a few weeks later I didn't want any more.

Some ladies have good success at the salon, but I just can't put my hair in anyone else's hands anymore.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer? DIY

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get? n/a

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions? n/a

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
I have no reason to go back. There is nothing positive a stylist can do that I can't.
I've only been once 10 years ago. I didn't know anything about flat irons and the like so the stylist said he could make my hair straight for $100 dollars. My parents actually paid that much for a flat iron plus another 30 or so for some Bedhead shampoo/conditioner:spinning: I would only go back to get it professionally dyed.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer? I go every ten weeks or so for a touch up.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get? I get a touch up and a trim--actually a dusting, she cuts so little. I may start having her apply my cellophanes. It's getting labor intensive since my hair is longer now. I hope if I take my own she won't charge me too much more even though she is very reasonably priced already.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions? Regular in the sense that I go on that regular ten week basis. I can style my hair myself for special occasions.

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?

Thanks in advance!
I really like my stylist and feel lucky that I found her. She is close to my home, timely, priced well, has a good personality and business sense, and is good with my hair. My last two stylists, while timely and good with my hair were expensive, scissor happy, and not close to me at all. I might even trust DDs hair in her hands...maybe.
Im a regular salon goer. Im just not into DIYing and I never will be :lol: I tried to be a DIYer on several occasions and although my attempts were relatively decent, I just cant bring myself to like doing my own hair to make it a habit. The most Ill do on my own hair is washing and deep conditioning. Stylewise, I'll do a WNG or a braid out that's about it. Trimming, flat ironing, rollersetting, etc I leave to the stylist.
I have not been to a stylist since 2008 to get a doo. I do everything myself. I do have my waxing done my a licensed stylist and I will have her dust my ends when needed.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
I go to the salon.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?
Wash and deep protein treatments. I am going back to natural and I am six months post NO big chopping of my hair. My stylist is making my transition so much easier this time around.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?
I go twice a month.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer? I go to the salon occassionally.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get? wash, deep condition, blowout, flat ironed and trim.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions? I've only been twice since I've been natural and it was for special occassions.

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what? I will only go for trims and/or to get my hair straightened.
I do. I appreciate my hair but I have no desire to be a complete DIY-er at all; more than likely I will look at HAM and I want to keep some of my pride ya know? I go as often as I can now since Im in school. But oh boy when I graduate, I will be in that chair like clockwork :)
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
I work in a salon on the weekends and I rarely get my hair done by the other stylist

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?
When I do get a service it's usually relaxer touch ups or Hair cut.

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?
I wouldn't consider myself a regular salon goer, more of an occasional salon goer

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?

Thanks in advance!

Hi beana !! :wave:

I hope everything is well with you :)

I'm a complete DIYer nowadays, don't think I will ever go back to the salon.

I cut and dye my hair as necessary and once in a blue moon I'll flat iron it.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
Haven't been to a salon in DECADES; I'm a complete DIYer.

If you still go to the salon, what services do you get?

Are you a regular salon goer or just for special occasions?

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
I just don't see a reason to ever go back to a salon.
Do you still go to the salon or are you a complete DIYer?
Since I started transitioning, I've been a DIYer.

If you don't go to the salon often or at all, will you ever go back and for what?
I would have to say that when and if I use heat, I'll go to a salon for naturals.
No, I'm a complete DIYer. When I was relaxed, I only went to the salon for relaxer touch-ups every 3 months. Jooining LHCF, changed my view point on solan stylist a bit, but I have always been a minimalist when it comes to salon visits. I would watch the stylist so that I could repeat her methods at home. I do other friends and family members' hair as well.
I go maybe once a year. when I was stationed in N. Dakota, I don't think I went at all. I was there for 10yrs. So the only time I sent to one was while I was on vacation.