Do you still go to the salon?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Growing up, I've always been DIY. Either my mom did my hair or I did my own. We hardly ever went to the salon. In my whole life I've only been to a salon about 10 times. I never understood why people go to salons all of the time when they can just do their own hair at home. And now that I've found LHCF I'll probably never step foot in a salon again... Well, maybe if I ever get my hair braided I'll go, cause I can't braid to save my life! :lachen:

I'm a total DIY'er, I've learned everything I need to know by looking at tons of tutorials and reading trillions of threads. I see some people who can't even wash their hair at home and I'm like :huh: I just can't comprehend that!

Anywho, after finding this site, do you still go to salons? If so, why?
I sure don't! I never knew I could take care of my own hair and have fun doing it too! My regular stylist was only concerned about the style and not the health of my hair. Under his "care" I received relaxer scalp burns, my poor strands were overprocessed(he would apply relaxer to my WHOLE head all the time!), when he washed my hair he would scratch my scalp with his nails trying to remove the relaxer:nono:. And when I told him to ease up he would for a bit and then go right back at it. When he towel dried my hair he would rub VERY briskly and rip through my wet hair with the comb. When I went to other stylist they weren't as bad but still did damaging things: leaving relaxer on too long, not using heat protectant when blow drying or flat ironing, etc.

At the time I guess I was more concerned with style as well so I can't blame it on total ignorance. But since coming here I have realized that there are a LOT of stylist that don't give one red cent about the health they just want to make it look good and collect their money. I am suprised that I have any hair on my head after visiting salons. I don't trust stylist and I will never go to them for anything but a trim and even then I will have my hair straightened before coming in and I will watch them do it. Trimming is the only thing I cannot get the hang of.:wallbash:
i dont go to the salon anymore ive went once since sept 2007

i love doing my hair and i know how to
flat iron
etc. im my own stylist:lachen:
I sure do. I enjoy my salon visits. Thank goodness for a great stylist, and thank goodness for me knowing how to do my own hair too. :yep:
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My Mom had me in the salon since I was 7 yrs old getting a press every two my teens I got a relaxer.

My Mom could not do my hair, we had two totally different textures.

I pretty much take care of my own hair now and only visit my stylist for touch-ups / trims. I tried to do my own relaxer in the past and I under-processed or over-processed too many times that caused me to have several set-backs.

I think it's ok to go to the salon for chemical services and special occassions...but I wouldn't depend on stylists for growth and maintenance.
I like being pampered at the salon, but I kept getting bald spots from the relaxer not being washed out right. That happened with several stylists, so now I'm learning to self relax. I did half of my head this weekend, don't laugh:look: and it came out decent. Even if it comes out a little texlaxed, I rather that than bald spots.

Now I hate rollersetting so I'll go to the salon for that but I'm not going to get a relaxer at the salon again. And I'll only go to one place for rollersets.
You know what? I am also like that everything i've learned was by watching someone or reading (before the internet). I feel if someone else can do it so can I with cooking i've watched the food channel (don't get me started) and I honestly have learned a lot and reading and searching post i'm getting better with my hair one day at a time. I use to go to a salon about a year ago allowed my "scissor happy" beautician do my hair which was shoulder length convinced me to chop my hair off like a dummy I did and regreted it to the max never again instead of her saying lets learn to take care of your hair she said lets cut. So that turned me off and now I see if you cut your hair short you must go back to keep it up (see that's the catch). Now i've learned to take care of my own hair and if i do decide to go to another shop will make sure she cares about maintaining what I have and telling me how. For now I have LHCF so this is my beautician.
I just started my hair journey and I haven't been to to salon since I started. I am relaxer stretching and I want to go to salon when I am 12 weeks post (in two weeks) so she can relax my hair but I want to bring my own supplies and I want it done my way (my regimen).. so I don't know how to approach my stylist.
I like being pampered at the salon, but I kept getting bald spots from the relaxer not being washed out right. That happened with several stylists, so now I'm learning to self relax. I did half of my head this weekend, don't laugh:look: and it came out decent. Even if it comes out a little texlaxed, I rather that than bald spots.

Now I hate rollersetting so I'll go to the salon for that but I'm not going to get a relaxer at the salon again. And I'll only go to one place for rollersets.


:hug2: Did you perm the rest of it yet?

I dont even wash my own hair. I can do it but afterwards its a big mess. Its better for me to just pay someone every week to do it for me.
I still go, but only for relaxers. I tried to self-relax a few months ago but the back didn't come out right. I need to figure out how to relax the back of my head properly (I didn't use a mirror). I do everything else by myself. I also know people who cannot wash their own hair - that doesn't make any sense to me either.
Loca, you relaxed HALF of your head??? :lachen: :lachen: Why just half? When are you gonna do the other part?
I havent been to one in over a year and that was for a touch up. My husband does them for me now and he is awesome. I told him that I MIGHT go to the Domincans for my next touch up which will be in January for the inaugural gala we are going to and he acted like he was offended:lachen:
Normally, I'm a DIY'er. But, I broke down earlier this month and went to the salon to get my hair relaxed and I haven't been to the salon in two years. As my hair gets longer it becomes more of a pain in the a** to relax it myself. I find myself getting tired when I get home from work and my weekends are usually spent running errands that I can't normally take care of during the week. I used to really enjoy doing my hair myself, but I am seriously thinking about going to get it done every couple of weeks.
For many people going to the salon is a nice treat. They enjoy being pampered.

Most people are not hair fanatics like us lol and they don't have the time nor patience to research products and hair health. Then there are those people who just don't care to learn home hair care- nothing wrong with that. Some people just really do not enjoy doing their own hair.

I still go to the salon every few months for professional trims because I like meticulous ends. I also enjoy going to fancy, hip salons even though they cost a fortune. I love the high class service and I leave there feeling like a million bucks lol. It is worth it to me.
I go to the salon to get sew-ins, braids and a trim. I can do everying else that I may want done to my hair.
I like being pampered at the salon, but I kept getting bald spots from the relaxer not being washed out right. That happened with several stylists, so now I'm learning to self relax. I did half of my head this weekend, don't laugh:look: and it came out decent. Even if it comes out a little texlaxed, I rather that than bald spots.
LOL I used to do this. When I was texturized I would only texturize the middle part of my head and would leave the parameters unpermed LOL.
I don't go to the salon anymore. I'm not against going to one for a special occasion or if I'm out of town and don't have all my stuff with me. But that every week or every other week stuff? I haven't done that in years.:nono:
I don't go to stylists because I have "weird" hair practices and all I can see happening is them doing something wrong and me having to beat someone down :boxing:

I think it's hard to find a good stylist that also doesn't mind taking specific INSTRUCTIONS.

I can see why other people go to stylists though. It's just like if you do your own make-up nice, but for a very special occasion you'll get it done for you... or like how you can do all sorts of beautifying treatments at home, but you still go to the spa. All you have you have to do is sit back and be pampered. If you got it like that, good for you :)
Yes I do and I love it. I see no reason not to...Personally I think everyone is good at some things and some aren't and doing my own hair I am very bad at especially roller setting.

With that said I do disagree with some of the comments on this thread because going to the salon does not mean that you cannot have healthy hair it all depends on the communication between you and your stylists. Remember you pay them to do your hair therefore you are paying them to make you look the way you want to so you have to give them instructions on how to do that.

I do allot of research and logging on to LHCF has helped me with that. So now my hairdresser cannot tell me what to do I tell her how I want her to do my hair and if she ever felt like I am not qualified enough to tell her how to do my own hair I would take my business to someone else who listens (that's the beauty of it all). The luck I have is my hair dresser it thick skinned with an open mind she knows no one can know my hair the way I do I have been living with it all my life therefore she does take into consideration what I want done, I bring my own products that work for me and I instruct her on how to do it (Especially when relaxing). Sometimes she even use some of the steps I give her for my hair with other customers and they love it! (Some of these steps are steps I got from LHCF!!! yeah!)

So I believe that once there is comfortable open communication between you and your stylists you should not have any problems at the salon.

I am not knocking on those who do their hair themselves hat off to you ladies (sometimes I wish I could ) and if you feel doing it yourself works for you all my respects to you.... :)

well, growing up and in college, i didn't go to salons that much b/c we couldnt afford it. my mom didn't know how to do hair, so my older sister would usually do my hair or we would go to the beauty college, and then once i got in high school, i started doing it myself. i didn't have anyone to teach me, so i read hair books, and did whatever was suggested. i have a different texture of hair than most of my family and friends, and all of my friends were natural and would get their hair "pressed" by a beautician on a regular basis. once i got older, and had my own money, i started going to salons, b/c i figured they were professionals and knew what they were doing. which i now know is not a good assumption. lol. i can wash my own hair, but i can't style it. if i could find someone to just style my hair, that would be perfect. i've learned to buy good quality tools and products, but i'm still working on learning how to style.
I do EVERY SUNDAY ( if freshly relaxed i skip the salon the 1st month). I take my conditioners and all the stuff I like and make them do my hair....Eventhough I can do my hair at home.....I am lazy and i dont wanna:yawn:.

I roller set at the salon get a doobie or straighten my roots only. then doobie and pin curls and i am done in under 2 hours.....for $20 bucks.:lick:

When i do it at home is like a whole day affair.

And since i am in control of my hair my stylist does what i want to my hair....SO we are always clear...and i leave happy and rested to start my week.
I have been getting my hair permed since I was 10. The first time my mom friend perm my hair. The second time my mom tried to touch up my hair and she scared me because I knew she never done it before. So the next time I asked her can I go to the salon. So ever since I have been going to the salon every 8 wks for touch up and ever 2 wks for a wash and flat iron ( hair was long and took forever to dry in roller). Sophomore year in H.S I started going to the salon every week because I realized my hair needed to be deep condition ever week. I also started getting my hair rollerset which still took forever.

Now I only go to the salon every 3 months to get my touch up. I enjoy doing my on hair and I find it relaxing. I truly believe that self-trimming is one of the main thing that has help me get to my goal. I would love to do my own relaxer but I'm scared :ohwell:

I know how to
flat iron
twist with extension
I go to the salon about once every couple of months. I just like being pampered every now and then.