Do you still go to the salon?

I used to do my own hair, then in the 90's discovered I could have bone straight long hair if I went to a stylist instead. I was really addicted to the straight hair that I couldn't achieve at home. I think that if I had a flatiron back in them days I would've kept doing my own hair.

Since I've been natural I have gone 3 times to the salon this year. Big difference from the once a week 5 hour visit! I really enjoy doing my own hair. Plus the stylists give me a dirty look when I come through the door :perplexed like ok here comes this nappy girl LOLOLOL Last time I went in July my hair looked gorgeous BUT they blowdried it to death. There was smoke everywhere. If I go again it'll be next spring. I can rollerset at home and other do my own hair care.
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I haven't been to a salon in years...maybe six or seven years? My mom does all my relaxers for me and the occasional cuts. I do my own rollersets and trims. One thing I do miss about going to the stylist is the dominican blowouts. One of these days I'm going to get one again. Maybe when I have a special event to go to or something.
Yes I still go. A month after a fresh relaxer. However when I go, she always tell me that my hair is healthy and continue to do what im doing. Im not ready to totally give up on going to the Hairdresser. After the month I go to her to flatiron my hair once a week, or even twice a week. If I could get the flatiron thing down pack without getting frustrated I will be good. So I contribute the health of my hair from what I do at home (from what I learned here) and I go to her to keep keep it in tact. She also does my relaxers.
I've gone through all sorts of phases with salons...but right now as I journey into really taking care of my hair and begin my new regi (and because I need to save every pennyI can in this economy) I will only go to the salon for touch ups and dusting my ends...and I will also be trying to stretch my touch ups so I will try to go maybe 4 times a year.

One day my hair will be too long for me to handle :rolleyes:...but until then I'll be taking care of it.
I just recently started back and it's the best thing I've ever done :yep:

I basically go every 2 week to get a wash and rollerset
Then I go and have it professionally relaxed by the same person (~every 6-8weeks).
Then I have a separate person who cuts/trims/shapes it for me (~every 12-16weeks).

And I just maintain it nightly w/ dry-rollersetting and tying it up. It keeps my hair regimen simple, plus it keeps me out of it where I'm not obsessing over it. Also, no matter what I did, self-relaxing always seemed to creat breakage for me.

Just to note: Alot of this decision to go back had to do w/ finding someone w/ decent prices. The wash&set is $20, the relaxer is $40, and a cut is $20. But even if I had to pay an extra $20 for each (which I think anyone can find in any area), I think it would be worth it :yep:


I haven't been to a salon in 2 years. Based on my experience, Black hairdressers don't know anything about taking care of hair, especially hair that's long. Everything is one size fits all. I can do my own hair, thank you very much.

This has been my experience too. My wash&sets are at the dominican salon. And I get it cut at Supercuts :yep:
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I go to the salon on average 3 times a year and those are only for special events. I wish I could get my hair bone straight on my own, but I'm just not there yet. I'm not very good at trimming my own hair, so that's another reason that I'm not ready to give up my stylist.
I go to the salon about every 3-4 months for a relaxer. I do everything else myself and I'm going to be recruiting DH to give me my next trim in February. I'm fearful of a stylist trying to cut off more than I ask her to just because it makes her job easier to deal with shorter hair...
I don't go very often anymore, but I will be going for my Christmas holidays hair-do. I will relax it myself but I'll let my stylist trim and style it for me. She does a real mean wrap.
I have decided to stop going to the salon. I just got a relaxer last week and I was 16 weeks post. She used a small comb to comb my hair out before she relaxed my hair. When I started complaining she switched to a bigger comb. I was only going for a relaxer and a trim. I started with a short cut but I told her I wanted to let my hair grow. You would think I gain at least 1 1/2 inches but it doesn't look like I have very much growth. I'm reading LHCF to learn how I can relax my hair. I have tried several stylists and I'm tired of their lack of knowledge and their negative attitude.
Either my mom did my hair or I did my own. We hardly ever went to the salon. In my whole life I've only been to a salon about 10 times.

This has been my experience also. I understand why some women go to salons though. What I think is ridiculous are women who solely depend on a stylist to take care of something on their body.
I have stopped going to the salon and I probably will never go again. I like having my Fridays and Saturdays to do what I want instead of being in the salon for hours. Also I love taking care of my own hair. It is alot cheaper.
when I was relaxed ( before hairboards) I only went to the salon.
once in a while my mom wud do my hair ( wash and set)

since hair boards - i got soooo paranoid I did my own hair for over a year:lachen:

now that Im natural I go to a salon every 2 weeks to get my hair twisted/canerowed. I wash, detangle, DC and pretreat(leave in/heat protectant) before I get there though.
I do and I enjoy going to the salon to get my hair done, I have four boys and once in a while I want to relax and just let someone else deal with my hair. I have my relaxers professionally applied, which was the only times I really went.

With my new hair schedule, I will be going alot more often, atleast 12 times a year for simple services and 3 for my relaxers. :)
Maybe I've been going to the wrong salons because I never feel "pampered".

Anyhoo, I go for braids, major cuts, and dye jobs. I used to go for trims until my setback
I am learning to be diy and thanks to having a roommate that does sew ins I haven't been to a salon in over a year.I used to feel trapped/childish for not knowing how to do my hair and depending on stylists. I always envied girls who could make their own hair look nice. Now I'm trying to become one (it's a long ways off lol) but I think once my hair is long again maybe I'll visit the salon a few times a year for pampering.
when I was relaxed ( before hairboards) I only went to the salon.
once in a while my mom wud do my hair ( wash and set)

since hair boards - i got soooo paranoid I did my own hair for over a year:lachen:

now that Im natural I go to a salon every 2 weeks to get my hair twisted/canerowed. I wash, detangle, DC and pretreat(leave in/heat protectant) before I get there though.
OT: SimJam your hair is gorgeous:dizzy: in your avatar!
Only to relax or weave. Years ago I'd go to get a shampoo and conditioner. Of course, this was before I had a clue about caring for my hair.
i used to go to salon for hair steam.and touch up relaxers.i used to stretch my relaxer for 12 wks
and my new growth was so thick no matter what i did.what i hated was her starting relaxer on my nape and pulling through my hair with the rag tail comb that hurt so much,i was determind to learn
to self relax even if i make some mistakes.i self relaxed last weekend and it came out wonderful.
no more hairdresser for me i've had enough.
I used to go to the salon only for relaxers. However, I have recently started going every two weeks. I just got tired of doing it myself. I'll see how it goes before I completely throw in the towel on maintaining (in between relaxers) myself.