Do you still go to the salon?

I go now just to be pampered. But some people are not DIYers. Some people are not good with doing hair. And some people just don't have the time to do it themselves or don't feel like being bothered. I used to go weekly or biweekly when I was relaxed up until I went to college. Then I started going only for relaxers.
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I have been once in the 20 months that I have been growing my hair. I miss certain aspects of the salon though to be is like therapy...

I will go for VERY special occassions (like my 10 year anniversary)

No matter how hard I try, I can never straighten my hair like a stylists...I don't know what it is...
i usually go to the salon for special occasions, when I want color ior something special. But the rest of it I can do on my own, plus I am in the trial and error process of finding what's most effective. I do my own relaxers because I feel like I have more control and I very rarely burn myself, unlike the salon where everytime I end up burned.
Yuppers... Can't shake it.. plus I'm a shedder with wood floors and I hate the hair that's all OVER the place when I do it at home from start to finish!
I go now just to be pampered. But some people are not DIYers. Some people are not good with doing hair. And some people just don't have the time to do it themselves or don't feel like being bothered. I used to go weekly or biweekly when I was relaxed up until I went to college. Then I started going only for relaxers.
this is me...i do everything except attempt to flat iron my hair. my arms start hurting :(
I still go to get my hair permed. I tried to teach my roommate to do it but after the 5 or 6th time I still had to tell her step by step what to do and remind where what not to do so I just gave up.
I still go. Only for touch ups and trims - rarely just because, but that's only because I like to save my money. Once I get out of school, I will probably go more often. There are several reasons:

- I am sometimes too lazy or tired. When I style my hair myself, I generally just bun it or do a twist out or braidout. Before I began my journey (yes, before lol) I was big on roller sets. Now I am too lazy and too busy.
- More than anything, I enjoy the experience. I like pampering and luxury. It's a vice.
- I am too slow to relax myself.
- I self trimmed once (I was 14... but still - I wasn't much less dexterous than I am now) and NEVER AGAIN. I have also tried letting relatives trim but... uh, no. I'm accustomed to precision cuts and have been since I was about 10, so there are only 2 people in the world allowed to trim my hair, and they're both stylists. (The one whose a bit more precise / scissor happy hasn't been allowed to touch my hair since March though, and she won't take scissors to it until my hair is somewhere down my back.)
- I can make my hair look GOOD when I feel like it, but try as I might, I just can't set and blow out the way my stylists can.
I go now just to be pampered. But some people are not DIYers. Some people are not good with doing hair. And some people just don't have the time to do it themselves or don't feel like being bothered. I used to go weekly or biweekly when I was relaxed up until I went to college. Then I started going only for relaxers.

This is the main reason I have thought about going lately. As my hair gains length it is getting harder to deal with. Also, my hair looks a mess most days and I'm getting tired of that too!
i go to the dominican salon every couple of months but thats very rare now a days. i do have a stylist that i have been going to for years. i used to frequent her every 2 weeks but now i only go every 3 months to get a press, dust and curl. i get her to do a relaxer every 6 months or so.
I go once a month and then for my touchup. The once a month wash and set is just a treat for myself. She can do my hair and make it look better than I can in half the time for $25.
This is the main reason I have thought about going lately. As my hair gains length it is getting harder to deal with. Also, my hair looks a mess most days and I'm getting tired of that too!

Welcome to the club. I'm about to go back to the crack and my bi weekly hair appointments. :ohwell:
no. I prefer not to.

I make my hair feel and look better.

I do plan to try and find someone to do my touchups, but I am scared to.

I just don't trust them anymore.
i go im new at this hair thing i really would want to learn everything but i still suck at doing a rollerset i can was blowdry and flat iron my own hair but thats bout it so until i get over my short comings other people gon be doing my hair for a while lol and i love being pampered especially when u get ur hair washed feels great sorry guys i am the only gurl and had no one to practice on ok.
I would rather have a professional applying my relaxers and trimming my hair. I just feel like I would either over-process or under-process my hair.

It is just some things I leave to the "pros"...
I never went to salons. I just didn't have the patience. I remember we used to drop my mother off at the salon when it opened and pick her up when it was super late. That never made sense to me.

And after finding LHCF, I know how to do my hair myself and my mother does my touch ups. But I'm at the point now where sometimes I don't like doing my hair. It's just too much for me sometimes so I might go to the Dominicans every once in a while for a rollerset. And after spending some time in the salon forum, I think I found a place I could go to for touch ups. I think my mother is tired of my hair too :lachen:
Since I started my healthy hair journey, I do a lot more on my own, but I still go to the Dominican salon 1-2 times a month.

I go because....

1) It's relaxing (those shampoo girls are the truth)
2) I like treating myself
3) Bad experience doing my own relaxer
4) Salon quality products- I know I can buy them on my own, but I don't
5) As far as chemical services and trims...As one of my sorors says, "I leave the professional work to the professionals." :)
I was always a DIY'er growing up because we didn't have extra money to go to the salon. So I've never been scared to do my own hair. I just wasn't doing it right or using the right products of course. I would go to a stylist at times over the past six years or so; I would go for about six months or so, get tired of the "wait time" and end up not going. I recently started going back to a stylist over a month ago because my hair had some breakage and I needed a major shape-up that I couldn't do on my own. My hair was cut into layers in order to save some of my length. I went this past weekend, had my hair washed but was totally disappointed and unhappy about how dry and stiff my hair felt. I co-washed it Sunday and roller-set it. What a waste of money. I have made up in my mind to do my own hair maintenance in between relaxer touch-ups. I will now only return for my relaxer touch-up since I believe one reason my hair was breaking was due to me overlapping and under processing at times.
I used to go often for the pampering I guess. I know how to do my hair in certain styles and am always learning more. But I do go to get my hair trimmed every six months.Everything else I do myself oh yeah except for those darm micros but I'll be doing those too from now on.
When I was relaxed, I used to go every 12 weeks to get a touch-up (see ... I was stretching even before I knew what stretching was). Now that I'm natural, I won't step foot into a salon because I don't need to.

No matter how hard I try, I can never straighten my hair like a stylists...I don't know what it is...

I know, riiiiiiiight?! I can't either for the life of me. I know it just takes practice, but I don't use heat anymore, so I'm out of practice. I plan to get my hair straightened in March 2009 and I'll probably go to a salon instead of trying to do it myself.
growing up, i used to go to a salon because my mother didnt know how to relax my hair. when i joined this board, i still used to go to get touch ups...

UNTIL i moved to England about 2 yrs ago and could not find a salon anywhere in Southampton that was reasonably priced and did black hair. my friend that I was staying with used to self relax with the kits so we tried it on my hair. (i think she helped me do my hair the first time, well parts of it). I think it was Soft n Beautiful or something lol. Then I moved to london leaving her in southampton and I was on my own. I had to learn to do it on my own. I think years of seeing how my hairdressers used to do it helped me learn to do it on my own.

AND THEN (this got me so upset, you guys dont know how upset i was :wallbash:), I moved back to my home country a month ago and decided I would go back to my regular salon. I went last friday and that woman...ARGH...she was HORRIBLE to say the least. she applied the relaxer roughly. she was parting thru the relaxer on the 2nd phase to smooth out my hair in a haphazard manner. after that, she pretty much fried my hair with a blow dryer (she was brushing it in all directions with a brush and the dryer...i dont even think the thing she put in my hair before had a heat protectant). i dont ever remember her being so rough overall. she scraped up my scalp when shampooing too. i was just praying hard that my hair would survive. I thank GOD (seriously) that I did a protein treatment a few days before. As soon as I came home, I went straight into the shower and deep conditioned my hair. Since then I have been keeing it in protective, no-heat, moisturized styles. i am NEVER going back by her again. i know i should've said something but i think i was in just too much of a shock. i was seriously frozen in shock.

i have told everyone that I will just continue doing my own hair as i'd been doing for the past year and a half. i have been living on this board hardcore for 2 weeks straight now finding out everything i can on making my self-relaxers better and doing deepconditioning, prepooing, moisturizing (making my own etc), etc... :perplexed
No, but then again I've only been to a salon once in my life. As a child, my mother took care of my hair, then as I got older, I have always been a DIYer, even when I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I would experience setback after setback, but I never gave up my quest for long, healthy hair. :ohwell:

Now, thanks to hairboards like this one, I am armed with all the knowledge I need to have the hair I've only dreamt about. I love being a DIYer and actually look forward to my hair "sessions." I have no reason to ever go to a salon.
I haven't been to a salon in 2 years. Based on my experience, Black hairdressers don't know anything about taking care of hair, especially hair that's long. Everything is one size fits all. I can do my own hair, thank you very much.

:hug3: Did you perm the rest of it yet?

I dont even wash my own hair. I can do it but afterwards its a big mess. Its better for me to just pay someone every week to do it for me.

Loca, you relaxed HALF of your head??? :lachen: :lachen: Why just half? When are you gonna do the other part?

LOL I used to do this. When I was texturized I would only texturize the middle part of my head and would leave the parameters unpermed LOL.

I told yall not to laugh :lol:

No what had happened was that I was trying LondonDivas technique where you relax half your hair rinse neutralize and then relax the other half but I got the other part wet and I know I couldn't relax it so I had to wait 4 days. I just didnt feel comfortable relaxing the whole head at once. But in the future I should be able to.
Yes I go every 6 months. That is when I get my hair trimmed, flatironed/pressed and curled. I am too lazy to do it myself and I have a great beautician. Q
I don't go...but there's nothing I need to go for.

When I need a weave I get a teenager I know to do it. She follows all my instructions and it's super cheap (50$...or sometimes I just buy her the hair she wants for her own head lol).

Other than that, either my hair is under a wig or pinned up. Don't need a stylist for that kind of stuff.

I might go get a straw set or roller set when my hair gets longer but then again, maybe not.
I haven't been back in 2.5 years but I can't wait till June (my three year anniversary) to go. I really liked my hairdresser but I needed to learn to do my hair on my own. After that I will probably get my hair done every six months
I just started my hair journey and I haven't been to to salon since I started. I am relaxer stretching and I want to go to salon when I am 12 weeks post (in two weeks) so she can relax my hair but I want to bring my own supplies and I want it done my way (my regimen).. so I don't know how to approach my stylist.

Girl we are so in the same boat. Ive started my hair journey last week and im now 2 weeks post relaxer. I plan on strecthing my relaxer from my usual 8 weeks to 12 weeks and thats when I will be back to my dominican stylist. And like you I will be bringing my own products and I want it done my way. So im trying to come up with way to approach her about it also.
Growing up, I've always been DIY. Either my mom did my hair or I did my own. We hardly ever went to the salon. In my whole life I've only been to a salon about 10 times. I never understood why people go to salons all of the time when they can just do their own hair at home. And now that I've found LHCF I'll probably never step foot in a salon again... Well, maybe if I ever get my hair braided I'll go, cause I can't braid to save my life! :lachen:

I'm a total DIY'er, I've learned everything I need to know by looking at tons of tutorials and reading trillions of threads. I see some people who can't even wash their hair at home and I'm like :huh: I just can't comprehend that!

Anywho, after finding this site, do you still go to salons? If so, why?

Hi! I haven't been to a hair salon since May 2008 (for my 2nd BC). But, if I needed a haircut, I would make an appointment. I'm willing to take on many tasks but I'm not willing (or able) to cut my own hair! :nono: I know my limits.