Do You Remember Surge 14 Hair Revitalizer?????

I stopped using Surge because the glycerin was having negative effects on my hair’s hang time. But I think that I figured out a way around this. The last couple of nights I’ve been stretching my two braids with a jumbo curl former at night. Now I’m getting even more hang time and better laying braids despite heavy surge use.
I know it’s still early in my use
This is about 2 weeks of consistent use
I think maybe a little growth

Errrrrrrrrt! Those are brakes screeching. Early you say? How have you gotten over an inch of growth in 13 days? :eek: :toocool:!!!

I'm not surprised, though. I've noticed that first applications of Surge, or when you apply Surge after a long break, the first growth spurts are always impressive like yours!
I added coffee oil to my scalp and then the xcel and my head itched like crazy until I remember I cant mix the two.

Pimento oil and Xcel hasn't been bothering me so I'll stick to that combo for oiling/spritz.

The days I want to use coffee oil I wont use the xcel spray. I'll use the cream to seal.
Wait wait wait a minute! There's a such thing as coffee oil? I gotta cop that. Thanks. *Google's coffee oil*:eek:

I randomly popped in here and the first word I see is "coffee". I'm gone.
Wait wait wait a minute! There's a such thing as coffee oil? I gotta cop that. Thanks. *Google's coffee oil*:eek:

I randomly popped in here and the first word I see is "coffee". I'm gone.
I made my own @I Am So Blessed I’m so proud of myself. It’s was super easy though. I put it in my crockpot. The coffee grounds with a base oil. Then I mix additional oils in and added fragrances/essential (coffee). After steeping for two days.