Do You Remember Surge 14 Hair Revitalizer?????

I bought from the house of beauty and it was ridiculously expensive. I think I've bought my last batch! I have enough to last me through until December 2017. It's not cheap. Price wise, your best bet is to wait until they start stocking the product in your area. BUT, the caveat is that may take YEARS, literally.

@RUBY, where are you? Are you in the UK?

Yes, I'm in the UK. I was going to buy from house of beauty because of the sale but the shipping cost is too expensive.
I have been misting lightly for the past month or two. That doesn't work for me. I like being heavy handed with this stuff. I like to WET my hair down before bed, then put on a plastic cap to keep that wetness going. I think it is making a difference. I've made SEVERAL tweaks and changes to my process to gain length.

My hair is longer than it is in my avatar photo. The avatar is not my longest length, but it has taken me FIVE (5) years to get back my length. That was due to a self-trim that turned into a an awful cut I did on myself in 2012. I've forgiven myself for my error! I was stalled or hovering around waist length, to about 2 inches past my waist, for about 2 or 3 years, bouncing back above that at times. Now, for the first time in five (5) years, I'm growing past my waist, without experiencing a lot of my hair breaking back up to shorter lengths or just stalling. I think this product is a part of it. I also think that it takes my hair about five (5) years to start to reach longer lengths.

I just do length checks by pulling sections of my hair, when I am re-doing my hair. I'm going for tailbone, at a minimum, by December 31st, 2017. If I can gain more than that, great! I've got a ways to go and grow to get there. If I get there, then that tells me that the process I'm using works. Like I've said before, I have never declared and set tailbone length as a goal length, prior to 2016. This is the first time. So, I'm going to continue to March Forth and Grow Forth!

I've still not combed my hair since December 2016. That seems to be working, too. I finger comb and keep my hair in 8 braids. I style those braids in various ways to not get bored.

My hair is scraggly. As long as it is not split, I am not cutting. I did do a nice trim in June, though.

All this to say is that for "me", the product is more effective if I saturate my hair with it as opposed to lightly misting it on my hair. I go through product faster, but I prefer to see something happening.

Happy Spritzing!
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Soooo I got my first sew in a few days ago and decided to give this xcel thing another shot. I mixed it with castor oil like some of the ladies in this thread and it worked! My scalp isn't itching like the last time I tried it a few months ago. I'm so excited I can finally use this stuff! I'm praying I will have gained an inch or two when I take my weave out :angel::afro:
I think my package is finally on it's way. I checked the tracking and it's in transit here. Hopefully I might get it today.
I used my this morning just to see how it works. I hope I was applying it correctly. I don't see how I got it all over my scalp. I was parting my fro and spraying my scalp but its not over my entire head. IDK. I continued with my moisturizing regimen and then sprayed again lightly all over my head. I massaged my head lightly and headed out the door. My hair does feel nice I must say.
I've been spraying sporadically. Mostly I remember when I'm in the bathroom, since the bottle is on the sink :lachen:

I've also been spritzing sporadically, more so when my hair is loose and I can get to my scalp (if I remember). If my hair is up, I try not to use the spray. The glycerin makes my hair frizz.
I'm using it once a day (I noticed the bottles don't last. My second bottle is almost finished and I haven't reached one month since I started using it.). I hope I get 1-2 inches per month.
I found a new use for the X21 cream. I rubbed it into my nails after I washed my hands from soaking in 100% acetone (I was taking my nails off). It took a lot of that ugly marks you get from applying false nails. The I did a really light buff (like 2 strokes) and rubbed it in again. Excuse my nails :look:


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I found a new use for the X21 cream. I rubbed it into my nails after I washed my hands from soaking in 100% acetone (I was taking my nails off). It took a lot of that ugly marks you get from applying false nails. The I did a really light buff (like 2 strokes) and rubbed it in again. Excuse my nails :look:
Matter of fact, excuse the whole hand:lachen:
I noticed that the price on this stuff had jumped up on Amazon. Has anyone in Bergen county, NJ found it locally?