I can't stop crying....:cry:

I will come in a while and answer everyone's post....I'm just overflowing right now and I need to stay in the presence of the Lord.

I love you all.

This entire thread is a Testimony unto God and unto His faithfullness and each of us here, are bowing our hearts and giving Him all the glory. Thank you, Precious Wavy.

Praise the love of God... Praise the love of Jesus. Praise God for each of your beautiful and precious lives.

Live on... :rosebud: Each and everyone of you 'Live On'.

You see, the devil has been trying to wipe us out long enough. But God has other plans and His plans shall prevail over every single challenge and hardship that has come your way.

Live on. For if what you are going through, is nothing compared to the miracle of your birth. If the devil couldn't stop your birth, then he sure can't stop what God has planned for your lives. God set into motion, every provision for you each to live blessed and well; He doesn't place His chosen in empty wells of abandon.

He placed each of you into Green Pastures.... and He leads you there, when it seems your blessings go astray.

Live on and give God His glory in proving your life the Gift to all He brings to you. I know that I am a recipient of each of your gifts, for surely you are a gift to me.

Live on :rosebud:
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We all have a testimony as to God's goodness in our lives and being born for such a time as this.

I am the 7th of 11 children and born on 7-21. Seven is the sign of completion in the bible. I have always felt God's favor over my life, even when I stopped going to church; He never took His hand off of me.
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1996 and in 1998 I had no sign of Lupus in my body, God had His hand on me.

My son and only child committed suicide on Mother's Day, it was because God had His hand on me that I am sitting here now writing this post. It was God, my strong faith and the wonderful person He put in my life that helped me thought this most difficult time. The wonderful person later became my husband. Since the loss of my son, I have been blessed to be used to help other parents who have lost children, either by suicide or other means. My son's passing brought me so much closer to God, He gave me an understanding that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I know that one day, God will say to me "well done, good and faithful servant" and my son will be there waiting for me. May God's love and blessings continue to be with everyone.

Oh my Sis! Your testimony alone speaks of Faith, Strength, & Courage that the Lord has given you. Your testimony really moved me and it has showed me that through Christ, nothing is impossible. Thank you for sharing your testimony. God Bless!
We all have a testimony as to God's goodness in our lives and being born for such a time as this.

I am the 7th of 11 children and born on 7-21. Seven is the sign of completion in the bible. I have always felt God's favor over my life, even when I stopped going to church; He never took His hand off of me.
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1996 and in 1998 I had no sign of Lupus in my body, God had His hand on me.

My son and only child committed suicide on Mother's Day, it was because God had His hand on me that I am sitting here now writing this post. It was God, my strong faith and the wonderful person He put in my life that helped me thought this most difficult time. The wonderful person later became my husband. Since the loss of my son, I have been blessed to be used to help other parents who have lost children, either by suicide or other means. My son's passing brought me so much closer to God, He gave me an understanding that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I know that one day, God will say to me "well done, good and faithful servant" and my son will be there waiting for me. May God's love and blessings continue to be with everyone.

What a beautiful testimony and a beautiful woman of God to share it. :bighug: