God Uses Us for Such A Time as This!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
"In all their troubles, he was troubled, too. He didn't send someone else to help them. He did it himself, in person. Out of his own love and pity he redeemed them. He rescued them and carried them along for a long, long time."
Isaiah 63:9 (MSG)

Have you ever wondered why God created you? The Bible says that before the creation of the world, God had your purpose in mind. I believe that each of us is created to represent Him and His Word to the world.

All throughout the Old and New Testaments we see God choosing individuals to help His people. He found men who were worthy in character and integrity to represent Him and speak for Him. To be His hands and feet until the appointed time for His Son to come to earth and do what no man could do.

We see Abraham, tapped by God to become the father of Israel . He was seen as God's friend and served Him in righteousness. He possessed a faith that is rare, one we still can go back and learn from thousands of years later. He went to an unknown place and lived as an alien simply because God told him to. He was certainly a man of God. But he was just a man.

We see Moses, singled out by God to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt . Moses was unsure and incapable in his own stead, but he obeyed God and walked his faith journey one faltering step at a time. We see that God used Moses in a mighty way simply because he was willing. But he was still just a man.

We see Elijah, a prophet whose words were God's own, used to call out sin amongst His people and bring down an evil king. We see his fear, his inadequacy, his doubts, all wrapped up in his willingness to serve God at all costs and to stand for Him against incredible odds. We see a man who God used for such a time as this. But he was still just a man.

We see John the Baptist, chosen by God to prepare the way for the promised Savior. We see that he marched to the beat of a different drum. The people thought him a little strange, yet strangely irresistible. We see him developing a following that was effortlessly surrendered at the name of Jesus. For John it wasn't about the praise of man, but the praise of God. He was chosen by God and he served God to the end. But he was still just a man.

The Bible is filled with men and women who served God according to their unique calling in this life. They beat incredible odds with God's help and became His vessels simply because of their heart for Him. But in the end, there was only One who could do the ultimate work on behalf of mankind. These people could serve Him, stand for Him, and surrender their lives for Him. But they could only go so far.

They could not bring resurrection, atonement, and the kind of sacrifice necessary to bridge the gap that sin had ushered into this world. There was no one else on earth that could offer restoration between God and man, or could bear the burden of our sins being heaped on Him. Only Jesus could do that. He was not just a man. He was God and man.

So how do we respond to the legacy of these faithful people? How can we offer up our lives because of what Jesus did on the cross? Isaiah 66:2 tells us. "But there is something I am looking for: a person simple and plain, reverently responsive to what I say" (MSG). God is still looking for people who will live lives of faith, sharing the good news of the Savior. We can still be used mightily in the lives of those people out there who are desperate for answers and hope. Though we are but "men," we know the One who changed everything. The One who was, and is, and is to come.

Dear Lord, please prepare your people to stand for Jesus and to point to Him with strength and conviction. Help us to lead others to Your Son, because we know the world is desperate for Him. Help us to be confident not in what we can do in our own strength, but in what You can do through us because of your power. In Jesus' Name, Amen.