Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I was just sitting here and thinking about my mom and my life growing up as a child and I wanted to share my birth story.

My mom went full term with me. Now, she went into labor when President John F. Kennedy got shot...she was watching it on tv when she got so upset, it was time for me to come.

She went through 2 days of labor and then it was time. I was breached birth. My butt came out first (and I laid some things too...:look::lachen:) and then the doctor realized that the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck...I was being strangled to death.

My doctor was a black woman and God gave her wisdom. She began to turn me around with one hand, while removing the cord from around my neck with the other. My mother said she left earth:lachen:...I can believe that.

I survived...but, that was the beginning of satan trying to kill me throughout my life. It started in the womb, and he wasn't successful then and isn't successful now. My nickname is MEANT TO BE! I was born for such a time as this!

I do realize that my call in life is to destroy the works of the evil one, by God's strength and might! I do have an issue though from what happened to me in the womb,...I can't stand things around my neck, like scarfs or turtlenecks. I will put them on, only to take them right back off. Isn't that something? All my life I've been this way and its because of what happened to me in the womb. It goes to show that life does begin at conception:yep:

I've been writing a book for the past few years about my "My Story" as my mother put it. Every year for 40 years, she would tell me "My Story" on my birthday....every single year. She passed away before my 41st birthday and now that I'm coming up on 46, I have to say that I miss hearing "My Story".

There is more to the story than what I've given you, but I tell you what...when I am finished with the will be blown away with what I've overcome in my life and how you will see God's hand on me, and how satan was defeated, no matter how hard he tried.

I am writing this for someone, I don't know who..but, they needed to see this. God is about to do a "SUDDENLY" in your life and you will be free...finally! Hallelujah, thank you Lord!
You know what Nice...I had to come back here to let you know that I have a similar testimony. I was a premie, just 1lb and 4ozs. when I was born. My Mom, who passed just three years ago, used to tell me how she would hold me right in the palm of her hand when I was first born...(Now I am pushing 6 feet tall, so truly truly a miracle!:grin:) I had to stay in the hospital for 7 weeks, 'cause I was 7 weeks premature...

...then there was the time I was 4 years old and running on the beach in Far Rockaway NY, when suddenly a wave crashed the shoreline and literally snatched me off my feet. My Mom was 7 months pregnant with my Sis at the time...when the wave came in she had turned her back for just a second, when she turned back around, I was gone...a teenaged girl saw what happened to me and rushed in the water, as my pregnant Mom panicked...the next thing I remember, I am flat on my back as the wave rushed back to the shore delivering me right to my Mom's feet as I lay staring up at my Mom through the water in total shock... shoulda been gone that day, and other days since.

God is good. I am so thankful we are here to tell the stories, for such a time as this. I receive the "suddenly" tonight. 'Been feeling in the spirit that something is happening...can't put my finger on it, don't know exactly what is going on, but something...Praise God!

Thank you for sharing Sis, I look forward to your book...
I was just sitting here and thinking about my mom and my life growing up as a child and I wanted to share my birth story.

My mom went full term with me. Now, she went into labor when President John F. Kennedy got shot...she was watching it on tv when she got so upset, it was time for me to come.

She went through 2 days of labor and then it was time. I was breached birth. My butt came out first (and I laid some things too...:look::lachen:) and then the doctor realized that the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck...I was being strangled to death.

My doctor was a black woman and God gave her wisdom. She began to turn me around with one hand, while removing the cord from around my neck with the other. My mother said she left earth:lachen:...I can believe that.

I survived...but, that was the beginning of satan trying to kill me throughout my life. It started in the womb, and he wasn't successful then and isn't successful now. My nickname is MEANT TO BE! I was born for such a time as this!

I do realize that my call in life is to destroy the works of the evil one, by God's strength and might! I do have an issue though from what happened to me in the womb,...I can't stand things around my neck, like scarfs or turtlenecks. I will put them on, only to take them right back off. Isn't that something? All my life I've been this way and its because of what happened to me in the womb. It goes to show that life does begin at conception:yep:

I've been writing a book for the past few years about my "My Story" as my mother put it. Every year for 40 years, she would tell me "My Story" on my birthday....every single year. She passed away before my 41st birthday and now that I'm coming up on 46, I have to say that I miss hearing "My Story".

There is more to the story than what I've given you, but I tell you what...when I am finished with the will be blown away with what I've overcome in my life and how you will see God's hand on me, and how satan was defeated, no matter how hard he tried.

I am writing this for someone, I don't know who..but, they needed to see this. God is about to do a "SUDDENLY" in your life and you will be free...finally! Hallelujah, thank you Lord!

Hmmmmmmm, You know what Precious Wavy?

You were born on a Sunday.

So ummm, what does that say, all the more?

Praise God is what it says. Praise God forevermore.

I'm so glad God turned you around to face the world after telling the devil exactly what he could kiss. :yep:

I'm so glad you have a story to tell. Because it speaks of Life's Gift to all who know and love you.

And I be among them, I be among them all. :love3:

I love my Pastor Sis with the pretty wavy hair, who can wave it like you just don't care. :rocker:

My beautiful hair twin. :yep:
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You know what Nice...I had to come back here to let you know that I have a similar testimony. I was a premie, just 1lb and 4ozs. when I was born. My Mom, who passed just three years ago, used to tell me how she would hold me right in the palm of her hand when I was first born...(Now I am pushing 6 feet tall, so truly truly a miracle!:grin:) I had to stay in the hospital for 7 weeks, 'cause I was 7 weeks premature...

...then there was the time I was 4 years old and running on the beach in Far Rockaway NY, when suddenly a wave crashed the shoreline and literally snatched me off my feet. My Mom was 7 months pregnant with my Sis at the time...when the wave came in she had turned her back for just a second, when she turned back around, I was gone...a teenaged girl saw what happened to me and rushed in the water, as my pregnant Mom panicked...the next thing I remember, I am flat on my back as the wave rushed back to the shore delivering me right to my Mom's feet as I lay staring up at my Mom through the water in total shock... shoulda been gone that day, and other days since.

God is good. I am so thankful we are here to tell the stories, for such a time as this. I receive the "suddenly" tonight. 'Been feeling in the spirit that something is happening...can't put my finger on it, don't know exactly what is going on, but something...Praise God!

Thank you for sharing Sis, I look forward to your book...
It's no small wonder, your name is Joy2Joy, for as Jesus takes us from Glory to Glory, He gave you Life which takes those who love you from Joy to Joy.

Thank you for living, all 6 feet of you. I may be 11 inches shorter, but when I look up, I see your heart and the love that lives within it. :love2:
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Thanks Shimmie,

The secret about the name Joy is that it is actually the name that my Dad gave me at birth, I was his bundle of Joy...not my legal name, but it is the name that my entire family knows me as...some of them still don't know me by my legal name!

I thank God for life, truly do. Reading Nice & Wavy's post here really has me thinking about how I had to fight to get here and stay here in the first place. I had to battle to stay alive in the incubator those first 7 weeks, the doctors did not expect me to make it. I've been fighting ever since...To God Be All The Glory.

And on that note, I think I will go to bed...I will see you lovely ladies tomorrow...

It's no small wonder, your name is Joy2Joy, for as Jesus takes us from Glory to Glory, He gave you Life which takes those who love you from Joy to Joy.

Thank you for living, all 6 feet of you. I may be 11 inches shorter, but when I look up, I see your heart and the love that lives within it. :love2:
Thanks Shimmie,

The secret about the name Joy is that it is actually the name that my Dad gave me at birth, I was his bundle of Joy...not my legal name, but it is the name that my entire family knows me as...some of them still don't know me by my legal name!

I thank God for life, truly do. Reading Nice & Wavy's post here really has me thinking about how I had to fight to get here and stay here in the first place. I had to battle to stay alive in the incubator those first 7 weeks, the doctors did not expect me to make it. I've been fighting ever since...To God Be All The Glory.

And on that note, I think I will go to bed...I will see you lovely ladies tomorrow...

Sweet Sleep Angel... :grouphug2: Your life is such a blessing and I'm blessed and honoured that I've been graced to 'meet' you.

I'm turning in as well. :sleep2:

I'm off work tomorrow (Veteran's Day). I can prep my home for Thanksgiving.

See you in the morning, Angels. :Rose:
I am writing this for someone, I don't know who..but, they needed to see this. God is about to do a "SUDDENLY" in your life and you will be free...finally! Hallelujah, thank you Lord!

I seriously feel you wrote this as confirmation for me. God told me those same exact words the other day. You were born for such a time as this. I know most people wont be able to understand my situation but I just feel compelled to tell what god has done for me.

I have social anxiety disorder and it got so bad that I started locking myself in my room and avoiding my family friend etc... That was 5 yrs ago. I mean I literally live with them but dont come out of my room unless they are away or sleeping.

My mother called the police on me ( I dont know what they call it 40-11 or something) and they took me to a mental hospital because she got this "feeling" I was going to be lost forever if she didnt do it at that exact moment. I honestly think I was sinking so deep into myself that if she didnt call at that time I would have gone insane for good That was in dec 07

I have been to hell and back in the journey I've gone through in this time of recovery. I cant explain how hard it is to feel afraid of EVERYONE. During this time god was non existant in my life and the devil was having a field day. I tried to commit suicide at least 4 times during that period failing everytime.

Cut to sept 08 All of a sudden as I was laying in the tub as I always do letting my thoughts wonder I felt a familiar yet long missed feeling. It was god. He warmed me with the spirit of love peace comfort and hope. As I was experiencing this in tears because it was so overwhelming considering how dark I felt for so many years I heard two words "Its over".

Since then I've jumped back into the word head first and my mind has been healing slowly but surely. I've followed every direction the lord has put in my heart to do.

In July of 09 god put it in my heart to fast pray and sow a seed for deliverence. I did it and within weeks this weight was lifted off me. My mind became clear and the strongholds were broken in what seems like overnight(it really happened in a 4 month period but that seems like overnight when you've been sick for 5 yrs.)

Now he is telling me to step out and fall on your family. Let them in they will be your crutch until you can walk out on your own. He told me all these amazing things about the love they feel for me and the fight they've been going through since I've been sick. He told me I dont have to be alone anymore and all the heavens are with me making my way clear.

Today was the day... I did it. I finally stepped out and walked out of my room to be with my family for the first time in yrs.

My niece was so shocked she kept repeating to my dad jazzy is coming down jazzy is coming down. You could hear the smile in his voice as he said I know. He said she was shaking. She said to him I wanna hug her but I dont wanna scare her,and he said well ask her. I didnt let her hug me because I wasnt ready for that but i told her hopefully by thanksgiving. I was only able to stay there for a few minutes but it was the first step back to life.

My dad said hes going to make a cake tomorrow for my coming out celebration. :drunk:
I seriously feel you wrote this as confirmation for me. God told me those same exact words the other day. You were born for such a time as this. I know most people wont be able to understand my situation but I just feel compelled to tell what god has done for me.

I have social anxiety disorder and it got so bad that I started locking myself in my room and avoiding my family friend etc... That was 5 yrs ago. I mean I literally live with them but dont come out of my room unless they are away or sleeping.

My mother called the police on me ( I dont know what they call it 40-11 or something) and they took me to a mental hospital because she got this "feeling" I was going to be lost forever if she didnt do it at that exact moment. I honestly think I was sinking so deep into myself that if she didnt call at that time I would have gone insane for good That was in dec 07

I have been to hell and back in the journey I've gone through in this time of recovery. I cant explain how hard it is to feel afraid of EVERYONE. During this time god was non existant in my life and the devil was having a field day. I tried to commit suicide at least 4 times during that period failing everytime.

Cut to sept 08 All of a sudden as I was laying in the tub as I always do letting my thoughts wonder I felt a familiar yet long missed feeling. It was god. He warmed me with the spirit of love peace comfort and hope. As I was experiencing this in tears because it was so overwhelming considering how dark I felt for so many years I heard two words "Its over".

Since then I've jumped back into the word head first and my mind has been healing slowly but surely. I've followed every direction the lord has put in my heart to do.

In July of 09 god put it in my heart to fast pray and sow a seed for deliverence. I did it and within weeks this weight was lifted off me. My mind became clear and the strongholds were broken in what seems like overnight(it really happened in a 4 month period but that seems like overnight when you've been sick for 5 yrs.)

Now he is telling me to step out and fall on your family. Let them in they will be your crutch until you can walk out on your own. He told me all these amazing things about the love they feel for me and the fight they've been going through since I've been sick. He told me I dont have to be alone anymore and all the heavens are with me making my way clear.

Today was the day... I did it. I finally stepped out and walked out of my room to be with my family for the first time in yrs.

My niece was so shocked she kept repeating to my dad jazzy is coming down jazzy is coming down. You could hear the smile in his voice as he said I know. He said she was shaking. She said to him I wanna hug her but I dont wanna scare her,and he said well ask her. I didnt let her hug me because I wasnt ready for that but i told her hopefully by thanksgiving. I was only able to stay there for a few minutes but it was the first step back to life.

My dad said hes going to make a cake tomorrow for my coming out celebration. :drunk:

:kiss: You are a precious Jewel of God surrounded with nothing but love. :grouphug2:

I can't help but cry, from reading this. I wish you a happy 'cake' day with your family and even more, I wish you the boldness of Jesus Christ which bypasses every obstacle the enemy tries to put in your way.

What joy to hear those loving words from God's heart... "It's Over" :love2:

Indeed it is. Indeed, Jazzy, it's 'over' and it's over forever. :Rose:
I can't stop crying....:cry:

I will come in a while and answer everyone's post....I'm just overflowing right now and I need to stay in the presence of the Lord.

I love you all.
You know what Nice...I had to come back here to let you know that I have a similar testimony. I was a premie, just 1lb and 4ozs. when I was born. My Mom, who passed just three years ago, used to tell me how she would hold me right in the palm of her hand when I was first born...(Now I am pushing 6 feet tall, so truly truly a miracle!:grin:) I had to stay in the hospital for 7 weeks, 'cause I was 7 weeks premature...

...then there was the time I was 4 years old and running on the beach in Far Rockaway NY, when suddenly a wave crashed the shoreline and literally snatched me off my feet. My Mom was 7 months pregnant with my Sis at the time...when the wave came in she had turned her back for just a second, when she turned back around, I was gone...a teenaged girl saw what happened to me and rushed in the water, as my pregnant Mom panicked...the next thing I remember, I am flat on my back as the wave rushed back to the shore delivering me right to my Mom's feet as I lay staring up at my Mom through the water in total shock... shoulda been gone that day, and other days since.

God is good. I am so thankful we are here to tell the stories, for such a time as this. I receive the "suddenly" tonight. 'Been feeling in the spirit that something is happening...can't put my finger on it, don't know exactly what is going on, but something...Praise God!

Thank you for sharing Sis, I look forward to your book...
Oh, sis....your story is so touching. I couldn't stop crying. God is so with you...never, ever leaving you and never forsaking you. You need to begin to write about it...tell your story!

Thank you so much....I feel so blessed to be in the midst of a wonderful woman of God like you! :love2:
Hmmmmmmm, You know what Precious Wavy?

You were born on a Sunday.

So ummm, what does that say, all the more?

Praise God is what it says. Praise God forevermore.

I'm so glad God turned you around to face the world after telling the devil exactly what he could kiss. :yep:

I'm so glad you have a story to tell. Because it speaks of Life's Gift to all who know and love you.

And I be among them, I be among them all. :love3:

I love my Pastor Sis with the pretty wavy hair, who can wave it like you just don't care. :rocker:

My beautiful hair twin. :yep:
:kiss: I'm so honored to know you, Shimmie. Your gift of encouragement explodes in this place and your fruit is seen all over the world! Thank you. Thank you for being you :bighug:

I love you, girl :rosebud:
I seriously feel you wrote this as confirmation for me. God told me those same exact words the other day. You were born for such a time as this. I know most people wont be able to understand my situation but I just feel compelled to tell what God has done for me.

I have social anxiety disorder and it got so bad that I started locking myself in my room and avoiding my family friend etc... That was 5 yrs ago. I mean I literally live with them but dont come out of my room unless they are away or sleeping.

My mother called the police on me ( I dont know what they call it 40-11 or something) and they took me to a mental hospital because she got this "feeling" I was going to be lost forever if she didnt do it at that exact moment. I honestly think I was sinking so deep into myself that if she didnt call at that time I would have gone insane for good That was in dec 07

I have been to hell and back in the journey I've gone through in this time of recovery. I cant explain how hard it is to feel afraid of EVERYONE. During this time god was non existant in my life and the devil was having a field day. I tried to commit suicide at least 4 times during that period failing everytime.

Cut to sept 08 All of a sudden as I was laying in the tub as I always do letting my thoughts wonder I felt a familiar yet long missed feeling. It was god. He warmed me with the spirit of love peace comfort and hope. As I was experiencing this in tears because it was so overwhelming considering how dark I felt for so many years I heard two words "Its over".

Since then I've jumped back into the word head first and my mind has been healing slowly but surely. I've followed every direction the lord has put in my heart to do.

In July of 09 god put it in my heart to fast pray and sow a seed for deliverence. I did it and within weeks this weight was lifted off me. My mind became clear and the strongholds were broken in what seems like overnight(it really happened in a 4 month period but that seems like overnight when you've been sick for 5 yrs.)

Now he is telling me to step out and fall on your family. Let them in they will be your crutch until you can walk out on your own. He told me all these amazing things about the love they feel for me and the fight they've been going through since I've been sick. He told me I dont have to be alone anymore and all the heavens are with me making my way clear.

Today was the day... I did it. I finally stepped out and walked out of my room to be with my family for the first time in yrs.

My niece was so shocked she kept repeating to my dad jazzy is coming down jazzy is coming down. You could hear the smile in his voice as he said I know. He said she was shaking. She said to him I wanna hug her but I dont wanna scare her,and he said well ask her. I didnt let her hug me because I wasnt ready for that but i told her hopefully by thanksgiving. I was only able to stay there for a few minutes but it was the first step back to life.

My dad said hes going to make a cake tomorrow for my coming out celebration. :drunk:
I have been made undone today while reading your post. :cry:

I know that God is not only healing you, but you will be able to take everything that you are going through and be a vehicle of healing for so many others....thousands of people who are dealing with this very same thing.:yep:

How can we have a testimony, if we don't go through some things? Some people have a harder time in life, such as your story....BUT GOD! He wants to show Himself strong in your life. Just as He did with Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego! Just as He did with Job! Just as He did with Lazarus! Just as He did with Apostle Paul! And now, just as He will with BronxJazzy!!! He is calling you out...out from the dark place, out from the sinking hole. He is removing those enrodes in your mind that will keep you from receiving all that you desire. God is filling in the crevices where the hurt, pain, and torment reside and replacing it with His love, peace and joy...hallelujah!

Watch Him....He is coming with all of His Glory, just for YOU!!! :clap:

You are His precious are engraved in the palms of His hands and everytime He looks at His hands...He sees YOUR FACE!!! :kiss:

He is loving you out from that place you have no business being free, my sister...freedom is of God! :clap:

The devil has nothing in you....he is a defeated foe. There is nothing that he can do that can take you from God and His love for you. satan may try, but he will not be successful because you have people who will be with you in spirit...praying with you to come out from there and be healed!

May the Spirit of the Lord cause you to BREAK OUT!!!

Glory, hallelujah!

You are worthy Lord of all praise, glory and honor...IT ALL BELONGS TO YOU....THE LIFE OF BRONXJAZZY BELONGS TO YOU!!!

:bighug: Be free, sis....freedom comes from the Father!

:kiss: You are a precious Jewel of God surrounded with nothing but love. :grouphug2:

I can't help but cry, from reading this. I wish you a happy 'cake' day with your family and even more, I wish you the boldness of Jesus Christ which bypasses every obstacle the enemy tries to put in your way.

What joy to hear those loving words from God's heart... "It's Over" :love2:

Indeed it is. Indeed, Jazzy, it's 'over' and it's over forever. :Rose:
Indeed she is....indeed! :bighug:
Oh, sis....your story is so touching. I couldn't stop crying. God is so with you...never, ever leaving you and never forsaking you. You need to begin to write about it...tell your story!

Thank you so much....I feel so blessed to be in the midst of a wonderful woman of God like you! :love2:

Nice, you have a sweet spirit...some people you can just walk in a level of humility that is rare...

...As for my story, well I am working on some things right now...God is bringing it all together for helped me to remember how I wasn't supposed to be here according to man...A baby weighing less than 2 lbs in the early 70's didn't stand a chance! BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be born for such a time as we really understand and fathom the call of God...Do I really get this? (I am just throwing out questions in my spirit, ya'll...I am really thinking now)...
Wow! I really enjoyed reading "Your Story" It is very powerful... Wow, I am literally having a hard time typing right now, because my hands are shaking terribly and my eyes are filling up with tears. You are so... so... right the presence of the Lord is here. I feel like shouting! Hallelujah!

Thanks For Sharing!
Thanks Shimmie,

The secret about the name Joy is that it is actually the name that my Dad gave me at birth, I was his bundle of Joy...not my legal name, but it is the name that my entire family knows me as...some of them still don't know me by my legal name!

I thank God for life, truly do. Reading Nice & Wavy's post here really has me thinking about how I had to fight to get here and stay here in the first place. I had to battle to stay alive in the incubator those first 7 weeks, the doctors did not expect me to make it. I've been fighting ever since...To God Be All The Glory.

And on that note, I think I will go to bed...I will see you lovely ladies tomorrow...

This brings me back to to when my mom told me I was born when she was 7 months pregnant. Back in the early 80's the medical technology wasn't as profound as they are today.

My mom said when I came out my scream was so strong and loud. They kept me for about a month in the hospital and I am here today still kicking and screaming for my chance to survive and I will survive!

Though he may slay me, yet will I trust him! As my mother had to believe that I was coming home alive and well from the hospital, As I had to beleive that having my son was one of the the best things in my life, I too will trust him despite what I may face and am facing, yet will I trust him.

Thank You for this thread Nice&Wavy. God always show up just when I need him to and your story stirred up something from within my heart. Thank You .

Your testimony overwhelmed me...sweetie there is a reason why the enemy tried to silence you, God has given you a great testimony and a witness of His unfailing love...Sis, I am praying with you that you will fulfill every plan and purpose that God has waiting to unfold in your life. I am praying that every promse that God has written in His Book for your life be executed For His Glory, for such a time as this. My God, you have a powerful testimony, so many people will be blessed to receive the gift on the inside of you.

I pray that you enjoy your coming out day...and always hold on to the day and mark it as a remembrance each year...shucks Sis, this is as exciting as a birthday...I'm like so teary and so overwhelmed with His Presence right now, I am so grateful for you:cry:
You know what Nice...I had to come back here to let you know that I have a similar testimony. I was a premie, just 1lb and 4ozs. when I was born. My Mom, who passed just three years ago, used to tell me how she would hold me right in the palm of her hand when I was first born...(Now I am pushing 6 feet tall, so truly truly a miracle!:grin:) I had to stay in the hospital for 7 weeks, 'cause I was 7 weeks premature...

...then there was the time I was 4 years old and running on the beach in Far Rockaway NY, when suddenly a wave crashed the shoreline and literally snatched me off my feet. My Mom was 7 months pregnant with my Sis at the time...when the wave came in she had turned her back for just a second, when she turned back around, I was gone...a teenaged girl saw what happened to me and rushed in the water, as my pregnant Mom panicked...the next thing I remember, I am flat on my back as the wave rushed back to the shore delivering me right to my Mom's feet as I lay staring up at my Mom through the water in total shock... shoulda been gone that day, and other days since.

God is good. I am so thankful we are here to tell the stories, for such a time as this. I receive the "suddenly" tonight. 'Been feeling in the spirit that something is happening...can't put my finger on it, don't know exactly what is going on, but something...Praise God!

Thank you for sharing Sis, I look forward to your book...

Oh my!!! Ain't God Good? We all have a lot to be thankful for. Just for life itself, is a blessing! Thank you for sharing your testimony on how good God is!
These testimonies are very inspirational, encouraging and uplifting. Makes you stop & realize that there is no problem too big for Our God! God Bless!
Nice, you have a sweet spirit...some people you can just walk in a level of humility that is rare...

...As for my story, well I am working on some things right now...God is bringing it all together for helped me to remember how I wasn't supposed to be here according to man...A baby weighing less than 2 lbs in the early 70's didn't stand a chance! BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be born for such a time as we really understand and fathom the call of God...Do I really get this? (I am just throwing out questions in my spirit, ya'll...I am really thinking now)...
:cry: thank you sis. :kiss:

BUT GOD! He is doing a new thing in must share it...hallelujah!

I asked those same questions last night as I was typing 'My Story'.
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Wow! I really enjoyed reading "Your Story" It is very powerful... Wow, I am literally having a hard time typing right now, because my hands are shaking terribly and my eyes are filling up with tears. You are so... so... right the presence of the Lord is here. I feel like shouting! Hallelujah!

Thanks For Sharing!
*VIP*, thank you sis:kiss: I am so happy that you were blessed by the short part of the story that I gave. My life has been something, let me tell you girl.

Yes, the presence of the Lord is here...He is filling the atmosphere in the CF! No matter what happens in this place, GOD IS IN CHARGE...HE IS LORD OVER ALL!! Hallelujah!
This brings me back to to when my mom told me I was born when she was 7 months pregnant. Back in the early 80's the medical technology wasn't as profound as they are today.

My mom said when I came out my scream was so strong and loud. They kept me for about a month in the hospital and I am here today still kicking and screaming for my chance to survive and I will survive!

Though he may slay me, yet will I trust him! As my mother had to believe that I was coming home alive and well from the hospital, As I had to beleive that having my son was one of the the best things in my life, I too will trust him despite what I may face and am facing, yet will I trust him.

Thank You for this thread Nice&Wavy. God always show up just when I need him to and your story stirred up something from within my heart. Thank You .
:cry: :cry: Yes, Lord....yes, yes.

You are welcome, sis. God has such a great plan for your life. Continue to be a watchman upon the gates....the Lord is nigh!

Trust Him....He is looking throughout the earth for people who will trust Him. Tell about His goodness! Tell about His faithfulness! Tell about His wonderful love!

He is good and His mercy endures forever!!!

:clap: for Jesus!!!
I seriously feel you wrote this as confirmation for me. God told me those same exact words the other day. You were born for such a time as this. I know most people wont be able to understand my situation but I just feel compelled to tell what god has done for me.

I have social anxiety disorder and it got so bad that I started locking myself in my room and avoiding my family friend etc... That was 5 yrs ago. I mean I literally live with them but dont come out of my room unless they are away or sleeping.

My mother called the police on me ( I dont know what they call it 40-11 or something) and they took me to a mental hospital because she got this "feeling" I was going to be lost forever if she didnt do it at that exact moment. I honestly think I was sinking so deep into myself that if she didnt call at that time I would have gone insane for good That was in dec 07

I have been to hell and back in the journey I've gone through in this time of recovery. I cant explain how hard it is to feel afraid of EVERYONE. During this time god was non existant in my life and the devil was having a field day. I tried to commit suicide at least 4 times during that period failing everytime.

Cut to sept 08 All of a sudden as I was laying in the tub as I always do letting my thoughts wonder I felt a familiar yet long missed feeling. It was god. He warmed me with the spirit of love peace comfort and hope. As I was experiencing this in tears because it was so overwhelming considering how dark I felt for so many years I heard two words "Its over".

Since then I've jumped back into the word head first and my mind has been healing slowly but surely. I've followed every direction the lord has put in my heart to do.

In July of 09 god put it in my heart to fast pray and sow a seed for deliverence. I did it and within weeks this weight was lifted off me. My mind became clear and the strongholds were broken in what seems like overnight(it really happened in a 4 month period but that seems like overnight when you've been sick for 5 yrs.)

Now he is telling me to step out and fall on your family. Let them in they will be your crutch until you can walk out on your own. He told me all these amazing things about the love they feel for me and the fight they've been going through since I've been sick. He told me I dont have to be alone anymore and all the heavens are with me making my way clear.

Today was the day... I did it. I finally stepped out and walked out of my room to be with my family for the first time in yrs.

My niece was so shocked she kept repeating to my dad jazzy is coming down jazzy is coming down. You could hear the smile in his voice as he said I know. He said she was shaking. She said to him I wanna hug her but I dont wanna scare her,and he said well ask her. I didnt let her hug me because I wasnt ready for that but i told her hopefully by thanksgiving. I was only able to stay there for a few minutes but it was the first step back to life.

My dad said hes going to make a cake tomorrow for my coming out celebration. :drunk:

:cry2: Praise God!!! I am here shedding joyful tears, celebrating your coming out with you. May God continue to give you the strength and courage in moving forward in & with your life. God Bless!
*VIP*, thank you sis:kiss: I am so happy that you were blessed by the short part of the story that I gave. My life has been something, let me tell you girl.

Yes, the presence of the Lord is here...He is filling the atmosphere in the CF! No matter what happens in this place, GOD IS IN CHARGE...HE IS LORD OVER ALL!! Hallelujah!

Amen Sis, Amen! It's truly amazing, how the spirit of the Lord can touch peoples lives no matter where they are! Oh he's moving... & imma get mine right here, right now! Hallelujah!
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Your testimony overwhelmed me...sweetie there is a reason why the enemy tried to silence you, God has given you a great testimony and a witness of His unfailing love...Sis, I am praying with you that you will fulfill every plan and purpose that God has waiting to unfold in your life. I am praying that every promse that God has written in His Book for your life be executed For His Glory, for such a time as this. My God, you have a powerful testimony, so many people will be blessed to receive the gift on the inside of you.

I pray that you enjoy your coming out day...and always hold on to the day and mark it as a remembrance each year...shucks Sis, this is as exciting as a birthday...I'm like so teary and so overwhelmed with His Presence right now, I am so grateful for you:cry:
I love your spirit, Joy2Joy! Thank you for being on the CF!!! :love2:
Lord, we come in your presence today to glorify your name and worship at you feet. We bow in awe of your greatness and your love which is shed abroad in our hearts. We just want to say thank you for the ladies of the LHCF Christian Forum who share, care, encourage and pray without ceasing.

We ask that each one who helps one is given the reward that you hold in your hand. Bless their lives and the lives that they come in contact with. Cover us and our loved ones as we go forth in your name.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Amen. Thank you, Jesus. I'm in total agreement with this prayer.

Thank you, sis....right on time!
Lord, we come in your presence today to glorify your name and worship at you feet. We bow in awe of your greatness and your love which is shed abroad in our hearts. We just want to say thank you for the ladies of the LHCF Christian Forum who share, care, encourage and pray without ceasing.

We ask that each one who helps one is given the reward that you hold in your hand. Bless their lives and the lives that they come in contact with. Cover us and our loved ones as we go forth in your name.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Mat 18:19-20
(19) Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
(20) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
We all have a testimony as to God's goodness in our lives and being born for such a time as this.

I am the 7th of 11 children and born on 7-21. Seven is the sign of completion in the bible. I have always felt God's favor over my life, even when I stopped going to church; He never took His hand off of me.
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1996 and in 1998 I had no sign of Lupus in my body, God had His hand on me.

My son and only child committed suicide on Mother's Day, it was because God had His hand on me that I am sitting here now writing this post. It was God, my strong faith and the wonderful person He put in my life that helped me thought this most difficult time. The wonderful person later became my husband. Since the loss of my son, I have been blessed to be used to help other parents who have lost children, either by suicide or other means. My son's passing brought me so much closer to God, He gave me an understanding that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I know that one day, God will say to me "well done, good and faithful servant" and my son will be there waiting for me. May God's love and blessings continue to be with everyone.
We all have a testimony as to God's goodness in our lives and being born for such a time as this.

I am the 7th of 11 children and born on 7-21. Seven is the sign of completion in the bible. I have always felt God's favor over my life, even when I stopped going to church; He never took His hand off of me.
I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1996 and in 1998 I had no sign of Lupus in my body, God had His hand on me.

My son and only child committed suicide on Mother's Day, it was because God had His hand on me that I am sitting here now writing this post. It was God, my strong faith and the wonderful person He put in my life that helped me thought this most difficult time. The wonderful person later became my husband. Since the loss of my son, I have been blessed to be used to help other parents who have lost children, either by suicide or other means. My son's passing brought me so much closer to God, He gave me an understanding that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I know that one day, God will say to me "well done, good and faithful servant" and my son will be there waiting for me. May God's love and blessings continue to be with everyone.
Oh, Coffee...your story has touched me deeply. I want you to know that my heart goes out to you and I also know that God will say..."well done, good and faithful servant." because of your faithfulness, your son will be there...standing with Jesus, when you meet the Lord, face to face!

Thank you, so much for sharing your story. This is what its all about....Christians coming together to help others by our testimonies of God's love and deliverance in our lives.
