Do you Juggle?


Well-Known Member
I need some advice…….ok I keep hearing that you should leave your options open until you’ve made a commitment with a SO and that you should even date more than one man at a time (which I have never done) to keep your perceptive.

I don’t want to play with anyone’s emotions (including my own), and I’m not talking about how to “cheat” on your man.

How do you handle dating two men at the same time? Do you need to tell them about each other? Is it fair to compare trait by trait? date by date? How do you plan your schedule - it is first ask always get the date? How do you decide who would make a better partner if their personalities are so different?

But how you juggle two potential suitors at the same time?
:lol: First off: I thought this said, "Do you Jiggle"

As far as juggling, if I have more than one guy pursuing me, I tend to make up my mind who I like more early on. This usually makes the other one just kinda drift in the wind, which probably isn't a good thing. At the same time, if I'm not feeling either of them, I'd rather be home watching TV than out w/ them.

But, if you're feeling both of them and feel like going out, just play it how they bring it. Go out w/ whoever asks you first. The other, you'll plan the date afterwards. If they ask you if your seeing anyone, just tell them that you're dating.

:lol: First off: I thought this said, "Do you Jiggle"

As far as juggling, if I have more than one guy pursuing me, I tend to make up my mind who I like more early on. This usually makes the other one just kinda drift in the wind, which probably isn't a good thing. At the same time, if I'm not feeling either of them, I'd rather be home watching TV than out w/ them.

But, if you're feeling both of them and feel like going out, just play it how they bring it. Go out w/ whoever asks you first. The other, you'll plan the date afterwards. If they ask you if your seeing anyone, just tell them that you're dating.


Hi Itismehmmkay,

I used to focus on ONE man at a time, but I realize that I may be passing up other good potentials because I limited my time with a dub!

Plus, as I refine my concepts of "dating" versus a "courtship" - I trying not to feel guilty about access several guys at the same time before deciding.
I've come to the conclusion that not every woman can and should do this. I figured out I'm one of the women who can't.

However, at one time, I had what I called a rotation. I always kept at least 3 men in the rotation. I would speak with them on the phone, go out with them, etc, but there was absolutely no sex with any of them and no kissing more than one of them at a time.

I only told the ones who could handle it about the rotation. Sometimes it's more trouble than its worth to spill all the beans but other times, the dude is cool with it for various reasons. For the most part though, I preferred that it remain a mystery. The fact that I constantly had some outing or something tipped most of them off that they weren't the only one.

I didn't spend time comparing and contrasting because I considered it a waste. The idea was for me to get out and meet/see people without any strings attached and with enough space to do whatever I wanted. I think if I had been looking for a relationship at the time, I would have been comparing for the sake of deciding who to promote and who to fire from the rotation.

Typically speaking, whomever asked first got the date UNLESS a guy I REALLY liked asked after a guy I didn't like as much, but regardless, they absolutely HAD to propose the date a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Otherwise, I would politely explain that I already had plans and suggest that he try again another day.

When their personalities were different, I didn't compare apples to oranges. Throughout the process, I knew exactly what I wanted so frankly, what they brought to the table was almost irrelevant if it wasn't in keeping with my desires. I think the key is to not get in too deep with more than one of them at a time, and when you get in deep with one, immediately dismiss the others, lest you be accused of playing games/lying/etc.

Juggling wasn't difficult...I don't think I even considered it juggling because there were only 3 in the rotation at a time. If someone new came along, I assessed whether to remove one guy and put the new guy in his place. Otherwise, I kept it moving. It was fun because I always had someone to chat with when I was sitting in traffic and I rarely spent nights at home on the weekends.

The drawback was that it didn't afford me the time to really focus on me the way I felt I needed to in order to open myself up for a relationship. At the end of the day, I felt that all of them were a distraction because had the "one" come along, I wouldn't have as much attention to give him. I've learned The Technique of the Love Affair and I get how to maintain my life with only one guy in it so I don't necessarily have to have multiple men around for the sake of maintaining a guy's interest.

So, I figured out that I'm simply not the type of woman who needs that much attention or who loathes being alone. At some point, I knew it would be more trouble than it was worth when they wanted to be exclusive or take it to the next level. I didn't want to be on a merry-go-round of shutting unqualified men down even though they were good enough to be in the rotation. Ultimately, I actually enjoy many aspects of being sinlge and unattached, and I'm enjoying using this time to continue exploring what makes me happy, growing closer to God, and developing myself as a woman in preparation for what the future holds.

BUT...I had fun while it lasted. :grin:
I've come to the conclusion that not every woman can and should do this. I figured out I'm one of the women who can't.

However, at one time, I had what I called a rotation. I always kept at least 3 men in the rotation. I would speak with them on the phone, go out with them, etc, but there was absolutely no sex with any of them and no kissing more than one of them at a time.

I only told the ones who could handle it about the rotation. Sometimes it's more trouble than its worth to spill all the beans but other times, the dude is cool with it for various reasons. For the most part though, I preferred that it remain a mystery. The fact that I constantly had some outing or something tipped most of them off that they weren't the only one.

I didn't spend time comparing and contrasting because I considered it a waste. The idea was for me to get out and meet/see people without any strings attached and with enough space to do whatever I wanted. I think if I had been looking for a relationship at the time, I would have been comparing for the sake of deciding who to promote and who to fire from the rotation.

Typically speaking, whomever asked first got the date UNLESS a guy I REALLY liked asked after a guy I didn't like as much, but regardless, they absolutely HAD to propose the date a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Otherwise, I would politely explain that I already had plans and suggest that he try again another day.

When their personalities were different, I didn't compare apples to oranges. Throughout the process, I knew exactly what I wanted so frankly, what they brought to the table was almost irrelevant if it wasn't in keeping with my desires. I think the key is to not get in too deep with more than one of them at a time, and when you get in deep with one, immediately dismiss the others, lest you be accused of playing games/lying/etc.

Juggling wasn't difficult...I don't think I even considered it juggling because there were only 3 in the rotation at a time. If someone new came along, I assessed whether to remove one guy and put the new guy in his place. Otherwise, I kept it moving. It was fun because I always had someone to chat with when I was sitting in traffic and I rarely spent nights at home on the weekends.

The drawback was that it didn't afford me the time to really focus on me the way I felt I needed to in order to open myself up for a relationship. At the end of the day, I felt that all of them were a distraction because had the "one" come along, I wouldn't have as much attention to give him. I've learned The Technique of the Love Affair and I get how to maintain my life with only one guy in it so I don't necessarily have to have multiple men around for the sake of maintaining a guy's interest.

So, I figured out that I'm simply not the type of woman who needs that much attention or who loathes being alone. At some point, I knew it would be more trouble than it was worth when they wanted to be exclusive or take it to the next level. I didn't want to be on a merry-go-round of shutting unqualified men down even though they were good enough to be in the rotation. Ultimately, I actually enjoy many aspects of being sinlge and unattached, and I'm enjoying using this time to continue exploring what makes me happy, growing closer to God, and developing myself as a woman in preparation for what the future holds.

BUT...I had fun while it lasted. :grin:

I really enjoyed your post. I too am one of those women that can't/won't juggle.