Do you have a Work Spouse?


New Member
I realized last month that my boss has turned into my "work husband". :lachen:

When he shows up to work and his tie is whack, I have a couple in my office that I make him change into before our meeting with clients.

If we are having lunch meetings I won't let him order food that I know for a fact his wife wouldn't allow him to eat if she was having dinner with him.

I ride his arse about his smoking.

We "debate" like a married couple.

It's hard enough keeping one husband intact now I have two :rolleyes:
Yes i do we argue about everything but he is like a big brother and i can talk to him about everything
I have one and I have noticed the sistas roll their eyes at me because they actually wanted a "relationship" with him but the dude really loves his wife and I admire that about him. I remember one day we were in the teria and some chick says "S, tell C i'm going to call her tonight" and he gave me the "she saying that for you eye." He said she met his wife once at a job function. Some women irritate me with their foolishness. I wouldn't want this man as a man even if C wasn't in the picture but these sistas see a brother collecting a military pension and he's climbing the ladder here$$$$$ and want him.
Yes, him and I were in training together. It is so crazy because his name is the same as my exhusband, who I was still married to when I got hired.

He is the whitest white boy ever but he is very nice. He ask me for girl stuff that he can get his wife. He loves her and his two daughter's to death. He always jokingly says he comes to work to get some respect, cause he just lets his 2 daughters just walk all over him, they are 5 and 8 months. His desk is covered with pictures of his family and every time I turn around he is cooing at the pictures of his daughters in his phone. Everyone Monday he tells me, Guess what Alexa did, guess what Abby did and I have pictures.
Yes, I have three :look:

What?! I love them to death and they give great advice...and yes we fuss just like any other couples you know.

Only 1 wife has an issue with me in a passive aggressive way. She will call and ask him if 'his wife' is there:lol:
Yes, I have three :look:

What?! I love them to death and they give great advice...and yes we fuss just like any other couples you know.

Only 1 wife has an issue with me in a passive aggressive way. She will call and ask him if 'his wife' is there:lol:


I have the opposite problem, my DH will call and if he hears WH in the background he will say hey let me talk to WH real quick I need to talk to him about something. FOR REAL? :eyebrows2
yeah i do....i talk to him about his wife and remind him you better be treating her good and keeping that smile on her face

i give him advice about their lil spats

we r thick as thieves at work--we look out for each other and always get two of everything being handed out or offered or etc...
if he is looking crazy i try and let him know hey buddy- i dont think that tie goes with that suit or etc

we r crazy cool--prob because we r the same sign lol

he is a certain celebs brother and im like he is so cool and down to earth given his family and etc

if hes not here i do feel a certain kinda way like where my work hubby--arggghhhh lol
My work husband will text and ask me what I want for breakfast and he will bring it. It is usually when he wants me to help him with something. Also we work flex hours and he gets in before me and we drive some of the same roads. He will text me to give me the traffic report so I can go a different way if there is heavy traffic or an accident.

We also text back and forth during staff meetings and we are sitting beside each other.
In a way, my friend at work is my work husband. Everyone is trying to put us together but he's too much like a brother. We argue and disagree like cats and dogs and sometimes argue like a married couple so maybe that's why they are trying to hook us up but no I'm not interested in him that way.
I used to but he was called back by the military recently. Everyone said we reminded them of brother and sister. He's not married, but I give him advice about dating. Him and my husband are really good friends too.
I did and it did not turn out so nicely. I thought our relationship was purely platonic as I have the utmost respect for marriage... one day he flipped the script and "confessed his love" for me.

I was so hurt that he even thought I would even consider something like that. I cut all ties and counted that experience as a lesson learned.
I posted this in the other thread:

I actually have a work-spouse. He's my "boo" and I'm his. We have lunch together almost everyday, we IM at work about nothing. He carries my bag sometimes if I'm trying to do something else. We take long lunches to go to Trader Joe's and sometimes the mall...I've missed him this week because we've been off due to snow, texting just doesn't suffice. :(. We've accidentally dressed alike (same colors) faaaaar too many times...clearly we're ><. LOL

DH knows about him, he doesn't mind. He's actually met him a few times and think's he's pretty cool for a white guy. lol

HIS DH knows about me as well, we hang out.

(My work-spouse is ghey).
I did and it did not turn out so nicely. I thought our relationship was purely platonic as I have the utmost respect for marriage... one day he flipped the script and "confessed his love" for me.

I was so hurt that he even thought I would even consider something like that. I cut all ties and counted that experience as a lesson learned.

As I was reading the other posts, I kept thinking how easy it could be for lines to blur and someone to start catching feelings. During pre-marital counseling, I remember my pastor advising against work "spouses" for that very reason.

I'd be more than side-eyeing DH for tryna wife another woman at work. :nono:
As I was reading the other posts, I kept thinking how easy it could be for lines to blur and someone to start catching feelings. During pre-marital counseling, I remember my pastor advising against work "spouses" for that very reason.

I'd be more than side-eyeing DH for tryna wife another woman at work. :nono:

ITA. :yep: I'm wondering if most of these "work husband" guys are married? :perplexed I would not be cool with my FH having a "work wife" to the extent that he's bringing her breakfast, eating lunch together daily, and texting/flirting back and forth. :nono: I don't do the "work husband" either, and I know FH wouldn't be cool with that. One husband will be enough for me. If I ever feel that I'm lacking so much in my marriage that I feel that I have to replace my husband even in the smallest way possible, then it's time to reevaluate our relationship.

IMO these types of relationships are dangerous, even if they seem harmless.
I have had a few over the years. At the moment I seem to have more work sisters than my own. Geesh these women will run you crazy just like your regular family. I feel sometimes I am in an updated version of that move 9 to 5. Yes, I am dating myself.
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I have had a few over the years. At the moment I seem to have more work sisters than my own. Geesh these women will run you crazy just like your regular family. I feel sometimes I am in and updated version of that move 9 to 5. Yes, I am dating myself.

I love that movie :yep: