Do you feel guilty about the amount of time you spend on LHCF?


New Member
;) ;) I just wanted to know whether anyone feels a little bit guilty about how much time they spend on this forum, I mean its not bad at all, but I know for myself, I find it hard to go for more than 2 days without loggin on? :) What makes LHCF so damn addictive??:lol:
I sure do!

I have work that I should do, projects to start and finish, bills to pay, people to call, books/articles to read for school. And yet, when I see the beautiful blue/green/gray colors of LHCF on my screen, I'm mesmorized, and soon 3 hours have gone by and nothing has been accomplished in my real life.

Oh wait, that's not true. By the time I'm done, I usually have lists of things I want to buy!!!!!!!

So yes, I do feel guilty, especially because it drives me to do other things like spending money I don't have!!!!!!! But if loving LHCF is wrong, then I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
naijamerican said:
I sure do!

I have work that I should do, projects to start and finish, bills to pay, people to call, books/articles to read for school. And yet, when I see the beautiful blue/green/gray colors of LHCF on my screen, I'm mesmorized, and soon 3 hours have gone by and nothing has been accomplished in my real life.

Oh wait, that's not true. By the time I'm done, I usually have lists of things I want to buy!!!!!!!

So yes, I do feel guilty, especially because it drives me to do other things like spending money I don't have!!!!!!! But if loving LHCF is wrong, then I DON'T WANNA BE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

Your funny!!, :lachen: :lachen: but there has been days when I log on late at night and before you know it, I see the sun peeping through my blinds and I think...this is bordering obsession:D But like say if loving LHCF is wrong then i will never be right!!:grin:
I don't know where the time goes!!!! I'll log in just to see what's going on (this is when I'm at work too) and I say, ok 5 hour later I look and I'm like, where did the time go!!!:eek: It didn't feel like an hour! And then I sometimes don't even finish work that I actually have to do, cause there's no more time.:mad: :( Then there was this past Wednesdy in particular when I took the day off work to write my 7 page research paper for school, needless to say I had to get an extention because for the entire day I had writers block.....and because I couldn't leave this site!! :perplexed Sigh, I might get fired and flunck outta school cause of this site...but it's so addictive!! :grin: :grin:
lizjoseph said:
I don't know where the time goes!!!! I'll log in just to see what's going on (this is when I'm at work too) and I say, ok 5 hour later I look and I'm like, where did the time go!!!:eek: It didn't feel like an hour! And then I sometimes don't even finish work that I actually have to do, cause there's no more time.:mad: :( Then there was this past Wednesdy in particular when I took the day off work to write my 7 page research paper for school, needless to say I had to get an extention because for the entire day I had writers block.....and because I couldn't leave this site!! :perplexed Sigh, I might get fired and flunck outta school cause of this site...but it's so addictive!! :grin: :grin:

That's ME!! :lol: But it'll be like 3 HOURS for me! :lachen:
I dont feel bad I feel obsessed:D . I will get on all hours of the night. Plus I work nights at the hospital and we cant get on the internet so I'm sneaking around checking the site on my blackberry....I cant let go its addicting
Yes. I'd be deeper into my writing if I didn't spend so much time on LHCF. I'm gonna have to take another hiatus...It's just that this has become a major cyber fam. :)

Great Thread

Yes I feel guilty sometimes. :look: My SO made a joke that I spend more time on LHCF than I do him but thats only because he does his thing and I do mine. It is just like how some men play them darn video games all day/night. I actually communicate with LHCF members more than I do people who I see all the time.... associates (don't have many friends...some women are a trip sometimes).:lol: But I love LHCF!
smuice said:
;) ;) I just wanted to know whether anyone feels a little bit guilty about how much time they spend on this forum, I mean its not bad at all, but I know for myself, I find it hard to go for more than 2 days without loggin on? :) What makes LHCF so damn addictive??:lol:

one word RESULTS!, you actually get results when using the correct methods and you find looney chicks like yourself all up in this hair thing lol:lachen:
guesswho said:
one word RESULTS!, you actually get results when using the correct methods and you find looney chicks like yourself all up in this hair thing lol:lachen:

Why Thank you!:lachen: yourright about results though!;)
No i dont feel guilty im able to talk with and get info on hair stuff cuz most people outside of here could care less about it and look at me like im half crazy when i talk about hair stuff...but always wanna know what im doing to my hair to make it nice:lol:
Not anymore. I'm not on here like i use to be. My life is starting to go at a faster pace, so less on line time for me and it's starting to get hot out side.:cool:
Yes, I did during the school year when I knew I should have been studying. But now, I'm out for summer, and I can do as much LCHFing as I'd like, with no guilt! :grin:
Yes I do but it is good to hear that I'm not the only that got obsessed. I have been doing alot better though I just had to put my priorities in order. I now log on about once a week its hard but necessary.:lol:
only when I get behind on my work..then I think of the all the important things I could of done instead on going on LHCF and looking at Brangelina pics :look:
No, because I limit myself to two or three threads at home, and I don't even look at it every night or after work. Besides, I already knew how to take care of my hair before I stumbled across this website. These threads aren't going to go anywhere. We can always look back on threads that were started years ago. The information is still in tact.

When it was slow at work, LHCF made my day go by fast and it made me look busy, plus I stayed at my desk all the time. Now I'm too busy to log onto the Internet for fun at work.

Nevertheless, I keep reminding myself that I have more important things to do.
No i don't feel guilty. Actually i wish i could be on more than i actual am on now. I only log on after work fri, sat nights and sometimes mornings for a couple of hours before my soaps. I luv LHCF!!:p :p
Sometimes...only when I stay on the board until 2 something in the morning. Oh, and when I received a B in my Chemistry class because I didn't study as much as I could've. :wallbash: :cry2: I'm scared I might miss something on the board. I must check the board!!!!
I do sometimes because I know there are other things that I need to do. But I am always battling something with my hair and I'm almost always doing a search on a product or technique. I havent quite found my staples yet so i am always searching for ways to improve my hair.
Yes, I do feel guilty. If I think it is becoming "addictive" I email the admin to disable my account. I've had my account disable for a month! I still go on this site but the intrigue is not there w/o the Off Topic and Entertainment forums, and also if I can't post I spend about maybe 30 min or so a day, which helps a lot. If it becomes a problem, don't be scared to take care of it, we're all grown here and need to attend to our grown responsibilities.
Uh-huh, just be glad you weren't around back when they had that thingy up there under your post count that showed the accumulated(sp?) amount of time you have spent on the forums. Some of us had been on here for years! Don't worry, I ain't callin no names, but y'all know who you are! :lachen:
Nope, not one bit. I use to be very addictive and I still am but now I know how to prioritize things. First LHCF, then whatever:D but seriously I can't stay away from here no more than a day;)