Do you fall off the hair wagon?

Do you fall off the wagon?

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i havent fallen off yet and i hope i never do. shoot, im the type the will wake up with a quicknes if i think my scarf has shifted or fallen off.
I’m fairly consistent with my regimen – whether I’m on LHCF or not- now that I’ve done lots of research on here and found products and techniques’ that work for me. But sometimes I find that if I’m on here heavily now, I get slightly tempted -for a very brief moment - into buying new products. They only thing stopping me is that I’m so happy with my beloved staples and I’m also worried that if I try something new, not only will it fault to work for me but it could also lead to a setback. My regimen now is all about consistency and not buying any new products apart from staple replenishments’.
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Is not that i fall of the wagon, is just that i found the balance between my hair goals and fitness goals and marriage goals, and job goals ... i don't have to be in fornt of the PC with LCHF (or any other hair board or blog) to now what i'm supposed to do with my hair. The learning process is over.
Only when I get sick. I usually don't touch my hair at all when I'm sick. Other than that, I'm pretty consistent.

However, I NEVER go to sleep without a satin bonnet or silk scarf.
I think I still tend to keep up healthy hair practices for the most part, however, I do fall back on some other things. After ending my last stretch I stopped frequenting the boards as often, I fell back on my tea rinses and my oiling. I didn't stop them but I haven't kept up with either as much as I did durning the summer when I was on LHCF everyday.
I fell off in June 2009 after a serious set back, for the first time in 21/2 years. I stopped coming on lhcf and lost my motivation and my mojo. Now I'm back with a vengeance trying to fix my broken hair, and shooting for wl by 12/10. I'll make it as long as I keep coming back home to lhcf.
I haven't fallen off since I started years ago(my DH won't let me fall off either). One thing that has kept me motivated is a journal with progress pics over the years detailing my regimen. All I have to is look at where I started and I stay motivated. I recently had a set back and I was able to pin poit where I went wrong and what I needed to do to fix it by reviewing my journal. I use the hairboards for supplemental info and new advice or techniques.
I've never been on the wagon.:lol: My hair is a hot tangly mess right now. I haven't touched or moisturized it in days.:( It's dry and matted and I'm inclined not to care.

I complain about my dryness and length retention issues but it's really no one's fault but my own. I'm just so lazy when it comes to my hair and life in general.

I always sleep with my satin bonnet though! :yep:
I voted, "still here in a dry, frizzy bun," lol! I definitely don't frequent as much as I used to, but I still take decent care of my hair. Its just not an obsessive movement like it was when I first joined. I remain conscious of my hair's look, feel, and health. I don't put as much time into it, so I wear styles that allow me to keep it that way.