Do You Ever Miss Your Past Ex's?

Once in a while I will get reminded of a good moment with an ex. I will smile and think back fondly on that moment or more specifically, the person I was back then (celf centered Leo that I am:lachen:). But none of those times have ever resulted in me actually missing an ex. I have no ex in my past that would be a good fit for the person I am now and who I would like to be.
For the women who answer no, is it because you didn't love them? Does love make a difference in whether you miss them or not?
Some I felt that I loved. But for most of my past relationships I have always gotten closure, either right before it ended or immediately afterwards. My relationship motto is : Give them 100%. Show them love and respect. Which is why all of my exes have high regards for me. They would love to give it another shot. But for me... You have one chance to get it right: show me that you can honor, love and respect. And when I have decided you are either not mature enough or just too broken ... I quietly plan my emotional exit. When I exit emotionally... There is no re-entry. Yeah... We can remain friends (although you will not interfere with any of my future relationships). I never have regrets about my decisions....and I have had my share of loooong and short term relationships. I am not at all bitter or resentful. I take my lesson and keep it moving.
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I read a little of this thread yesterday and dreamed me and my mama called him :lachen: he will always be the one I miss but I would never reach out.
Interesting question. Every time I've moved on, the current SO always seemed better than the previous one or ones.
I do miss some aspects of my previous relationship, the material things and more financial security. Those things mean nothing if in the end he wasn't right for me.
Maybe more men than women reminisce about their exes? Even though one reminisces, it's never enough to go back. If it is...well...
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Early on after the breakup I might have missed my ex :cry4:, but as time passed I don't know what I was thinking :angry2: wasting so much time on a fukboi. Now he's like :bye: trying to call and email me. I blocked him so I'm :happydance:. I'm pretty forgiving, but when I'm done, that's it.
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For the women who answer no, is it because you didn't love them? Does love make a difference in whether you miss them or not?
Because I break up with men for a reason. And I never forget. And just the fact that we broke up leaves a very bad taste when it comes to them. I have three true EX's, all relationships lasted longer than a year. I harbor no ill feelings towards two, but they don't cross my mind ever. The third one I would drop whatever I was doing and beat the living life outta him :look:
But y'all know I'm a Scorpio. We live off of vengeance :lachen:
Every EX I immediately cut off and am I no contact with any of them. I don't believe in closure.
I miss aspects of one's personality and another's pipe game but nahh bruhhh I'm good. No longer looking with rose colored glasses. Can we say upgraded?
I don't know about miss, but with my ex from college, I would think about him all the time. Like dream about him constantly. It actually got really annoying.

The dreams started about a year after I moved, so finally I figured I needed to contact him. I emailed him, he was pretty short with me, so I dropped it. I don't know what I was supposed to get from that, but the dreams stopped, so that was good. I've dreamed about him every now and again over the years, but nothing unmanageable.

I generally feel like once I'm out, I'm out. And no friendship either. Once we cross that line, we can't go back.

FB just showed me his now ex, the one immediately after me (that I knew) got married yesterday. Jerk can't keep a chick.

The other one is balding now, but got married and had a baby at the end of last year.

Dodged TWO bullets!
How come some people miss their ex's and some don't?
I don't because when I give a relationship a chance- I am all in. When I have nothing else to give- I walk away.

I have been told many times that I am the one that got away and they didn't know what they had when they had me.... My answer for all of them was no, except my ex husband and look where that got me. I am good.
For the women who answer no, is it because you didn't love them? Does love make a difference in whether you miss them or not?
So far I have genuinely loved 3 men (two the relationship was 4+ years) and really liked a lot of guys I dated. I am with the 3rd, the other two cheated. Maybe because they cheated why I don't miss them. I doubt it though.

I did miss my exhusband until I moved on. Then I realized he was an ass to me and I achieved indifference. I also do not speak to/ text message/ or otherwise communicate with any exes- including my exhusband (except for matters about our son). No contact helps with not missing them.
"Miss" as in "wish we were still together"? Never!

But "miss" as in, I hate getting maintenance done on my car myself, buying ish with my own money, getting my own water at night, looking for and charging my own phone at night, cleaning the dirt off my own shoe, carrying my own luggage when I travel etc etc. then yes, I have in the past missed an ex or two while between relationships. Normal, right?
I miss only the ones where I wasn't my best self and they adored me
Hindsight is 20/20.

The others well...I have a few good memories yet the one I used to miss the most is a full blown NARCISSIST so you know how that goes...they unfortunately if you let them will have a permanent space in your brain.
I miss one of my ex's. I actually ruined the relationship. I get scared when relationships start going in the direction of marriage. I knew he was going to pop the question and I started ignoring his calls, avoiding him and just all kinds of stuff. I am a self saboteur in relationships. That's so weird because I only date marriage minded men and I really want to be married...but when it starts getting really serious a shut down. I need to seek counseling.

Given the chance, I would definitely give it another try. I don't think he would trust me with his heart again. I hurt him deeply.

I don't miss any guys who mistreated me.
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Do I miss being shoved around and my hair being pulled and being screamed at and called out of my name in public? No.
I miss one of my ex's. I actually ruined the relationship. I get scared when relationships start going in the direction of marriage. I knew he was going to pop the question and I started ignoring his calls, avoiding him and just all kinds of stuff. I am a self saboteur in relationships. That's so weird because I only date marriage minded men and I really want to be married...but when it starts getting really serious a shut down. I need to seek counseling.
Given the chance, I would definitely give it another try. I don't think he would trust me with his heart again. I hurt him deeply.
You would be surprised--- My childhood friend did the same thing to a guy she loved about 8-9 years ago. She was the love of his life. She messed that relationship up. He didn't give her the time of day for 5 years- until 2014, when I called him up and just asked him to talk to her (He and I met later and became good friends, then I found out they knew each other/dated). He told me that he planned on speaking to her anyway- and me calling him just affirmed his choice. They spoke, caught up, she owned her bad behavior and they started seeing each other again. Earlier this year, they got engaged and she moved to his state to be with him.

If you get the chance to speak to him- own up to what you did and say you were scared- then see what he does and be receptive to his actions. Marriage minded men have a hard time finding the right woman for them as well so if he stays single long enough- I would think there is a chance, just like what happened to my friend.