Do You Ever Miss Your Past Ex's?

There is only one I miss, first, because he's very handsome and built and dresses very nice and second because we never had full closure.
He wouldn't make the commitment that I wanted so I broke up with him. We're still friends and check up on each other and honestly, if I wasn't with my current SO, I think we'd get back together. Don't know if it'd last though! :lol:
I'm still friends with most of my exes from my teens/20s , one in particular is one of my closest friends.

I don't miss my last real BF, *** that dude. But i do miss my last, IDK, i guess lover, for lack of a better word. Mostly the friendship. He got me in a way that no man really ever has. But I'm better off and happier without him.
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I recently ran into an old ex. While he was talking my mind dazed over, and I kept thinking what the heck did I see (literally and figuratively) in this man.
Another one, I just had to smile and shake my head. I really had to question myself, wondering if I was on something and did not even know it.
Nowadays these would not even be males I would give my fake numbers to.

Thank God for his Grace and deliverance. Like Ciara I went from the traphouse to the white house, from ashy to classy. Thank you Lord Jesus
How come some people miss their ex's and some don't?

Like, I wonder what it is about my personality/past relationships that allows me to do that?

There are one or two that I don't miss. But those dudes out right played me!
i don't miss any of them. But not all of them did something bad for me to not miss them. It's just been so long that we haven't been together that i really don't think about them like that anymore.