do you comb your hair???

  • Nearly every day

    Votes: 166 35.0%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 40 8.4%
  • Once/twice a week

    Votes: 163 34.4%
  • Every other week

    Votes: 31 6.5%
  • Never comb....only use fingers

    Votes: 58 12.2%
  • Combing???? What is that????.......

    Votes: 16 3.4%

  • Total voters
I only comb on wash days but i rewet my hair throughout the week and put KKCC and brush my hair back into a bun every 2-3 days to keep it smooth.
so how often do you comb your hair???

Every other day

has combing/not combing often helped retain length???

I don't know.......I just feel I have to, be it with my fingers or a comb

which size comb/s do you use???

Wide Tooth Jilbere Hower combs or Goody Detangler Comb (blue and white)

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often

I don't think it has

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often???

A bun
I didn't vote.

I don't have a set schedule. I only comb if I think I need to detangle and definitely before I use my Denman.

I use a wide tooth shower comb when I do comb. Otherwise I will only finger comb if I feel like I need to.

Now, if I decide to gel twist or 2 strand twist I will use a fine tooth rattail comb but I have not done any twists since July or August.
I only use a wide tooth comb (Jilbere shower comb) on shampoo days to detangle my hair. So 1-2x/week.
i decided to try finger comb my hair today after moisturising and sealing.....

i did it in sections like i would when using a wide toothed comb....and tied it in a pony.....

i smoothed the top with a rat tail sized comb.....no combing of the hair at all...just laid down the edges....

it came out better than i imagined.....it laid down pretty well....BUT i still had hair in my hands...shedding and a bit of breakage....

will continue finger combing and see how i go...will use a jilber (sp???) on wash days...
I comb on wash days only. Once I started this healthy hair journey I learned as long as I wear my scarf at night I don't need to comb everyday. I bun everyday and can smooth my hair back into a bun easily. I have done some bantu knots (still trying to perfect this method to achieve the look I want) once or twice but I don't need a comb for that either. We have to do what works for us and I know for me personally that I don't retain length as well when I do a lot of combing.
I comb my hair almost everyday. I'm a smooth hair addict and it bugs me if a hair is not in place. I do detangle in the shower with condish. The further along in my stretch I get, I comb less. I'll just detangle the relaxed ends and put my hair back up in a bun and tied it down until the next time I wash/cowash.
I only comb on wash day... I've retained lot of length in the 10 months I've been on HLCF by doing that... I went from SL to BSL in 8 months and I am 100% low manipulation was really the key solution for me :)
I comb maybe once or twice a week, only with a wide tooth comb. My strands are so thin so the less manipulation the better. But I need to lightly finger comb like once a day, or my hair will dred up.
I comb my hair with a wide tooth comb but only when I'm in the shower with lots of conditioner in my hair. I only comb on my wash days and then I usually either put my hair in two-strand twist or I'll leave it banded for a week or so.
My hair is really thin. And I'm mixed race and have seven hundred textures going on up there, and in the past it was really hard for me to retain length. I would say that the single biggest and best thing I've done for my hair since the BC to TWA after relaxing for three years, is not combing. I swear by it: the other day my mother, who hates my new afro, saw me admiring how much longer it is since my BC 4 months ago. Then she offered to comb (and braid it for me) I declined, saying I was on a low-manipulation regimine. Then she and my brother started nagging at me that my hair was a nappy mess and that it was knotted up and needed, needed, needed to be combed, lol. I didn't pay them no mind. Next Christmas when I have my natural, uncombed curls in a ponytail puff, they can give me my props :)
I comb my hair almost everyday. I'm a smooth hair addict and it bugs me if a hair is not in place. I do detangle in the shower with condish. The further along in my stretch I get, I comb less. I'll just detangle the relaxed ends and put my hair back up in a bun and tied it down until the next time I wash/cowash.

I only comb on wash day... I've retained lot of length in the 10 months I've been on HLCF by doing that... I went from SL to BSL in 8 months and I am 100% low manipulation was really the key solution for me :)

WOW....eight months.....i have been here as long as you but havent seen significant growth......which is probably not true only hair anoerixic on my part lol......

i have decided to go low manipulation and will see if it makes a difference.....so far its not bad.
I sure do. Several times a week. I don't go more than 3 days without detangling. That's how I managed to get my hair the length it currently is. No combing does not work for me. I used to regularly wait two weeks before combing my hair. The result was a rat's nest of tangles, mats, knots and CRAZINESS going on on top of my head. The required detangling session at that point could only lead to damage. Then I wondered why I never retained length. :rolleyes: Sadly, after I had success retaining length by washing and detangling my hair often, I got the bright idea to try the low manipulation bit again. :spinning: Fun times. I've finally learned my lesson.

Regular gentle detangling with a seamless comb is one of the keys to retaining the length of my hair. I do not use combs or brushes on dry hair (unless it's been banded and then only minimally) and I don't use them for styling purposes. Combing is for removing shed hair. I comb my hair with loads of conditioner in it and under the shower spray if I need to. As long as I comb at least every three or four days, my hair does well.
Only comb my hair once or twice a week, try not to manipulate too much, as long as my hair stays moisturized it doesnt get too tangly
I only comb on shampoo days I am attempting low manipulation to keep my ends healthy
I comb out to roll only I pin curly at night
so how often do you comb your hair???
Once a week

has combing/not combing often helped retain length???
Not combing has helped me retain length.

which size comb/s do you use???
Shower comb and fingers mostly

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often N/A

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often??? Various updos and curly/wavy styles
I comb my hair every time I wet it. If my hair is curly that can be every day to every other day. At the very most when I'm being lazy every three days. My curly hair would straight dread up if i waited a week to comb. The longer I wait to comb the more hair I pull out cause It's all tangled and matted together.

If it's straight i could go once or twice a week considering I only keep it straight for a week.
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I voted once or twice a week. I usually wash, dc, and wear my air-dried hair in a bun. At night, I sleep with my hair in a bonnet, and the next morning, secure hair pins again. I may comb my hair once again in the middle of the week.

When I've flat ironed my hair, I may comb every morning. I don't feel like this hurts it.

I use a large wide-tooth comb only.
I didn't vote but I really don't comb my hair often at all. I guess because I am natural and that would hurt some. I do comb while in the shower and then when i am deciding on a style after that nope no more until back in the shower I go. so might comb maybe four times a week if that. I comb, I hate tangles and I find that if you don't comb tangles is what you get so yeah I comb but only in the shower and directly right after , not again until I am back in the shower.