do you comb your hair???

  • Nearly every day

    Votes: 166 35.0%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 40 8.4%
  • Once/twice a week

    Votes: 163 34.4%
  • Every other week

    Votes: 31 6.5%
  • Never comb....only use fingers

    Votes: 58 12.2%
  • Combing???? What is that????.......

    Votes: 16 3.4%

  • Total voters
Every day w/ wide-tooth comb. I use a shower comb while washing. I use a fine-tooth comb for roller-setting.

I haven't seen any adverse effects. My hair doesn't tangle easily either way.
I comb about once a week. And if I'm cowashing a week I finger comb daily. I'm natural and I don't let a comb come near my head unless my hair is drenched with conditioner.
I comb everyday.....but I hasn't bother me at all, brushing was eating my hair up, I use a wide tooth comb at all times, my length hasn't changes, but I want to give no combing a try for a while and see how that works for me.....but I lately have been wearing my hair down and wavy, haven't comb much, and when i wear my buns, I don't comb much either.....
I tried that low/no comb method while I was stretching and it just didn't work. It was murder trying to get my hair relaxed at the salon that I will always comb my hair everyday. I comb only to detangle with pleaty of moisturizer in my hair only. I never comb on dry hair anymore.
I comb every other day when I co-wash. But now I'm rethinking that. Maybe I can go a few more days without combing and see how it works for me. I'll never know unless I try, right?
Hey Vnaps :wave: !!

I really try not to comb. But being a 4b I can't avoid it completely. Less combing has definately helped me retain more length because in my Pre-hairboards life.... I used to RAKE through my hair so violently :hammer::spank::badgirl:, and end up with handfuls of hair ... sadly, I thought it was normal. I grew up with people treating my hair this way :fistshake::boxing::brucelee::bat:. The one person who was gentle with my hair was my mother, but she hardly ever did my hair. I'm now much more cautious when combing, and am retaining a lot more length than I used to :locks: - usig a wide tooth comb.

My hair is in braids or weaves mostly (following c&g method) - which means I comb even less.:yep:
I don't comb. Im natural and that would hurt too much. I use the denman once in a while to get out any dead hair thats stuck....but most of the time I don't use any tool (brush/comb) at all
I'm comb everyday, several times a day. My hair is not damaged or falling out. I don't see why combing is bad. Wouldn't you get tangles and then breakage?
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so how often do you comb your hair??? Only on wash days when my hair is in the process of being washed and when its damp right after.

has combing/not combing often helped retain length??? It lessens the amount of breakage and shedding I would get TREMENDOUSLY. So I guess thats a yes.

which size comb/s do you use??? Wide tooth comb, and a small tooth comb if I am styling it.

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often? Yes i know eventually it would. my hair is natural and it doesnt brush against my shoulders yet unstretched... but I imagine it will be affected when my hair gets longer.

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often??? Twistouts, and twists are what I have been experimenting with lately. I just fingercomb my hair during the week.
I also only comb my hair on wash days, once a week.

I guess it helps me retain length because I'm not constantly combing and getting shedding/breakage. It's a low manipulation thing.

I use wide toothed combs. I just got a K cutter :)

I fingercomb daily to keep my hair presentable. On wash day my hair is mostly tangle free.

K cutters rock!

how do you like it Neith?
I had no idea all these ladies didnt comb their hair :eek2:

and some for so long of a time :eek2:

eta: I thought I WAS the the only crazy one going for a week or more LOL

this is interesting to know

I dont think I could push it any further than I do if I dont want to end up with locs, I dont know how some of you ladies do it
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so how often do you comb your hair???
On wash day and right after for the weekly style

has combing/not combing often helped retain length???
It has helped not to comb. Combing is like a daily haircut for me

which size comb/s do you use???

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often???
A pony tail or out with the caruso's after airdrying
I comb almost daily with my shower comb or another wide tooth comb. I tried the no combing, lo/no manipulation thing, and it is NOT for me.

I'll never do that again.
No, when I started on this journey that was the first thing that I gave up. I only comb my hair in the shower, jusy like Sylver2 said; with lots and lots of conditioner in my hair.

My hair breaks entirely too much, and there was always gobs of hair on my bedroom and bathroom floor when i combed my hair daily. This wasn't as hard to give up as you may think.

And yes my hair is the better for it. I just finger comb and use water and coconut oil and conditioner these are my staples for keeping my hair look presentable.
I comb almost daily with my shower comb or another wide tooth comb. I tried the no combing, lo/no manipulation thing, and it is NOT for me.

I'll never do that again.
Exactly what she said! I left my hair in a bun for a week and then washed and detangle oh no! I would never do that again.
so how often do you comb your hair??? Once a week on wash day, with conditioner in my hair, getting ready to DC

has combing/not combing often helped retain length??? I like to think so

which size comb/s do you use??? wide tooth combs only

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often? N/A

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often??? two strand twists
so how often do you comb your hair???
Once a week on wash days

has combing/not combing often helped retain length???
YES! when I used to comb my hair constantly I never understood why it always looked so thin or why I would see so much hair in the sink...Now that I don't comb as much I retain way more length than I had previously

which size comb/s do you use???
Wide tooth mostly, if I'm rollersetting then fine tooth

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often???
Either a bun or a ponytail, if I'm wearing it out I'll finger comb a cross wrap or use Sylver's method of putting a satin scarf on with the hair hanging in the back then putting a satin bonnet over that. In the morning I just take my scarf off and go, no combing necessary
Once I have enough NG I have to comb daily because the NG pokes through the relaxed portion and finger-combing isn't enough to fix the situation. However, I only use my Jilbere shower comb, and I'm very gentle and avoid combing or pulling the NG; I just want to arrange the relaxed length. Think of a bald man doing a combover. :lachen:
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I believe it depends on the person and the amount of tangling you get. Some people hair doesnt get so tangled with their shed hairs so detangling isnt so hard...they can go once a week. Others tangle quickly which leads to knots, matted hair etc....these people may comb every other day.
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I used to use really fine toothed combs on my hair, but now since I am transitioning, I find myself working my way up to the really big toothed combs. getting braids today.
I voted nearly everyday, but it's actually everyday...ONLY WHEN WET.

so how often do you comb your hair??? Everyday

has combing/not combing often helped retain length??? Combing while wet has helped me retain length.

which size comb/s do you use??? A large tooth comb only

do you feel combing hasnt affected your hair's health/length if you comb often I don't think my hair has been affected. I feel you need to comb your hair daily or at least detangle. You must keep the shed hairs from getting tangled with your hair, thus knots and tangles that tear out more hair. Just my opinion.

which style do you use to maintain presentable hair if you dont comb often??? N/A
For me since being natural 4/b finger combing has help me retain more growth.Which I may do every two to three weeks because most of time my hair is in braids. And maybe just maybe I'll comb it once a month with a wide shower comb with loads of conditioner in my hair, to get shed hair and tangles out. But other than that I'll wash and condition in my braids like two to three times a week and that method for me has helped me retain tremendous amout of growth which I have been doing now for 9 mos. HTH
So with that I voted never comb but thats not realy true cause like I shared I'll comb it once a month and finger comb every two to three weeks. Parting hair with my fingers.I kinda wish it was other on the list my method is a little on the bizzare side of things, but I find it's what works best for my fragile hair.
I have been bunning only for the last 5.5 months and my hair stays in the bun. I have tried the no combing thing several times and my hair does not like it:nono::nono:. I have to lightly comb out those shed hairs b4 I wash. I lose less hair that way. if I try to wet it 1st the shed hair dred lock onto my hair and holds on for dear life. I tried this again in Nov 2008 when I bunned for 5 days, attempted to cowash and I had 2 solid locks about 2 inches from my scalp on both sides. I lost A LOT OF HAIR. I was in the shower for a long long time trying to get those locks out and save as much hair as possible.