Do you apply LHCF goal-attaining techniques to other aspects of your life?

My mother and I like to read self-help books, and I realize that you ladies apply the best methods of goal attainment to growing your hair. I appreciate this site for being a place where we women can really come together in such a supportive, healthy and educated way.

I wonder if you are using the same techniques to achieve what you want apart from growing hair. I have always been a goal setter, but I've never been as focused on anything else as my hair since coming to this site and learning from you all.

For example, if you're aiming to buy a house, do you post pictures of it, track how much money you've saved, keep a journal of experiences, etc? Know what I mean?

It seems like anything is possible when you focus, plan and take action. I'm personally taking what I see here and applying it to everything else in my life!
Well just like I have a hair calendar...I also have a planner where I starting listing weekly exercises and what type of exercises are to be done. I will confess that I stick to my hair calendar way better than my exercise plans though, that's just a higher priority right now :look:.