Do yall like sensitive men?


Well-Known Member
I hear lots of women say they want men who are sensitive and in touch with their feminine side but it's these men I seem to attract and those have been my worst relationships. They are usually filled with too much drama because he is sensitive about EVERYTHING. He's easily upset and hurt about stuff. In these types of relationships I always felt like I had to walk on egg shells and also had to take on the man's role cause somebody had to man up.

Any other women out there experience this or doesn't experience this?
I love it! Sensitive as in showing their hurt when they feel it. I can appreciate a man who can shed a few tears here and there :)
I love a man that is empathetic and express their emotions but not one that gets upset about everything. I try to keep people like that at a distance bc you do have to walk on eggshells and they are super dramatic. They are normally codependent as hell.
No, not at all! Showing emotions and feelings is all good and well, but to me being sensitive is extra.
Sensitivity not the kind that's ballin crying on the ground cause he can't control feelings. One time I dated this guy and he was too sensitive. Once we were driving in the country and he stopped his car to help a sheep across the road. And then he kept contemplating going back to make sure it had food and shelter. Then wondering if it would be alone...:blah::blah: :blah:He ruined the entire date being sensitive.
I love it! Sensitive as in showing their hurt when they feel it. I can appreciate a man who can shed a few tears here and there :)

I made SO cry and it secretly made me happy because I know he's the kind of person who can show his true emotions in front of me.
I hear lots of women say they want men who are sensitive and in touch with their feminine side but it's these men I seem to attract and those have been my worst relationships. They are usually filled with too much drama because he is sensitive about EVERYTHING. He's easily upset and hurt about stuff. In these types of relationships I always felt like I had to walk on egg shells and also had to take on the man's role cause somebody had to man up.

Any other women out there experience this or doesn't experience this?
The bolded sounds like a man who is manipulative and insecure and that has NOTHING to do with being in touch with his "feminine side". :nono: IMO, a sensitive man is an unselfish one who knows how to share his feelings (because not every way is a good way) and acknowledges the fact that he's not the only one in the relationship with feelings.
I love it! Sensitive as in showing their hurt when they feel it. I can appreciate a man who can shed a few tears here and there :)
Thank you. I'll take a man who fixes his mouth to TELL ME his feelings over the one who walks around pouting or acts like a jerk because he "can't" express himself ANY day. :yep: Life is too short to play his guessing game. :nono:
i expect emotional openness. i feel i found that in my current bf. he is very open with his feelings/emotions, but not overly sensitive. i have no interest in overly sensitive anyone in my life--women/men, friends/family, SO. i think there is a difference and can be a balance. i don't believe men are unable to be emotionally open or that it is a feminine trait. nor do i consider sensitivity to be a feminine trait, since i've met both men & women who have it or don't.
I have someone very in touch with his feelings. He's only emotional when he's watching the Giants play though. But he expresses himself very well, I never have to figure him out.
Sensitivity not the kind that's ballin crying on the ground cause he can't control feelings. One time I dated this guy and he was too sensitive. Once we were driving in the country and he stopped his car to help a sheep across the road. And then he kept contemplating going back to make sure it had food and shelter. Then wondering if it would be alone...:blah::blah: :blah:He ruined the entire date being sensitive.

SUPER SWEET Are you serious? I am cracking up :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I am not sure that is sensitive. Sounds kinda OCD.

I think DH is sensitive but he would probably shoot the sheep and cook it. He loves lamb :lachen:
No no no. The last sensitive man I had just took it to another level. We were drinking, talking and listening to music and the next thing I know dude is boohooing and slinging snot over being adopted.
Thank you. I'll take a man who fixes his mouth to TELL ME his feelings over the one who walks around pouting or acts like a jerk because he "can't" express himself ANY day. :yep: Life is too short to play his guessing game. :nono:

Exactly! My ex-fiance was overly sensitive and I constantly had to be walking on eggshells. Whenever something bothered him, he would pout, get an attitude, and/or start crying. The thing is, not only did he always get upset but he never thought to just speak up and state what the problem is. He won't say a word until after the fact. I don't have time to be dealing with a big baby.
i can't do overly sensitive. i've dated a lot of AM and imo they are crazy sensitive. i just can't deal with that foolishness. i want to be able to joke around with you without you getting butt hurt over every little thing. it's too much. at this point, i dont even think i want to date them anymore, i know im stereotyping, but when you encounter the same personality trait over and over again in a certain race, i doubt you can help it.
Nope. I am very sarcastic IRL and I don't have patience for it. I dated a sensitive guy for a split-second (he fooled me by being sarcastic at first but then his true colors came out) and like PP's said I felt very anxious because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

But the real highlight of our time together was his delusion that he could sing/rap/write lyrics etc. He wrote me songs and poetry after I specifically told him that I do not like poetry. I even told him about how uncomfortable I felt when a boy wrote me a poem in HS. So what does he do? Write me poems and songs. So of course I had to pretend to like them meanwhile I'm :perplexed on the inside. And then he got pouty because he could sense that I wasn't being genuine. I've never been a good actress :shrug:

Y'all I lasted less than a month before I was :roadrunner:
I like masculine men who know how to cater to a feminine woman but for me that doesnt mean they need to be a "sensitive". He doesnt need to cry with me, he can hold me if I'm crying & tell me everything is going to be ok. I dont like drama queen men where Im having to calm with down.