Do People Treat You....."Differently" as a Natural vs Relaxed??


New Member
Just wondering.

I've noticed the following since my BC...

-White people are more...nice to me, overall.
-I get a friendly nod from most naturals (locks fro's etc.,) Kindof like I'm in the club now.
-Younger blk men seem more respectful.....not many cat calls and "Aye girl..yeah you with the big booty, what's ya name Mama!??" etc. I dunno if it's because I was considered more "attractive" wearing my hair long, or maybe I seem more "mature" with the cut...
-some women have been checking me out :ohwell::look: I notice that they're either OVERLY nice to me, or they act weird and :perplexed around me....

Thats about it so far LOL

Any of you relaxed-natural OR natural-relaxed heads notice a difference in people around them since your change??
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When i was natural i attracted a "deep" crowd...
when i was loced lesbian sisters would get bold and approach well as "deep" people :wallbash:
now that im relaxed i attract all different types of men.
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Men check me out more when I wear my hair curly and different kinds of men - a wider range of ages and ethnicities. Other than that, people treat me the same.
When i was natural i attracted a "deep" crowd...
when i was loced lesbian sisters would get bold and approach well as "deep" people :wallbash:
now that im relaxed i attract all different types of men.


I was locked for 2 yrs...I kindof miss them :ohwell:
I think that the white people I know definitely prefer me relaxed. As soon as I straightened my hair they compliments were none stop. I got a lot of compliments from Black people when I was natural, but I get a lot of attention relaxed too.
Interesting question. Even when I was natural (before the age of 18) I pressed my hair so it's always been straight. I never wore any dramatic types of hair styles so for me the way people treated me had nothing to do with my hair. That's something to think about.
At work I got the Jill Scott/India Arie comments when I 1st did my BC. And that was cool b/c I love both of those ladies. There is a lady at my job - hmm...lets just call her Ms. Oreo & I'm sure most of you know where I'm coming from. She questioned me up & down about my hair when I was transitioning & then when I did the BC, she just gave me a sort of pitiful look - like she really felt sorry for me. Of course her hair is a mess - thinning sides & lately I've noticed that she's wearing 1/2 wigs 2 try & hide all of the damage. Little does she know, I'm the one that feels sorry -for her. I really could tell her what to do to whip her own hair in shape. :ohwell:

On a brighter note, now alot of ladies come to me with all sorts of hair questions. And I do get nice compliments. Even a guy in my building did a double take at one of my braid outs & said, "Wow, I love your hair!" And our security guard tells me all the time that he loves the "natural thing."
I was natural for two years and have been relaxed again now for about 2 years. i think i got more attention from white guys natural. this asian lady in a cafe treated me really badly once when i was natural...i went back recently and she was sooo nice to me. poor thing. my husband prefers my hair relaxed. that kinda bothers me. i just think he should prefer it natural. when he met me it relaxed so maybe that has something to do with it. i miss my twists sometimes...
Since I have more styling options relaxed, I get more compliments. My natural WNG gave me a lot of jheri curl jokes.:rolleyes:
I have gotten more attention as a natural than I did when I was relaxed. I've never had so many comments on my hair in my life now that I am natural. When I was relaxed, I hardly got any comments on my hair except that it was "long for a black girl".
I have gotten more attention as a natural than I did when I was relaxed. I've never had so many comments on my hair in my life now that I am natural. When I was relaxed, I hardly got any comments on my hair except that it was "long for a black girl".

people treat me the same. they just act different around me. some girls will compliment my hair, some will stare, some will give me the evil eye and make stupid comments. all the same as when i was relaxed. :yawn:

the only difference i notice is when i straighten my natural hair now that it's "long." most black women are VERY rude to me. :perplexed
When I was natural I always got compliments on my hair. But ever since I've been relaxed I don't get many compliments except from LHCF members.
I didn't get nearly as many compliments on my hair when I was relaxed. At the most, I would get that my hair was long, which is interesting since my hair was only around SL. Since I have been natural, I get a lot more compliments on my hair styles and length.
I get much more attention natural then when I was relaxed.. Be it negative or postive, male or female, black or white.. But guys seem more respectable.. And I love it when another natural comes up to me or vice versa. Like someone said earlier it's like your in a club. Occasionally people expect me to be an enviormentalist.. Or I must be a poet or an artist of some sort..
Yep. When I had a relaxer, people always complimented my hair for looking like "indian" hair. Then one day, I saw some Native Americans (cant remember the tribe) and the whole family had long, yet thinning strands of hair... So I wasn't so glad about the compliment down the road.

As a natural, people no longer categorize me as "Black". Its weird, the less straight my hair, the less Black??? Girls ask me how their hair can get like this... I tell them that it just came like that. No tips or tricks. Just tell them that I "wash and go".

Guys give me more respect. I guess the transition has helped me to mature my overall style, I guess.