What Did You Do/ Would You Do Differently Starting Your Hair Journey Over?

I would study the Science of Black Hair and the Curly Girl Handbook before making any product purchase.
I agree! This site taught me everything I needed to know, but it was so overwhelming in the beginning because I knew absolutely nothing about hair care. It would have been great to read a book as a foundation to learning about products, techniques, and terminology.
I wouldn't have wasted 2.5 years transitioning to texlaxed. I would have gone straight to a transition to natural. I would have 3.5 years of natural hair now.

I wouldn't have bought multiples of a product before I found out if I was really going to use it. I have so much stuff I may never use.
I'm currently starting over and I am keeping it very simple. I will continue to protective style during the winter, no new products. I know all my staples and once I get a little bit more length, I can throw my flat iron under my sink for a while.
I would've...

Definitely started my journey earlier; I started caring for my hair in my mid-teens, I would've started in my pre-teens when I relaxed for the very first time. Even though products weren't as great as they are now, I think starting earlier and basically slathering my hair in conditioner would've provided some benefit.

Kept it simple and just stuck to mostly drugstore/beauty supply products. I feel like salon products are decent but they're not worth the hype for me. (Again, products are definitely better now – especially those from the drugstore/beauty supply – but I think my hair would've reaped some sort of benefit.)

Tried to master my blow-drying technique sooner. I've only NOW gotten results that really make me happy thanks to a wide-tooth comb, paddle brush, a good blow-dryer, and great drugstore serums.

Bought multiple Tangle Teezers. I have one and I LOVE IT, waited too long to try it out.

Kept it simple and consistent – my setbacks have been caused by doing the exact opposite. My hair ≠ home remedies; all these avocado/mayonnaise/egg/honey masks are just a nightmare or provide absolutely no real benefit. Curiosity and neglect always make my hair dread.

Had a set vitamin cocktail sooner. Vitamins make my new growth so much stronger. I have to have at least a multi-vitamin, biotin, and fish oil. For extras, I like to take collagen, silica, and MSM.
Very nice ladies. This thread is so educational. Here is my contribution:

  • Henna. I would have NEVER let that stuff touch my hair. No color deposit and it altered my hair texture.
  • Concentrated more on learning styles and techniques as opposed to hair routines.
  • Taken a multivitamin/supplement more consistently. My hair is soooo weak.
  • Kept my routine super simple. You don't have to do a whole lot of have healthy hair.
I would have started my natural hair journey the moment I started my overall healthy hair journey. That's an extra two years of learning about my natural hair, which I would greatly appreciate right about now. I do nothing with my hair nowadays. Back then, I was extremely experimental because I was so new (and thus, very excited) about the idea of having healthy hair...too bad all those "experiments" were done on relaxed hair. Now, I'm natural and lazy. :/
I would have kept my relaxed hair, which was long and beautiful, but I would have learned to relax it myself. Any damage my hair sustained was because of relaxers not properly rinsed and neutralized.
I would have not done BKT on my hair. I really regret it. I tried 3 BKT products and they all broke my hair badly, I had to start over. Four years of hair barely retained.
I would have done more protective styles at the beginning of my journey because my hair was too weak and unhealthy to handle the constant manipulation.
Looking back I would have used more protein products and doing braid outs to help keep my hair from matting up. Would have done self trims more often too.
Probably keep things simple; not spend so much money on hair products, tools, etc. But I had so much fun playing with my hair at the beginning of my hair journey, I don't regret it. My current routine is very simple now.

I would have trimmed less and not used henna at all. I don't think henna did anything for me, but leave a red tint in my hair.
If I were to start over right now, I would 100% stick to a water-rinsing method. I'm currently water-only (with the exception of using an oil as needed) and I love it. I've learned that my hair doesn't *need* product unless I desire a very specific look. My clients look at me like I've lost my mind when I reveal that I follow a water-only routine. Lol! They're like, "You're a stylist, but you don't use product on your hair?!" I would say it's not for the faint of heart. You have to be pretty dedicated in the beginning as you wait for full sebum coverage. I feel that if I had started this routine the last time I cut my hair, my hair would have flourished so much more. I've been toying with the idea of cutting again. However, I have cut my hair so many times in the past 5 or 6 years that I really don't know if I want to start over again...
I'm transitioning back to natural. I regret fully relaxing my hair; my hair is thin and lifeless.

I'm thinking about going back to texlaxing.......I'm so over dealing with the relaxed and natural state of my hair.
I've been regrowing my hair after various haircuts in '13.
This time around I'm "listening" to my hair more. I no longer just stick to a schedule, I adjust my regimen based on its needs.
Also I'm sealing first. I've noticed that doing this helps my hair retain a lot more moisture and I also use way less products.
I never would have relaxed my hair. I didn't do it until late high school,and it was only due to peer pressure. I was relaxed for about 9 years.

When I big chopped, I should have worn my hair out more. My short hair was easy.
As far as I'm concerned wet buns are the devil and wng's are his mother.
I grew out to mbl only to have to bc again.

Granted, if I was thoroughly detangling, I would've known early that my hair was choking.

If I had to narrow it all down, I'd say that I wish I would've kept it simple the first time around. That goes for styling and products.
I have noticed that my hair is completely different this time. The first time I went natural I transitioned...I guess during that time I didn't take care of my hair properly because my curl pattern is sooo much more defined this time. It was extremely difficult to keep it moisturized when I first BC'd but now since I've shaved it off and I'm only concerned with one type of hair my hair is tremendously reaping the benefits of it! Another X on my list is Henna! I wont Henna this time nor will I try to "naturally" alter my hair color using any other methods. It only resulted in lifeless, no curl pattern... fluffy hair. Oh, I also wont be using heat AT ALL well perhaps with the exception of a hooded dryer. Previously having heat damaged hair on several occasions I just can't risk it. What about you? What would you do differently? Natural or relaxed...
Deep condition from day one.
I wish I would have found this site earlier and paid attention to LHCF when I found it. I wish I would have kept up my trims. I wished I would have not forced myself to remain natural while I was approaching hair burn-out. I wish I could have gotten over the guilt of not being natural, but killing my hair in the process just to remain natural.