Do I look like a fool?!


Well-Known Member
I was reading the thread about all the dumb things we did to our hair before we joined LHCF and it reminded me of a girl I knew in college.
She had short, dry, scraggly hair that she usually kept in very raggedy braids.
Do y'all know that this chick told me the most outlandish story - she claimed that she used to have 'good' hair that reached her butt, but it wouldn't grow anymore because her next door neighbor ruined it. According to her, she stopped by her neighbor's house everyday before school to have her hair done. The neighbor was so jealous of her long hair that she applied pure lye to her scalp - everyday - for a year. WTF!!! Was I supposed to believe that?
I just thought y'all would get a kick out of her story.
:lachen:Pure lye? :lachen:what is this chick smoking? she must be really insecure around your hair to come up with such an outlandish story.
This story is a 'pure lye' (thats what I would have told her)

^^^OK!! :lachen:

And it kills me how those types always USED to have nice hair until some catastophe happened and it's never been the same since even though it's been 15 years.:perplexed

Ever notice how they never have any photographic proof of their previously nice hair?
I guess it would have been too difficult for her to say "your hair really looks nice. Do you have any hair care tips for me?"
Oh pleeease, that's the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. I would assume that she would not have ANY hair after undergoing a treatment like that for a full year. :smirk:
Now that I think about it, I wish I would have called her out. But I'm the type who likes to let people keep lying, it's usually good entertainment (as long as it's not an SO).
OK. I don't know why this story's so hard to believe! I accidently applied lye to my scalp everyday for several months and this caused my hair to go bad. When I started, I had hair down to my brastrap and when it was all over, it was the length it is now. I understand what she meant when she said she used to have good hair. Mine used to be good too 'cause I've got Indian in my family.

I would expect you guys to know this kind of stuff. You know everything else about hair.

...and if you believe that I've got some property in Delaware I wanna sell ya.
:lachen: That's too funny! I've heard stories similar to that before. It's usually because they see how healthy your hair looks and they feel the need to tell you that their hair "used" to be like yours (or even better)! IDK, maybe she was telling the truth, I just find it really hard to believe.