Do food-based homemade products work for relaxed hair too???


Well-Known Member
I ask this as im already sitting here pre pooing with a avocado -honey concoction on my sl relaxed hair. I'm so backwards and always jumping the gun :lachen::lachen:
Anyway , there are hundreds of recipes and yt vids floating around where people use stuff like avocados, yougurt, honey etc for thier hair but they are almost always natural.

Have any relaxed heads seen any benefits from using these types of things in their hair????
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Yes! Plenty of relaxed heads use natural products that are found in the kitchen, including myself. I love making a protein treatment using an egg, honey, olive oil, and conditioner. I'm sure other ladies will chime in with their concoctions as well. :yep:
Yes!! EVOO, Honey, Eggs, Mayonaise, ACV are all "homemade" products one can use on natural/relaxed hair (just to name a few).
Yes! Plenty of relaxed heads use natural products that are found in the kitchen, including myself. I love making a protein treatment using an egg, honey, olive oil, and conditioner. I'm sure other ladies will chime in with their concoctions as well. :yep:

Also yogurt and avocado for protein, bananas for moisture. Tea (all kinds) and vinegar for rinses. Aloe vera for strength and nourishing the scalp.
Yup, I agree.
I do egg or yogurt deep conditioning sometimes, even mayonnaise, I still apply vit E and lavender oil to my conditioner. :) The possibilities are endless, you don't have to spend loads of money on new products when you have all these nice ingredients right in your kitchen
I ask this as im already sitting here pre pooing with a avocado -honey concoction on my sl relaxed hair. I'm so backwards and always jumping the gun :lachen::lachen:
Anyway , there are hundreds of recipes and yt vids floating around where people use stuff like avocados, yogurt, honey etc for their hair but they are almost always natural.

Have any relaxed heads seen any benefits from using these types of things in their hair????

To the statement in bold - Yes, I have. The protein treatment I mentioned in the earlier post is the only INTENTIONAL protein my hair receives on a regular basis. My hair loves protein, so I can do these treatments every couple of weeks or so. Honey is a great moisturizer for hair as well. I used mayo in the past, but I found conflicting info on whether or not it has protein, so I discontinued using it. My hair has definitely benefited from using food in my hair. :yep:
Yep. My relaxed hair loved honey. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't used any food since the big chop. *goes off to find honey*
Absolutely, I use:

Olive Oil, Molasses, Baby Food, Avocado, Honey, Egg Protein powder, Coconut Milk, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, etc.
I personally don't use solid food in my hair due to the messiness of it, the only thing I use in my hair from my kitchen are natural oils, and honey. I mix these things in my hair conditioners.