do any natural ladies use clear rinses?


Well-Known Member
i decided to look into it and do some research on benefits and how to use it.

any naturals use clear rinses? what has been your experience? has it been very beneficial for you? what is/are you main reason(s) for using clear rinses? have you had any problems with them (breakage, drying, etc)? which brand(s) do you prefer?
I dont remember finding many naturals who used them. Thats why I still have a package sitting in my stash.
I used the John Frieda clear rinse when I colored my hair red. It was ok for maintaining the brightness of my color but it was drying. I had to really deep condition every time I used it.
that's exactly why i asked because i havent heard of any naturals using them either...i did watch a video from someone on the benefits of using clear rinses and she mentions how naturals & transitioners might benefit from them ...but she herself is/was relaxed.

I use clear rinses. It helps to keep my natural ink black hair shiny!

I get that jazz stuff from sallys. I switch between the blue/black mixed and clear.

I do a DC after and never have issues with dryness or brittle hair

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
I'm trying clear rinses now. Tried last wk mixed with my dc. Gonna try begore I dc nxt wk and see which gives me the most shine