Clear Rinses & Relaxers!


New Member

To those of you who do your clear rinses the same day as a retouch, what is your process?

what clear rinse/dye do you use? what are your results? TIA:yawn:
Great question Neala! I am definitely wanting more shine and I have heard a clear gloss/rinse/semipermanent can help.

Bumpity, bump!:grin:

I've used a clear rinse/dye once as a natural but I havent done so yet a relaxed head.

yeah ladies lets hear your stories!!! i wnat either a clear or black rinse for my touchup 3/1/08.... please??????
Apply Clear Rinse
Deep Condition

Okay, so i wasnt too far off with how i thought the process was going to go.

I usually
Pre Base, Relax, Neu Conditoner, Neu Shampoo, Deep Condition and finally seal

I've dyed hair but I usually will not double process another persons hair in the same day.

Does anyone do a hot oil treatment on the day of retouch in this process?

I'm thinking it would go as
Relax, Condition, Shampoo, Hot Oil, Deep Condition, Rinse & Seal
But if add in Clear maybe it would look as such
Relax, Condition, Shampoo, Clear Dye, Rinse, Hot Oil, Rinse, Deep Condition, Rinse & Seal
What is a clear rinse and what is the purpose?

Its temporary or semi permanent hair color. Rinses come in other colors as well but I prefer clear. I use the clear rinse for shine. Some companies manufacture rinses that also have conditioning properties. It all depends on the brand.
i get mine done at the salon since i relax at the salon too.

she's done it all different ways and i never pay attention anymore. but from what i do remember:

after a DC, she applys the rinse. then sits me under the dryer for a lil while longer, rinses out, then she uses another product (prob a rinse out cond.)

there were times where she dc'ed and put the rinse on at the same time tho

*i have a clear rinse on in my avatar pic
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Apply Clear Rinse
Deep Condition
ITA:yep: That's how my stylist did it. After I got it though (the clear rinse), I wondered what I got it for. My hair is always shiny and bouncy after I get it done and it's clear, so there was no color involved. It WAS pretty though, but i think it's a bit redundant. That was a few years ago. Does it have any other use than for shine? I'm really wondering... if it has another use, maybe I'll get it again.