Divorce Insurance

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Would You Get Divorce Insurance?

Divorce Insurance

Updated: Thursday, 23 Sep 2010, 9:39 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 23 Sep 2010, 9:39 AM EDTWhen divorce rates are high and economic times are low, there's a new option out there for people worried marriage might not be forever. It's called divorce insurance.
John Logan is the CEO and Founder of Wedlock Divorce Insurance. Logan says he's introducing this new coverage for failed marriages to the world.
"What we cover is the potential for financial losses as a result of a divorce proceeding," says Logan.

The product is sold as individual policies. You buy it in units of coverage. Each unit is valued at $1250 at a cost of $15.99 per unit. For instance, if you bought 10 units of Divorce Insurance; it would cost you $159 a month. After four years of marriage if you find yourself heading for divorce, you would get paid out $12,500 in the end.
Policy holders can buy up to 200 units of divorce insurance which is $250,000 in coverage. After the required 4 year waiting period is over, the policy goes up in value every year by $250.00 per unit.
"The only way you can file a claim with us is to actually submit your court stamped divorce document whether it is a divorce decree or marriage dissolution decree depending what state or county you¿re in," says Logan.
Divorce attorney Sheila Norman has handled many marriages that have gone from bliss to bust.
"Not very romantic but it could be a way to fund a prenup and make sure the money is going to be there at the end of the relationship," says Norman.
She believes divorce insurance might work for some. "In these economic times a lot of times people are staying together because it¿s the only way people can pay their debt. There's a big aspect of attorneys fees and court costs. There are so many parts of the relationship that you can't control," says Norman.
Divorce survivor Shannon Smith is skeptical. After his divorce, Smith was left stressed and financially strapped.
"I know I got all the credit cards and I had half the income. My credit went through the floor," says Smith.
Smith crunched some numbers to see if divorce insurance could have helped him. He used our example of buying just 10 units of divorce insurance at $159.00 a month.
"Which means you paid out $7,675. You'll get back $12,500. So, already you only have about $4000 dollars up," says Smith.
He says it wouldn't be enough. "It's been 10 years, 13 years since my divorce was completely final. There are still child custody issues and lawyers fees that are cropping up even now.¿

Smith is happily re-married and focuses on what he has now. As far as Logan and his new divorce insurance company, he says his client list is growing fast.
"In fact our first client was a very big premium," says Logan.
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He may be onto something here, but I feel that persons who are just ready to file, are gonna open these accounts, and the company may end up paying out more than they actually receive in premiums in the long run. But hey, insurance is all about risks.

ETA: Ohmigosh, I totally missed that waiting period info. :blush:
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But, getting the insurance (much like a prenup) is like admitting that your marriage is going to fail. And if you feel like your marriage is going to fail why get married in the first place.

But, on the other hand, it's nice to know that money is there when the **** hits the fan.
This is merely a way of financing a pre/post nuptial. People get divorced like its going outta style. Although, not very romantic, its a pragmatic way of handling a real issue. I liken it to young single women who have protected sex. Some say condoms and birth control is the same as condoning premarital sex, while others feel its a way to merely protect one's self, just in case. Same thing.

I went to a picnic recently and two older couples, each married several decades are splitting. And both wives are financially suffering. So where's the romance in that? :lol: :look:
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