Disney's New Movie


Well-Known Member
Has anyone taken their children to see the Princess and the Frog. I would like to take my niece to see her first movie but I am concerned about the magic and vodoo themes. She is sensitive, but she has seen movies with magic in it but it has been the Care Bares. I do not want to have to carry her out and have her first move experince to be traumatic. Please help!
When they first began advertising for the movie my daughter looked at me and said "We probably wont be going to that movie will we Momi?"

I smiled and said - probably not, but we will wait until we see the reviews to determine if it is something we should see.

After reading the reviews and talking with people who have seen it, my husband and I have come a swift conclusion not to sow any money into Disney's coffers. The voodoo scene is enough for me to take a zero on that one.

Unfortunately, disney has realized that many parents will sacrifice their values on the altar of entertainment. Some just have no clue: others would rather compromise and go along with the world. My daughter is fine with it, and even shares with her friends (without asking) why her family has decided against seeing it...
Adding: My children are spaced pretty far apart... I remember watching movies like Aladdin(sp) with my first born not thinking anything about the "magic" in disney movies... I just had no clue.
When they first began advertising for the movie my daughter looked at me and said "We probably wont be going to that movie will we Momi?"

I smiled and said - probably not, but we will wait until we see the reviews to determine if it is something we should see.

After reading the reviews and talking with people who have seen it, my husband and I have come a swift conclusion not to sow any money into Disney's coffers. The voodoo scene is enough for me to take a zero on that one.

Unfortunately, disney has realized that many parents will sacrifice their values on the altar of entertainment. Some just have no clue: others would rather compromise and go along with the world. My daughter is fine with it, and even shares with her friends (without asking) why her family has decided against seeing it...
Excellent post, momi. :up:

If 'we' as Christians would just put our money into 'our own', instead of feeding Disney fat with all of our funds.

It's no small wonder that 'we' has Christians have so little entertainment that does not compromise the word of God and HIS values. Our money has been supporting those whose views are the complete opposite.

The proof.... ?

This thread topic and others like it, would never exist if we supported our own, because we can best believe that the world will not fund our enerprises. It would lterally shake the kingdom of darkness out of it';s roots and very voodoo who doo.

Here's the answer to the Christian clue...

Disney will ALWAYS exhort the world of witchcraft and sorcery. And here's an interesting revelation. Disney ALWAYS ... not sometimes, but ALWAYS uses witchcraft and sorcery to fight witchcraft and sorcery. ??????? Meaning that Disney has no concept neither do they ever intend to acquire the Truth that only 'Light" (which is of God) can cast out darkness.

Jesus, Himself, said clearly that satan cannot cast out satan. Jesus said this!

Matthew 12:26

... and if satan cast out satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Mark 3:23

...and he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can satan cast out satan?

The Disney theory on good against bad is a falacy and should not be influencing the minds of a Christian child, not in any manner, shape or form.

God commands us to teach our children the truth. And the Truth being (which Disney does not teach) is that only Jesus can cast out the darkness and the evils of this world.

There is no such thing as a good witch or good witchcraft. There is no such thing as 'white magic'. There is no such thing as a good devil, neither a 'good' vampire (yeah... I said it), no such thing.

As Christians, we had better get serious about what's real and what's not. As Christians we need to stop playing games with darkness, no matter how innocent it is being portrayed. For there is nothing innocent about princess who has been changed into a frog. If she were under the Blood of Jesus, the curse would have quite easily been reversed. And all in Jesus' name. :Rose:

Note to momi...

My reply is to the topic, Sweet Lady. Not you. :kiss:
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I took my niece to see the Chipmunks. I will go and see The Princess and the Frog to see what it is about for myself and then make a final decision.
Did any of you allow your children to watch "That's So Raven?" I mean, she was a psychic and the Bible admonishes this...
I mean if I had kids I would be mindful of the abundance of voodoo and the whole wish upon a star mantra.
I'm so glad to see other people think like I do! I haven't seen half the Disney movies because of the magic, etc. My BF is the same way, which I love. One of our friends told him how she likes Harry Potter and he gave her a DVD on why it's demonic and of the Devil, lol.
I won't see that movie for 3 reasons: 1) "we" are still animals (just like the Lion King; 2) too much voodoo; 3) that movie was supposed to come out right after Katrina (darn near 5 years!) to bolster the esteem of lil afam's in NOLA.

There are so many hypocricies in disney - I can't take it. I call them the anti-christ. They are wrong on so many levels; making all the horror/slasher movies inspite of being a "family" company, and some of the most soft porn on television (des houswives/greys anatomy, heck even NYPD blue - first show to use the "A" word in a major primetime show)

Sorry to tj - but don't get me started on anything Disney.
I saw it and loved it! Honestly, I don't draw a difference between voodoo and other types of magic in Disney movies. It's all the same. All Disney movies have obeah.

Maybe if I had children I would feel differently, but I loved it!
When I first saw the voodo I was not happy. However since I paid for the movie I continued to watch it and in the end you do learn that voodo can't bring anything you could ever hope for and will in the end destory you. Although I don't have any little ppl to take see this movie ( sb: I love being the only child and the only girl)