Disney's Black Princess has BEAUTIFUL hair!


Well-Known Member
One of my writer friends who is also an illustrator gave me a link to the new concept illustrations of the forthcoming Disney Princess movie, THE PRINCESS & THE FROG. It contains some very beautiful and stunning character design artwork, most of them by African-American artists.

The art styles are very diverse and she is shown with everything from funky braids, dreadlocks, afro to long wavy curls.

Take a peek at how the new Disney princess might possibly look.


The princess has GORGEOUS hair!
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Beautiful!!! I can't wait for this....so my daughters can see a princess that resembles themselves on the BIG screen :)
Thank you for sharing, I wish they had a black princess when I was growing up. Oh well at least my daughter will get to see it.
yea i heard about this... it's supposed to be set in new orleans which makes me excited... southern girls comin up! I also heard she's supposed to be a voodoo princess but i'm not sure about that one?
Oh my goodness, she is beautiful!! Im so happy that disney is finally making an african american princess. I always discuss this with my friends. (How disney has little to no african americans in their cartoons.) They seem to have done every other race known to man but african americans. lol. Anywayz, im so glad that kids nowadays will be able to see an accurate representation of themselves and know that they are beautiful just the way they are. I wish they made a movie with a black disney princess when I was a kid. But hey, better late than never, im just happy kids now get to see it.
I don't know...

They tried and I am not one to look on the bad side of things but, why all the hair? I mean couldn't she have a reasonable amount of hair? Like MBL or BS, that relates more to the children I see.

She is pretty and they did try but, the hair is not what's up....

Most people I see don't have that length not accompanied by a weave or something or as another poster said, "assistance":lachen:.

They tried....
Oh my goodness, she is beautiful!! Im so happy that disney is finally making an african american princess. I always discuss this with my friends. (How disney has little to no african americans in their cartoons.) They seem to have done every other race known to man but african americans. lol. Anywayz, im so glad that kids nowadays will be able to see an accurate representation of themselves and know that they are beautiful just the way they are. I wish they made a movie with a black disney princess when I was a kid. But hey, better late than never, im just happy kids now get to see it.

My thoughts exactly! I love all the different styles they drew on her. I admit the amount of hair is exceptional, but hey, it is still a fairy tale so it's okay if she has fairy tale hair, I guess.
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I don't know...

They tried and I am not one to look on the bad side of things but, why all the hair? I mean couldn't she have a reasonable amount of hair? Like MBL or BS, that relates more to the children I see.

She is pretty and they did try but, the hair is not what's up....

Most people I see don't have that length not accompanied by a weave or something or as another poster said, "assistance":lachen:.

They tried....

I think that's a requirement of Disney princesses - they MUST have long hair. I don't think there's been one princess above WL in Disney... :lol: No, no, I take that back - Snow White had short hair. :lol: But wasn't that because her evil stepmother cut it all off? :rolleyes:
I don't know...

They tried and I am not one to look on the bad side of things but, why all the hair? I mean couldn't she have a reasonable amount of hair? Like MBL or BS, that relates more to the children I see.

She is pretty and they did try but, the hair is not what's up....

Most people I see don't have that length not accompanied by a weave or something or as another poster said, "assistance":lachen:.

They tried....
I think I can understand what you mean, but ALL of the Disney princesses have something a little unrealistic about them. I don't think they are trying to assimilate her in with whites, but with all the rest of the unrealistic princesses. It's all fantasy.
These are my favorites.

I don't know...

They tried and I am not one to look on the bad side of things but, why all the hair? I mean couldn't she have a reasonable amount of hair? Like MBL or BS, that relates more to the children I see.

She is pretty and they did try but, the hair is not what's up....

Most people I see don't have that length not accompanied by a weave or something or as another poster said, "assistance":lachen:.

They tried....

I understand your point but if she had anything less than SL I bet some would be quick to throw out the "so disney tryin say that black women can't grow hair" comment. You can't please everybody.
Oh my goodness, she is beautiful!! Im so happy that disney is finally making an african american princess. I always discuss this with my friends. (How disney has little to no african americans in their cartoons.) They seem to have done every other race known to man but african americans. lol.

They did GYPSY before they did af-am :lachen::lachen::lachen::nono::nono::ohwell:

But to be fair, I think that whole gypsy stuff was already built into the story... and Aladdin is obviously middle eastern (although Jasmine is lookin awfully caucasian)... and I guess the default for any other kind of folk tale is just stick a white girl in it... what are some folk tales that ALREADY come with a black heroine? I can't even think of one myself... :nono::nono::nono: I guess it'd be too much to ask for Disney to have found one, then...

I remember when I was younger I would try to catch those once upon a fairy tale cartoons (or whatever they were called) on HBO in the mornings... and one was the Princess and the Pea and the one who was the real princess was a low-key black girl... given the plot of the story (that they doubted she was a real princess), that could be seen as racist in the right light :nono:

ps - in that pic on the previous page, homegirl has some raging nipples :blush:
I understand your point but if she had anything less than SL I bet some would be quick so throw out the "so disney tryin say that black women can't grow hair" comment. You can't please everybody.

:lachen: Right??!?! Had she shown up with a TWA, folks would have been boycotting. :nono: :rolleyes:
She's beautiful!!! I love her hairstyles. I'm actually considering wearing one of them for my wedding... :grin:

I don't mind her having a lot of hair... It's not like Black women can't grow long hair, so I don't see it as unreasonable at all. As long as it's hers...
She's beautiful!!! I love her hairstyles. I'm actually considering wearing one of them for my wedding... :grin:

I don't mind her having a lot of hair... It's not like Black women can't grow long hair, so I don't see it as unreasonable at all. As long as it's hers...[/quote]

:lachen:Too late...Disney already said it was a front lace.
They did GYPSY before they did af-am :lachen::lachen::lachen::nono::nono::ohwell:

But to be fair, I think that whole gypsy stuff was already built into the story... and Aladdin is obviously middle eastern (although Jasmine is lookin awfully caucasian)... and I guess the default for any other kind of folk tale is just stick a white girl in it... what are some folk tales that ALREADY come with a black heroine? I can't even think of one myself... :nono::nono::nono: I guess it'd be too much to ask for Disney to have found one, then...

I remember when I was younger I would try to catch those once upon a fairy tale cartoons (or whatever they were called) on HBO in the mornings... and one was the Princess and the Pea and the one who was the real princess was a low-key black girl... given the plot of the story (that they doubted she was a real princess), that could be seen as racist in the right light :nono:

ps - in that pic on the previous page, homegirl has some raging nipples :blush:
I'm a bit of a children's stories addict, and I used to work in a childrens library - and the only ones I've seen with an black heroine were tales from Africa. There's an African folktalke almost identical to Cinderella, in fact.

Once upon a fairy tale ROCKED.