Discussing Money/finances With Your Significant Other....


Well-Known Member
Who started the conversation? How did it go? Is it an ongoing discussion? How much did you delve into?
(Did you discuss amount of debt, salary, assets, credit scores or was it just a surface conversation?)

If you're married did you share more after marriage or was it something you spoke about pre marriage?
We spoke before we got married (and I STRONGLY advise EVERYONE to do the same). The things that happened before you got married will follow you into your marriage (even if they're "separate" because it involves something that's only in one person's name). The conversation went well because I knew what I was getting into (both in terms of his problems and his approach to solving them).
Who started the conversation? How did it go? When i noticed he wasnt on top of his financials, i startd the convo.

Is it an ongoing discussion? How much did you delve into? It was ongoing until i learned all i needed to know. I will not be left in the dark or holding the bag :naughty:

(Did you discuss amount of debt, salary, assets, credit scores or was it just a surface conversation?) yep, alladat.

If you're married did you share more after marriage or was it something you spoke about pre marriage? By the time we got married i knew everythg.

I think if either of u are relying on the other persons salary, then its a necessary discussion. I planned on being a SAHM so i couldnt mess around
Who started the conversation? How did it go? Is it an ongoing discussion? How much did you delve into?
I bished and complained that he never brought up out finances and he was supposed to be the leader of the house and he just waited on my to talk about finances. Don't do that. Being so critical of your SONand pushing them to do something well forcing rather never helps. When we finally got the ball rolling we laid out all of our debts including car, student loan, house note, and credit card debt. We laid it all out. We both offered suggestions on how we could manage it and we made some small goals that were specific to us by ourselves but they were open so the other person could hold us accountable.nThe conversation wasn't pretty at first. It was a lot of hiding stuff and hiding behind excuses from both of us.

(Did you discuss amount of debt, salary, assets, credit scores or was it just a surface conversation?)
Discussed everything. It's still an ongoing conversation but things have gotten a million times better. We really started being as one with finances a few months ago. Since then we've really made some gains on paying off all debt except our house note, car notes, and student loans. Now we have some plans to eliminate those as well in the next 5-10 years. Don't leave anything out. This is y'all future you're talking about.

If you're married did you share more after marriage or was it something you spoke about pre marriage?

We discussed is premarriage but it wasn't as in depth as it should have been. Through our conversations we have learned that we view money differently. Like DH used to think some bills trumped others. He would not pay a certain bill to make sure he paid others and had residual money left over. But it negatively affected his on time payments. I on the other hand believe in paying all bills even if that means I have to pinch pennies and make it work until my next paycheck. We came together on a happy medium and now both of our credit/finances is straight. Could be better though. We check in with each other about once a month and just say where we are or what we need help with.
I don't remember how it started but I'm sure it was me. I probably volunteered info as an entry to ask for his info.
I'm really into financial management so I usually get into it with everybody about that just like I am with hair care.
Just part of who I am. I was tipsy (read drunk) in a club telling everybody about David Ramsey. I'm sure I changed a life that night :D