Disappointed Dominican Blowout!!! Vent Part 2 - Very Pic Heavy


Active Member
This is a continuation of my HORRIBLE Dominican Salon experience!

Please see Part 1 for initial story before jumping to conclusions:

So I went for a blowout and didnt get a roller set or any hair stretching technique on my hair prior to my blow drying. The blow dry was extremely painful, uncomfortable, unprofessional and almost resulted in a fight. So I didn't let them finish, as in, I did not get it flat ironed.

Before & After pics:

BEFORE; when I usually blow dry my hair myself



AFTER; it was blow dried at the Dominican salon:perplexed




My hair looked sooo thinned out especially in the back. It had no body, it didn't bounce or shine, nothing. Because of this, I trimmed it.



I was afraid it might have been heat damaged because when I pressed against it, it gleamed bright brown under the light. I freaked out and just washed it out. But FIRST;

This is how my natural shrinkage looked BEFORE the Dominican Blowout





This is NOW how my SHRINKAGE looks AFTER the blowout!!!!!





Can I sue in small claims court for something like this?? How do I go about it like, what do I sue for, how much, etc? I went back to the salon to confront them, once alone and again with my dad. They said there was nothing they could do about it. I am soo depressed right now, I don't know what to do.:sad::sad: I live in MD. If anyone knows the steps to take in filing a law suit in MD, please let me know, I'm serious *tears*


I don't understand why some pple are saying I don't have a case because of "i took the risk"

Ok they are TRAINED to avoid those risks! I know they are not supposed to be perfect but if the damage was minor, hardly noticeable, I wouldn't be complaining. But this was MAJOR damage and when i went back, they refused to take responsibility! Just because there is a risk doesn't allow them to be negligent!! As a professional, you cannot advertise and PROMISE something and expect not be liable!

If a dentist told you he has 20 years experience in oral surgery, that you will have no infection risks, and u get surgery done by him and get a mouth tumor, will you just say, oh i cant sue because "i took the risk"?? The manager yelled at me over and over again that it was gonna be impossible for her to give me heat damage, that she has 20 years experience in natural hair and that I needed to stop arguing with her about heat damage (I don't even think she knew what that was!).

I kept threatening to leave MANY times but I couldnt cuz ma mom was there also getting her hair done and was supporting the stylist, and thought i was being extremely rude and disrespectful; also the stylist kept dragging me down the chair, preventing me from leaving and telling my mom, dang your daughter is too hard headed, etc. Well I don't know about you guys saying oh you shoulda just walked out but YES I TRIED TO numerous times. But I was raised in an extremely strict home, you cannot just walk out of your parent like that.

My mom was extremely embarrassed by my behavior so some of you keep not understanding the fact that I was really quite stuck on that day. When I went home she yelled at me; it was my birthday and she wanted me to do my hair and she thought I was being ungrateful and not appreciating the stylist by "not letting her do her job". When I told her my hair is severely damaged and the stylist is a crook, she yelled at me viciously and told me I was such a stuck up child! Why do you think when I went back the next day to confront the woman about the damages, I went with MY DAD??

Those of you who think I just sat there and did nothing, are mistaken. I think the manager was thrown aback by the love i displayed for my hair (I don't hate my "bush" & she wouldn't stop saying everything bad about it), intimidated by the knowledge I had over the health of my hair and threatened by the confidence I had over what I wanted for my hair. So she decided to shut me down and boast about all these things she couldn't do so she would feel "big" in her salon. I spoke up, she didn't like that, now look at my hair...

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Sorry about your blowout. Had this salon/stylist been recommended to you? I'm not sure what can be done now, but maybe some of the other ladies will chime in with good advice.
no she wasnt recommended. another stylist met my mom and invited her to get her hair done at the salon. I went with her and when we arrived, we got our hair conditioned by this stylist. Then a second stylist (the manager) rudely took over my hair and started viciously blow drying it. she said my hair needs more force cuz its natural or some bull. this manager is the one who did the damage.
I'm not sure if you can sue but maybe you can try a protein treatment to get some of the shrinkage back? I'm very sorry this happened to you.
This has put me off of Dominican Blowouts forever.

Sorry this happened to you, OP.

ETA: Which hair salon in MD did you go to? I want to make sure I never set foot in there.
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Hi gurlie. I'm sorry this happened to you. I just came in here to give you an e-hug.

Would you mind sharing the name of this particular salon? I think I might have an idea of which salon you are talking about.
whoa, when u posted yesterday i didn't realize the dom's never flat ironed you. So you pressed your hair after blow out at home? If so, then I don't know if the heat dmg is attributed to the blow out or the press (or combination)
I sorry about this and I completely understand where you coming from. I had a dominican blowout last month and was happy in the beginning until I saw all the splits ends it left me which I had to fix myself. Try a protein treatment like locabouthair suggested. I hope you get your curls back.
Hi gurlie. I'm sorry this happened to you. I just came in here to give you an e-hug.

Would you mind sharing the name of this particular salon? I think I might have an idea of which salon you are talking about.

Sashelvis Hair Salon

938 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910
OMG that's messed up! Yeah they definately burned the crap outta your hair...hugs to you!

Question: Why did you let him handle your hair in a way you did not approve of?
Sashelvis Hair Salon

938 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910

I've been there once, although I was relaxed. I'm sorry. :nono: How many times have you tried washing your hair? Maybe things'll get better with a second or third wash, but I'm not sure.
OMG that's messed up! Yeah they definately burned the crap outta your hair...hugs to you!

Question: Why did you let him handle your hair in a way you did not approve of?

thats why i didnt let them flat iron my hair. its not like i knew it was gonna get damaged, everyone raves about dominican salons so i said, why not.
If you have chosen to take legal action, part of protocol is to go back to the salon and make them aware that you are disatisfied with the service you received. The salon can opt to offer you treatments to repair the damage done. Or they can opt to do nothing.

The first thing in court a judge or mediator is going to ask is if you the plantiff allowed the defendant to fix their mistake, etc.

If they opt to do nothing then you proceed with legal actions. You will need to contact the county courthouse. You can find them online (google). Check out what fee's are to file a small claim.

If they are not willing to offer conditioning treatements, etc. Go to another salon (preferably a salon which specializes in natural hair care) have them do a consultation of your hair and have them provide in writing (if possible) what it will take to repair damages done. Have them list what services you need, for how long and cost.

I'm sorry OP. They didn't even do a good job to begin with and you end up with this. It may bounce back with a couple more washes and protein...just see what happens...:(
If you have chosen to take legal action, part of protocol is to go back to the salon and make them aware that you are disatisfied with the service you received. The salon can opt to offer you treatments to repair the damage done. Or they can opt to do nothing.

The first thing in court a judge or mediator is going to ask is if you the plantiff allowed the defendant to fix their mistake, etc.

If they opt to do nothing then you proceed with legal actions. You will need to contact the county courthouse. You can find them online (google). Check out what fee's are to file a small claim.

If they are not willing to offer conditioning treatements, etc. Go to another salon (preferably a salon which specializes in natural hair care) have them do a consultation of your hair and have them provide in writing (if possible) what it will take to repair damages done. Have them list what services you need, for how long and cost.


OMG thank you soooo much!!!
I went back there and they practically tried to fight me. So I went back with my father and they told him there was nothing they could do about it.
Wow! Ok, since they refused to fix their mistake. Take them to court and sue them for the cost to repair damages and pain & suffering (emotional distress) of this whole ordeal.
whoa, when u posted yesterday i didn't realize the dom's never flat ironed you. So you pressed your hair after blow out at home? If so, then I don't know if the heat dmg is attributed to the blow out or the press (or combination)

oh no, I did not get my hair flat ironed. I don't remember saying anywhere that I eventually got it flat ironed. I didn't:nono:
PLEASE TAKE THEM TO COURT! Stylist need to learn the hard way. I had a stylist everyone raves about on my fav. hair board comb a super relaxer through my 8mnth post hair. from root to tip and have the nerve to consider themselves "healthy hair salons/stylist". I was APL so imagine I am still growing that out!
become a DIYer at the end of the day and good luck I mean it. If I do step foot in a salon at the mere feeling of pain, discomfort or unhealthy technique I speak up. If they get an attitude I don't want them in my hair AT ALL. that's right get up and walk OUT! No more set backs.
Deep Protein DC for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Hopefully ur hair will return back to normal.

They tried to fight u? WhAT!!?!?!?! Im sorry for whats happened to u, because if that was me, i'd make sure i let everyone know what kind of business they are operating and make sure they pass the information on not to go there.

Make sure you go to that small claims court and make sure they pay you every penny/cent/dollar/buck......!! :)
I'm very sorry that this happened to you. I hope that you come up with a resolution that works for you.
Sorry to read about your experience at that salon.:bighug: Do you have an Indian store in your area? You may want to try using Amla powder to see if that helps bring the curls back. I would definetely try to sue them, especially since they refuse to try to fix the damage.
Unfortunately that's definitely heat damage. You'll have to cut it off at some point. You could transition and grow it out slowly though
I'm so sorry to hear about your hair. This is one of the main reasons why I don't want to do any Dominican Blow outs on my hair during my transition. Keep you head up and remember it will grow out!
Sue them! I didn't want to comment initially because I didn't want you to feel any worse. But we all know what it is at this point. Your hair looked a mess.

Furthermore, they f'd with your natural texture. That's not cool. You spent too long to get your natural texture at that length to have them mess it up.

Sue for mental anguish, professional protein treatments, court costs and the cost of the service.

I'm sure you can get some women from here to be expert witnesses. Hopefully someone with a beauty license. And I'd be more than willing to be there for support.
Wow...I am so sorry. I would start with a protien treatment to try and get your hair back in shape...my goodness.

As far as me, I will continue to do my hair at home. This is outrageous!
I'm sorry this happened to you OP, but this teaches us at least 2 lessons:

Whenever we decide to put heat in our hair there is always a risk of temporary or permanent damage, there are just too many variables to ensure you will never mess up your natural texture. I know some DIYers on the board seem to have perfected their straightening techniques though so really it's each head is different.

If you experience pain, rudeness, attitude or a deep sense of foreboding whilst receiving a treatment, step up and say something so the stylist has a chance to adjust or step right out the salon and take your precious hair and hard earned cash elsewhere!

Again, I'm really sorry this happened to you, I hope you get a worthwhile outcome if you decide to initiate court proceedings.