Dirty hair revisited: What my long haired friend just confirmed

KiniKakes said:
I agree with this!

My hair is fine and so much more fragile than many others. Prime example, it breaks off when i comb it only lightly, whether i have sufficient moisture and protein or not. Although its an optimal health, the strands are just fine and weak and cant sustain a lot of stress.

But anyway, in terms of the OP's friend.... sounds like she is just using a low-manipulation, moisture-based regimen. And thats the key right there, to sustain length, no matter what hair type!

It is intresting how you put that. My hair is pretty healthy, but I have some weak strands, more on one side. They cannot sustain lots of stress and I have learned that the hard way. I have pretty thick hair but my strands need lots of TLC even though it is not in need of moisure.

I think that is why different things work for different people.
balisi said:
I'd just like to chime in and say that, as a stylist, I often see women who come in to have their hair done every two weeks. During that time, their hair has not been shampooed, rinsed or cleaned in any other way. As a result, their hair and scalp is dirty, flaky, oily and sometimes smelly. Oftentimes, the flakes are visible in their hair, as well as on their scalp. The water from rinsing their hair is very scummy. This is usually after a two week period.

I hear some of you saying that your hair is not dirty during the prolonged period between shampoos and am curious as to how you manage to keep it so. Please share your methods, as I'd really like to know.

As a stylist, you may be able to provide an informed answer: is itching a sign of dirt or an allergic reaction to a product?

My logic is going like this: if we're washing the hair to supposedly eliminate the itching, then maybe washing the hair won't do the job. Which means that washing the hair could be done less often, and done for the more effective reason to clean.
Could this really just be a result of low manipulation? Sorry if someone already said this, I only read the spark notes version of this thread :lol:
Taij said:
OK, okay. Lets not forget the fact that everyone is still different. I think the OP was just letting us know about yet another option to growing long hair. Some of us don't need complicated or detailed regimens (myself included). The only reason why I do anything to my hair is because I love to be in my hair all the time (a bad habit). Some people really do need CW, baggies and protective styles.
Some people cannot simply leave their hair alone for weeks at a time and still look the way they want to look.

Some hair types can allow for a monthly wash with little to no manipulation or heat to the satisfaction of the wearer. I think this thread was good for those of us who find that we really don't need to "do" a lot to get our hair to grow long. Some feel that they need all that other stuff. Live and let live. This is just another option and thank you so much to the OP for sharing. It has inspired me to stop messin in my hair so much!;)

This is true. I think it takes some people a while to realized that all hairtype react different to some techniques. An example is the washing while in braids. I find that I get way less breakage if I was my hair every two weeks instead of twice a week when I"m in braids. That just doesn't work for me.
Taij said:
OK, okay. Lets not forget the fact that everyone is still different. I think the OP was just letting us know about yet another option to growing long hair. Some of us don't need complicated or detailed regimens (myself included). The only reason why I do anything to my hair is because I love to be in my hair all the time (a bad habit). Some people really do need CW, baggies and protective styles.
Some people cannot simply leave their hair alone for weeks at a time and still look the way they want to look.

Some hair types can allow for a monthly wash with little to no manipulation or heat to the satisfaction of the wearer. I think this thread was good for those of us who find that we really don't need to "do" a lot to get our hair to grow long. Some feel that they need all that other stuff. Live and let live. This is just another option and thank you so much to the OP for sharing. It has inspired me to stop messin in my hair so much!;)

Thanks Taj! What you've stated was my original point (bolded).

I personally don't think it's "nasty" to not shampoo your hair everyday. I personally shampoo once a week. I actually have NO dandruff now when I had it bad before when I was attempting to shampoo every other day when I came on LHCF. I don't have issues with smelly or dandruffed hair personally. I have no idea about my friend as I didn't ask her. She's not a nasty person, so I'd assume she doesn't just walk around with funky, flaky hair, but IDK. :lol:

I know if I went back to using curing irons and relaxing every 4 wks my hair would be back to what it was when I was 20yrs old. My shampoo regimine however seems to not have much bearing on the health of my hair. As I stated before, I've always had healthy hair, it just never would grow past SL. I'm not advocating for people to go on a shampoo strike and only shamppo once every blue moon... Of course by all means do what works for you.

Only you know what best works for your head of hair, whatever the hair type may be. I just wish someone would have told me when I was a newbie here that things CAN be simplified and still garner results.
Well I feel that there is some truth to "dirty hair, growing hair". My sister doesn't wash her hair more than once a month. When she does wash she shampoos several times and then deep conditions. She has long, thick APL hair. She swears by not washing too often. But her scalp is flaky, oily (without adding oils) and her hair stinks - in my opinion.

If that's what I have to do to grow long hair then I will not be doing it. (laughs)

Right now my hair is healthy, thick and growing very well. So I'm just going to stick with what works for me.

Oh I did try to stretch my washing by 3 weeks. I made it, but then when I washed I felt soooo happy. I couldn't stretch again. (My hair did grow during this time period - but not more than usual).

Anyways I hope my post doesn't offend anyone. I guess I'm saying different things work for different people. I know what works for me. I appreciate this post though, because from time to time I will still stretch my washes - just to see (laughs)
Taij said:
OK, okay. Lets not forget the fact that everyone is still different. I think the OP was just letting us know about yet another option to growing long hair. Some of us don't need complicated or detailed regimens (myself included). The only reason why I do anything to my hair is because I love to be in my hair all the time (a bad habit). Some people really do need CW, baggies and protective styles.
Some people cannot simply leave their hair alone for weeks at a time and still look the way they want to look.

Some hair types can allow for a monthly wash with little to no manipulation or heat to the satisfaction of the wearer. I think this thread was good for those of us who find that we really don't need to "do" a lot to get our hair to grow long. Some feel that they need all that other stuff. Live and let live. This is just another option and thank you so much to the OP for sharing. It has inspired me to stop messin in my hair so much!;)

ITA, I don't use a lot of products in my hair after I straighten it so I don't get a lot of build up. Now when I wear my hair curly I cw every other day bc I like how it looks freshly washed. My hair is weird, and I just do whatever works for me at the time.
I agree with your friend however when I lay on my pillow at night or when the wind blows I don't like to smell dirty hair.
Growing up I honestly only washed my hair ever 3-4 months L I know it sounds nasty, but I had it hot combed and my mother thought wait until it starts to revert, it never reverted so it was when my scalp was itchy and my new growth was wavy. I had bra-strap- mid back length hair during Junior High and High school. I also do not sweat out of my head and in my opinion my hair didn’t stink. I would put fragrant oils on it daily so maybe it was covering it up.

I want to note that going over 2 months without letting water run though your hair is not something I would suggest I honestly feel that at a certain point it “stunts” your growth because your scalp is not breathing. My hair mostly maintained its length but I will admit it got to that length by me hardly washing it. I have since started co-washing my hair 2wice a week and shampooing every 2 weeks which is a huge change for me my scalp feels cleaner but I am not sure if this is slowing, speeding up or keeping my growth the same just yet. I don’t feel that it is doing it any harm and I know shampooing 2wice a week is way too much for my hair.
I may be jumping into the fray a little late but here are my two cents. FAMUDiva does raise a good point; for some people not washing your hair often does help it grow. I am one such person. My hair was always past my shoulders growing up. I never had a regimen. As I entered high school and college, I abused it with dyes, bad relaxers and excessive heat. It still grew but it remained always just past my shoulders a few inches above APL. If you look at Nay’s album she notes the same thing.

Now, her friend also had long hair as a child AND she wets it just about everyday, which adds moisture which, as someone mentioned, helps to maintain the length. Remember hair growth happens to ALL of us. What does not happen to everyone is maintaining length. That is where LHCF comes in. This is an information sharing forum. I have learned some many things from all of you ladies. Some of them work for me and some of them do not. What we must remember, there is no one cure all for all of us. We have different diets, genes and hair types. But what is going to help every single one of us is discussions like this, sharing information and seeing how it helps in our personal development.

This is not a sprint, but a journey and we are all each others’ milestones along the way!

Your friends regime sounds like mine. I haven't relaxed since june. I wash my hair when the spirit leads me. My hair has been thriving. The washing, conditiner washing, baggying, etc... just didn't work for my hair. I thank God I found this out. Now for all this doggone products I got to get rid of.
PME_LADY said:
I may be jumping into the fray a little late but here are my two cents. FAMUDiva does raise a good point; for some people not washing your hair often does help it grow. I am one such person. My hair was always past my shoulders growing up. I never had a regimen. As I entered high school and college, I abused it with dyes, bad relaxers and excessive heat. It still grew but it remained always just past my shoulders a few inches above APL. If you look at Nay’s album she notes the same thing.

Now, her friend also had long hair as a child AND she wets it just about everyday, which adds moisture which, as someone mentioned, helps to maintain the length. Remember hair growth happens to ALL of us. What does not happen to everyone is maintaining length. That is where LHCF comes in. This is an information sharing forum. I have learned some many things from all of you ladies. Some of them work for me and some of them do not. What we must remember, there is no one cure all for all of us. We have different diets, genes and hair types. But what is going to help every single one of us is discussions like this, sharing information and seeing how it helps in our personal development.

This is not a sprint, but a journey and we are all each others’ milestones along the way!


Great post LaTasha!
so1913 said:
Exactly. I don't think there's a one answer solution to everyone's hair care needs. All of our hair and bodies are different. We require personalized solutions for everything from skin care to hair care. If not washing works for you, go with it! But I don't want everyone to be mislead to think that this is the solution to their hair care needs. For me, cw'ing & rinsing my hair and scalp frequently is a must like taking a shower and cleansing my body, no part of me is an exception! LOL. Plus, the constant moisture is a huge benefit for my hair. It's all about personal preference.

balisi said:
I'd just like to chime in and say that, as a stylist, I often see women who come in to have their hair done every two weeks. During that time, their hair has not been shampooed, rinsed or cleaned in any other way. As a result, their hair and scalp is dirty, flaky, oily and sometimes smelly. Oftentimes, the flakes are visible in their hair, as well as on their scalp. The water from rinsing their hair is very scummy. This is usually after a two week period.

I hear some of you saying that your hair is not dirty during the prolonged period between shampoos and am curious as to how you manage to keep it so. Please share your methods, as I'd really like to know.

Thank you for saying this.

I once knew of a black girl who had waistlength hair with very deep waves. She barely washed her hair which gave the impression that the myth (yes it is a myth) ' a dirty scalp makes your hair grow!' I tried to follow her lead (this was when I was in highschool) but I realized one thing, that was not very hygienic plus when I looked at her family, I saw where she got her length from.
I some what can concur with some of what has been mentioned..

When I was child I hated getting my hair done and would hide from my mother when she wanted to take me to get my hair done.. my hair always grew.. I washed about once a month and would slap on tons of that nasty…pink-oil moisturizer and my hair continued to grow as a weed…

In btwn all of that I started to perm my hair more freq. and color, cut and etc so my hair still grew it was just unhealthy..bsl in some areas short as an inch in other areas..

Fast forward to now.. my hair is all natural bsl and I am weaved up.. very little manipulation, I don’t believe in washing my hair when I have in a weave because of the smell that hair gets when it is not fully dried completely.. and I do oil my scalp once a week….my scalp does not have a lot of build-up it never did I don’t have a scalp that flakes up or ect. I can tell when my hair is dirty but I never had a dandruff problem or anything like that.. I normally leave my weave in for 2.5 months and I know I am suppose to only really leave it in for 2 months but I am lazy.. BUT MY HAIR GROWS HEALTHY WHEN I LEAVE IT ALONE.. THE LESS MANIPULATION THE MORE IT GROWS..i also don’t trim my ends on a regular basis and my ends remain fine.. so I think t all depends on the individual..my mom also has the same type of hair that I do.really thick and really long that can withstand damn near anything.. so I totally agree that it comes from the genes or etc.
I totally agree w/ your friend. I don't like to manipulate my hair much either. I choose to shampoo every two weeks (no co-washes or wetting in-between) because I get the most breakage and shedding when I shampoo and I want to limit that. I keep so much length this way. I don't feel that I need to wash my hair any more than this because it's not dirty, nor does it stink so why do it. This regimen has been working crazy well for me. I've been doing it for many years and will continue to.
balisi said:
I'd just like to chime in and say that, as a stylist, I often see women who come in to have their hair done every two weeks. During that time, their hair has not been shampooed, rinsed or cleaned in any other way. As a result, their hair and scalp is dirty, flaky, oily and sometimes smelly. Oftentimes, the flakes are visible in their hair, as well as on their scalp. The water from rinsing their hair is very scummy. This is usually after a two week period.
I hear some of you saying that your hair is not dirty during the prolonged period between shampoos and am curious as to how you manage to keep it so. Please share your methods, as I'd really like to know.

Wow, what are these women mud wrestlers:lachen: . For real though.....their hair gets like that in just two weeks...dang.

This is not directed an anyone inparticular but I'm just reading through these posts and I'm totally missing the reason why this thread is so controversial. The op is just sharing her friends regimen....what's the debate? I'm guessing it's the in-frequent washing that everyone thinks is so "gross"? If that's what works for her than who are we to judge.
Pokahontas said:
This is not directed an anyone inparticular but I'm just reading through these posts and I'm totally missing the reason why this thread is so controversial. The op is just sharing her friends regimen....what's the debate? I'm guessing it's the in-frequent washing that everyone thinks is so "gross"? If that's what works for her than who are we to judge.

I think that it's because people don't realize that their dirty, nasty, unwashed hair really does STANK.

Just because the funk on your head doesn't smell like underarm funk, that don't make it less funky, just different funky!

I have read many a thread about how folks go weeks without washing their hair "but mines don't stink" and then I see a siggy with and creamy or oily fragranced leave ins. You have just done the equivalent of trying to cover up funk with perfume. That doesn't work on the body and it doesn't work on the head.

But if you really don't think your ish don't stink, ask one of those friends that you know won't lie to you or even better - get a little kid to sniff your 2 month old unwashed hair and tell you what it smells like.... I think some folks go be in for a surprise.

I'm just sayin.:look:
JCoily said:
I think that it's because people don't realize that their dirty, nasty, unwashed hair really does STANK.

Just because the funk on your head doesn't smell like underarm funk, that don't make it less funky, just different funky!

I have read many a thread about how folks go weeks without washing their hair "but mines don't stink" and then I see a siggy with and creamy or oily fragranced leave ins. You have just done the equivalent of trying to cover up funk with perfume. That doesn't work on the body and it doesn't work on the head.

But if you really don't think your ish don't stink, ask one of those friends that you know won't lie to you or even better - get a little kid to sniff your 2 month old unwashed hair and tell you what it smells like.... I think some folks go be in for a surprise.

I'm just sayin.:look:

OOOOH SHNAPS!!!!!:lachen: :lachen:
JCoily said:
I think that it's because people don't realize that their dirty, nasty, unwashed hair really does STANK.

Just because the funk on your head doesn't smell like underarm funk, that don't make it less funky, just different funky!

I have read many a thread about how folks go weeks without washing their hair "but mines don't stink" and then I see a siggy with and creamy or oily fragranced leave ins. You have just done the equivalent of trying to cover up funk with perfume. That doesn't work on the body and it doesn't work on the head.

But if you really don't think your ish don't stink, ask one of those friends that you know won't lie to you or even better - get a little kid to sniff your 2 month old unwashed hair and tell you what it smells like.... I think some folks go be in for a surprise.

I'm just sayin.:look:

First... :lol: :lachen: :lol: :lachen: .. its true... It is VERY hard to really smell your own hair, mostly b/c its the scalp that smells not really the hair so to speak. It's not as obvious as smelling underarm or other bo. I can tell when someone doesn't wash thier hair often, you can smell thier scalp when you get close to them but they don't smell it. Or there is that hair grease/oil smell and dirty scalp :look: :lol: . I know when I use to wash every 2 wks. often times I'd ask my mom to sniff my head, and when she got really close, she told me it smelled a little sour :lol: and i wasn't sweating or anything. A scalp needs water at the very least more frequently than 2x a month.
Britt said:
First... :lol: :lachen: :lol: :lachen: .. its true... It is VERY hard to really smell your own hair, mostly b/c its the scalp that smells not really the hair so to speak. It's not as obvious as smelling underarm or other bo.

It's the same principle as not being able to smell your own breath. YOU are used to the smell in your mouth, meanwhile everybody else is offering you gum, dental coupons, etc.

I'm guilty of the funky hair, especially back in the days when I'd pay $200 for braids that I wanted to keep looking fresh for as long as possible. I still want to know what genius came up with washing the scalp with seabreeze all it is is just slightly diluted alcohol, you might as well wash your scalp with brown gel.
FAMUDva said:
Ladies, I have a long haired friend who is not a LHCF member, but has 4a hair that is waist length. Her definition of waist length is not the natural waist as most LHCFers... She's basically at the top of her pants or belt (which is what I always thought was WL before LHCF).

Anyway, her def isn't the point :lol:, the point of the post is after talking to her last night she confirmed that ALL she does to grow and KEEP long hair is take her vitamin and no heat! That's IT! She doesn't shampoo her hair often at all... She shampoos once or twice a month and she wears a pony tail most days. She says she wears a pony tail for sheer ease because has ULTRA thick hair! If I have to use an example, her hair is as thick or thicker than Lauren450 (sorry for calling you out girl :)).

I know the "dirty" hair thing has been mentioned here before, but after talking to her last night I'm convinced that you don't have to do a tremendous amount of work to have great, thick, long hair! Her motto is just leave it alone. She relaxes every 6 months, gets dominican blow outs or roller sets for special occasions, and trims only when necessary! I wasn't shocked at her regimine (or lack there of), but I told her that much of what she does "just because" have been things that I've only recently become enlightened about. I can't wait to have hair her length. She really proves that it's not magical or secret concotions to grow nice long 4a hair.

I'm so EXCITED! I can't wait!

ETA: Her shampooing isn't scheduled, it just is done when she feels it's time. She told me she know it sounds nasty, but she had long hair growing up and she said her mom only shampooed her once a month. She said her hair isn't "dirty" so she doesn't shampoo until she feels it is. She does wet her hair most days to pull it up in the pony and uses a diffuser to scrunch her ends to have a wash and go.

Since she wets her hair frequently, does she use moisturizers often or just let it air dry?
JCoily said:
It's the same principle as not being able to smell your own breath. YOU are used to the smell in your mouth, meanwhile everybody else is offering you gum, dental coupons, etc.

I'm guilty of the funky hair, especially back in the days when I'd pay $200 for braids that I wanted to keep looking fresh for as long as possible. I still want to know what genius came up with washing the scalp with seabreeze all it is is just slightly diluted alcohol, you might as well wash your scalp with brown gel.

WHat if her hair REALLY DOESN'T STINK! She rinses her hair MOST MORNINGS in the shower with plain water! She isn't into products because was NEVER into products. She said she rinses her hair everyday to get it back in a pony and they scrunch with a diffuser to have a fluffy pony. How does that = stank OR nasty?

For what it's worth, I shampoo every week, and my hair doesn't stink! Trust that my man would certainly tell me as he has on previous occasions when I started using MTG. I for one CAN smell my hair when it is sour, like after a workout or whatever. But my hair doesn't stink with shampooing once a week.

I'm not getting why the tone is such that folks who don't shampoo daily or weekly are nasty, stank, and just plain ole dirty. :confused: I guess there's only one way to be on the up and up around here and not be considered nasty.:ohwell:
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cocoberry10 said:
Since she wets her hair frequently, does she use moisturizers often or just let it air dry?

She said she uses a liquid leave in most days and some type of oil. She said it's like hot-six oil, but she adds it as soon as she gets out of the shower. I think folks missed my point. She rinses her hair most days. With plain water, no shampoo and no CW. She doesn't comb it, but she does pull it up in a pony and scruches it with a diffuser. I guess I'll just have to tell her she's nasty with dirty stankin hair. :look:
rdm said:
Your friend is very lucky. I understand the concept of just leaving your hair alone and it will grow.

If I even thought about going more than a week without washing, I would gross everyone out by scratching my head every 5 minutes. Also, my hair stinks after a week without washing. Even before coming to LHCF, I had to wash once a week.

You sound like me, I can't go longer than a week of washing my hair. It would drive me nuts plus I would scratch my scalp raw.
JCoily said:
It's the same principle as not being able to smell your own breath. YOU are used to the smell in your mouth, meanwhile everybody else is offering you gum, dental coupons, etc.

*eyes blinking*
FAMUDva said:
She said she uses a liquid leave in most days and some type of oil. She said it's like hot-six oil, but she adds it as soon as she gets out of the shower. I think folks missed my point. She rinses her hair most days. With plain water, no shampoo and no CW. She doesn't comb it, but she does pull it up in a pony and scruches it with a diffuser. I guess I'll just have to tell her she's nasty with dirty stankin hair. :look:

Yes, maybe some of us did miss that point. I don't think people are nasty, I just think it's only natural for the scalp to have a smell if it has not been hit with water for 2 wks. The severty of the smell of course will differ from person to person, but trust that there is some type of smell on a scalp that has oil build up on it for 2 wks. Usually, it's just the smell of old grease/hair oil and scalp.
I personally like to wash, co wash at least once a week, but that's just ME... I don't think others have to follow my wash regimen, I just think that hygenically speaking anything over 2 weeks w/o at least water hitting the scalp is a little :look:.
navsegda said:
LMFAO :lachen::lol: :grin:

Sorry, it's just that the way you said it was pure hilarity.

Because that's the way folks were making me feel. Judgement passes so quickly around here. :ohwell: I am gonna tell her that she's nasty though. :lol: Tell her to cut the sh*t out and start shampooing or CW her hair everyday! She don't know nothing about growing hair, it's all in her genes! She need to do what her 2 sisters are doing since their hair is shorter than hers.:look: