Dirty hair revisited: What my long haired friend just confirmed

amr501 said:
I agree with this! I also agree with FAMUDiva's friend in that less is best (she only relaxes her hair twice a year, little manipulation, and moisturizes her hair daily) that's key.:)

Yep, I myself was overwhelmed when I first joined. Now, I have come to the realization that less is best. The only reason I wash my hair twice a week is because I fine it easier not to do any manupulation in between. When my hair is clean, I can pull it back in a bun with very little manupulation. So basically I only manupulate my hair during wash days.
Keen said:
The benefit of frequent washes is not that the hair need to be clean to grow. Frequent washes = frequent moisture. Moist hair is less prone to breakeage. Since your friend wet her hair most days, she is getting the benefits of frequent moisture.

Thanks for this explanation! It makes a lot of sense :yep:
I do think genetics have a lot to do with how some people can do absolutely nothing to their hair it still be long, thick and healthy. Just like some people have beautiful skin and they don't do much to it and sleep in make up periodically. It's just not fair. :perplexed
Lately I have not been on ANY kind of schedule and I wash my hair about once a month. I have noticed a lot more growth, BUT I keep trimming..for whatever reasons. I think it goes back to the idea of less manipulation, the hair has no choice but to grow, that's what I think.
I can't imagine going for more than 7 days without shampooing my hair. My hair is pretty thick and I work out frequently. At 7 days my hair doesn't smell so nice. I hate being close to women and you can smell their hair (it smells almost like maple syrup to me) because it hasn't been washed in some time. Nothing better than fresh, clean hair.
For me personally I tried not washing my hair weekly after talking to a friend who had very long and thick hair, she said that neither she or her sisters washed their hair but once a month. Well, at the time I did mine weekly either at the salon or myself. I tried it and my scalp started to rebel. It was more itchy, and it started to be very tender and have breakouts, along with breakage. I know that I sweat very heavily in my head, so only washing monthly was not an option. I also feel that genetics does play a role, along with care.
I want to try this method, but I always start to get dandruff really bad when I go over about 7 days without washing...even when I moisturize daily. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
my mom used to harldy wash my hair when i was younger. and guess what my hair stayed at ear length for years:ohwell: . some things dont work for everyone. its just like people who eat all they want but never gain weight and people who do nothing to their skin and have the worst diets have flawless skin. i do believe the no washing might work for some people but i think my hair needs a regular deep condition.
Well I'm 9 or 10 weeks post now and I have to wash more frequently to lay these naps down!

Of course genetics plays a major role in hair growth but we all know that healthy hair will grow too.

Of all the products/protective styles I've tried since joining this forum the ONE thing that I KNOW has contributed to my growing hair is 'no heat' between relaxers.

For my hair I know that if (at the very least) I stay away from the heat my hair will grow, grow, grow!
I remember reading another thread here about women who only wash their hair once every month or two, and the general consensus was that these women had short broken off hair with dandruff. :confused:

I don't think washing has anything to do with it. It all boils down to styling. If someone spends hours styling their hair and someone else doesn't, and both of them only wash their hair once a month, then obviously the one who doesn't style their hair will have longer, thicker hair.
locabouthair said:
my mom used to harldy wash my hair when i was younger. and guess what my hair stayed at ear length for years:ohwell: . some things dont work for everyone. its just like people who eat all they want but never gain weight and people who do nothing to their skin and have the worst diets have flawless skin. i do believe the no washing might work for some people but i think my hair needs a regular deep condition.

See that's the main reason I wash so much, it's not for cleaning but I deep condition twice a week.
I am so glad you posted this thread. I think that helps me regarding another post I put out the other day. I have a relaxer, but just want to keep my hair in braids(2months at a time--semi/crown & glory method) b/c it is just more convienent while I am in school. I had done that before, but then I did not have a relaxer. I usually keep my hair down 2months then up in braids two months and that has made may hair retention increase(not to mention very little heat--maybe 2-3X/yr). Less is more seems to be the best bet for me.
locabouthair said:
my mom used to harldy wash my hair when i was younger. and guess what my hair stayed at ear length for years:ohwell: . some things dont work for everyone. its just like people who eat all they want but never gain weight and people who do nothing to their skin and have the worst diets have flawless skin. i do believe the no washing might work for some people but i think my hair needs a regular deep condition.

Exactly. I don't think there's a one answer solution to everyone's hair care needs. All of our hair and bodies are different. We require personalized solutions for everything from skin care to hair care. If not washing works for you, go with it! But I don't want everyone to be mislead to think that this is the solution to their hair care needs. For me, cw'ing & rinsing my hair and scalp frequently is a must like taking a shower and cleansing my body, no part of me is an exception! LOL. Plus, the constant moisture is a huge benefit for my hair. It's all about personal preference.
For me nothing I was doing was growing my hair. I started to believe that I will aways have short hair. It changed for me when I brought a book, I can't remember what it was named, but the guy raved about dudleys so I spent 200 dollars buying everything, and yeah my hair did come in thick and I started washing it more,but then I later developed a bald spot. IT was getting on this website and learning about moisture and frequent washing. plus deep conditioners and ACV rinse. I never imagine I would wash my hair everyday let alone twice a day. I cw my hair twice a day this past summer. I BC in april the back area of my head is touching past my shoulders when stretch. My sister can do anything to her hair and it grows and grows both of my sisters but me. I had to learn all about hair on here, before my hair started to grow. I actually have to do the work and I would never ever go back to doing what I was doing. For me this site was a real blessing. I'm going to have long hair. for real all mine. I worked hard at getting it. I think if I didn't I might not appreciate it as much. I would have taken it for granted.
so1913 said:
Exactly. I don't think there's a one answer solution to everyone's hair care needs. All of our hair and bodies are different. We require personalized solutions for everything from skin care to hair care. If not washing works for you, go with it! But I don't want everyone to be mislead to think that this is the solution to their hair care needs. For me, cw'ing & rinsing my hair and scalp frequently is a must like taking a shower and cleansing my body, no part of me is an exception! LOL. Plus, the constant moisture is a huge benefit for my hair. It's all about personal preference.

I actually agree with you so1913. But I'm just giving the other side. When I first joined LHCF all I heard was the CW, frequent shampoo, etc side of things. I was completely overwhelmed and thought I needed to do all of that to grow my hair since it was ALL new to me. I had never heard of CW before Nov 2005.

So, in essence I believe the same thing you stated as far as different things work for different folks hair. I just didn't hear the other side of the story when I joined LHCF.

BTW, my hair is not dirty because I don't shampoo it everyday. I'm a very clean person and believe in keeping it hygenic, so I understand for some they can't go more than a day or 2 without shampooing, but there is another side to the coin and growth can be acheived and maintained either way.:)
so1913 said:
Exactly. I don't think there's a one answer solution to everyone's hair care needs. All of our hair and bodies are different. We require personalized solutions for everything from skin care to hair care. If not washing works for you, go with it! But I don't want everyone to be mislead to think that this is the solution to their hair care needs. For me, cw'ing & rinsing my hair and scalp frequently is a must like taking a shower and cleansing my body, no part of me is an exception! LOL. Plus, the constant moisture is a huge benefit for my hair. It's all about personal preference.

Very true, I think everyone has to do what's right for themselves. There's no "one size fits all" or one right way of doing things! Personally, I have to CW twice weekly because my newgrowth demands it (that's one thing I've discovered during my transition) :lol:
Famuda, I guess you didn't read what I said or you wouldn't be asking me this question. My post was very explanatory and at no time was I implying that thick hair = faster growth!! I am shocked that a post which clearly states MOST THICK HAIR LADIES I HAVE SEEN could be interpreted by you to mean ALL thick hair ladies. Let me take the time to summarize my post in case you may have read it too quickly; what works for you and your friend, will not necessarily work for other people including my fine-medium type hair. It has to be washed once or twice per week to stay healthy. I have included my post below so you can read it again.

“Your friend, and other thick hair ladies are blessed to do almost anything and still grow long healthy hair. Unfortunately, many other ladies with fine - medium hair are not so lucky. Based on my experience, most thick hair ladies that I have seen (there are exceptions) can do almost anything (heat/no heat, minimal washing, no vitamins, etc) and still maintain long beautiful hair that grows very quickly. Fine to medium texture hair might not be so lucky, and so maintaining a haircare routine is beneficial to growing and maintaining long hair. I know for sure that if I incorporated your friend's routine, my hair would go right back to what it was before LHCF".

FAMUDva said:
If what you are saying is true, I should have hair down to my butt. :lol: I have naturally THICK hair and always have. My hair has never been longer than it is now. So, thicker hair doesn't = faster growth. And that's from my personal experience with my own head of thick hair.

My hair is growing and I'm retaining growth NOW because I've simplified how much I handle my hair. That seems to be the key for me. And BTW, I wasn't using direct heat 2 yrs before coming to LHCF and still wasn't retaining massive growth although my hair was healthy.
comike said:
I can't imagine going for more than 7 days without shampooing my hair. My hair is pretty thick and I work out frequently. At 7 days my hair doesn't smell so nice. I hate being close to women and you can smell their hair (it smells almost like maple syrup to me) because it hasn't been washed in some time. Nothing better than fresh, clean hair.

I totally agree. I work out 5 days per week and I can't imagine going more than 4 days without washing my hair.
Mystic said:
Famuda, I guess you didn't read what I said or you wouldn't be asking me this question. My post was very explanatory and at no time was I implying that thick hair = faster growth!! I am shocked that a post which clearly states MOST THICK HAIR LADIES I HAVE SEEN could be interpreted by you to mean ALL thick hair ladies. Let me take the time to summarize my post in case you may have read it too quickly; what works for you and your friend, will not necessarily work for other people including my fine-medium type hair. It has to be washed once or twice per week to stay healthy. I have included my post below so you can read it again.

“Your friend, and other thick hair ladies are blessed to do almost anything and still grow long healthy hair. Unfortunately, many other ladies with fine - medium hair are not so lucky. Based on my experience, most thick hair ladies that I have seen (there are exceptions) can do almost anything (heat/no heat, minimal washing, no vitamins, etc) and still maintain long beautiful hair that grows very quickly. Fine to medium texture hair might not be so lucky, and so maintaining a haircare routine is beneficial to growing and maintaining long hair. I know for sure that if I incorporated your friend's routine, my hair would go right back to what it was before LHCF".

It was retorical! I read everything you wrote. I was NOT trying to get smart with you or rub you the wrong way. Your post back to me seems like you took me the WRONG way! I NEVER said you SAID ALL!

I don't come on here to rub people the wrong way... of course typed words can be taken wrong, but whatever! I simply replied and was simply stating that I have thick hair and don't have an eaiser time growing it! That was the complete gist of my post back to you! Never once did I say you said EVERY thick haired person!

Goodness... I hate it when someone yells at me via the internet. There are ways of clarifing 1st without yelling.

ETA: I'm educated, with multiple degrees, and can read! I personally feel like there was no need to take the tone you did in your post. If I'm NOW reading your post incorrectly, I apologize, but it certainly comes across as abrasive.

Forget I mentioned the whole dirty hair thing! It's nasty, flithy, and unheard of for people who don't have hair like my friend's. I was simply sharing a convo I had with a friend who was being helpful with me. I'll let the status quo stay as is.

Thanks for all those who posted their opinions on both sides of the coin. :)
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I haven't read through the whole thread so maybe someone has said this already, but it sounds like the lady in question doesn't have to "grow her hair on purpose" like many of us do. It was mentioned that she had long hair as a child (which many of us didn't) which could very possibly mean that it is easier for her to have long hair. It may not at all be related to how often she does or does not wash and condition her hair.
Supergirl said:
I haven't read through the whole thread so maybe someone has said this already, but it sounds like the lady in question doesn't have to "grow her hair on purpose" like many of us do. It was mentioned that she had long hair as a child (which many of us didn't) which could very possibly mean that it is easier for her to have long hair. It may not at all be related to how often she does or does not wash and condition her hair.

IMO everyone's hair grows... retention is the key. She retains most of her hair growth within a given time period. That's what I was attempting to convey.

She mentioned that there is no science behind why she does or doesn't shampoo more often. It's just a matter of hassle according to her. Because she has so much hair she doesn't like going through the motions very often of shampooing, styling, etc. She was just mentioning that she doesn't do anything special and she keeps her growth. I wish I had a picture.
Keen said:
The benefit of frequent washes is not that the hair need to be clean to grow. Frequent washes = frequent moisture. Moist hair is less prone to breakeage. Since your friend wet her hair most days, she is getting the benefits of frequent moisture.

There are some ladies on LCF that did a water rinse only challenge they only rinsed with water for a month or so to see if that would work. So this rinsing even if it's not a CW makes sense to me too. It's almost like when some of us mist our hair with water or rose water, water and oil etc... I mist my hair daily, esp. if I can't do a CW.
Your response to my post rubbed me the wrong way so I responded accordingly. You are indeed correct when you say written words can sometimes be misconstrued so if my response rubs you the wrong way, then I too apologise as well. Have a blessed night.

FAMUDva said:
It was retorical! I read everything you wrote. I was NOT trying to get smart with you or rub you the wrong way. Your post back to me seems like you took me the WRONG way! I NEVER said you SAID ALL!

I don't come on here to rub people the wrong way... of course typed words can be taken wrong, but whatever! I simply replied and was simply stating that I have thick hair and don't have an eaiser time growing it! That was the complete gist of my post back to you! Never once did I say you said EVERY thick haired person!

Goodness... I hate it when someone yells at me via the internet. There are ways of clarifing 1st without yelling.

ETA: I'm educated, with multiple degrees, and can read! I personally feel like there was no need to take the tone you did in your post. If I'm NOW reading your post incorrectly, I apologize, but it certainly comes across as abrasive.

Forget I mentioned the whole dirty hair thing! It's nasty, flithy, and unheard of for people who don't have hair like my friend's. I was simply sharing a convo I had with a friend who was being helpful with me. I'll let the status quo stay as is.

Thanks for all those who posted their opinions on both sides of the coin. :)
I'd just like to chime in and say that, as a stylist, I often see women who come in to have their hair done every two weeks. During that time, their hair has not been shampooed, rinsed or cleaned in any other way. As a result, their hair and scalp is dirty, flaky, oily and sometimes smelly. Oftentimes, the flakes are visible in their hair, as well as on their scalp. The water from rinsing their hair is very scummy. This is usually after a two week period.

I hear some of you saying that your hair is not dirty during the prolonged period between shampoos and am curious as to how you manage to keep it so. Please share your methods, as I'd really like to know.
This just confirms what most of us have been saying all along, leave it alone and it'll grow. I dont know about the washing thing, thats more of a hygiene thing for me now (I cant go more than 3-4 days), feels better to the scalp. Whether you think its dirty or not, you come into contact with a lot of things just walking outside (dirt, dust, germs) and many other things...people take showers daily but only wash their hair once a month? :perplexed I agree though, you dont need special potions, just leave it alone, it will grow.
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OK, okay. Lets not forget the fact that everyone is still different. I think the OP was just letting us know about yet another option to growing long hair. Some of us don't need complicated or detailed regimens (myself included). The only reason why I do anything to my hair is because I love to be in my hair all the time (a bad habit). Some people really do need CW, baggies and protective styles.
Some people cannot simply leave their hair alone for weeks at a time and still look the way they want to look.

Some hair types can allow for a monthly wash with little to no manipulation or heat to the satisfaction of the wearer. I think this thread was good for those of us who find that we really don't need to "do" a lot to get our hair to grow long. Some feel that they need all that other stuff. Live and let live. This is just another option and thank you so much to the OP for sharing. It has inspired me to stop messin in my hair so much!;)
Taij said:
OK, okay. Lets not forget the fact that everyone is still different. I think the OP was just letting us know about yet another option to growing long hair. Some of us don't need complicated or detailed regimens (myself included). The only reason why I do anything to my hair is because I love to be in my hair all the time (a bad habit). Some people really do need CW, baggies and protective styles.
Some people cannot simply leave their hair alone for weeks at a time and still look the way they want to look.

Some hair types can allow for a monthly wash with little to no manipulation or heat to the satisfaction of the wearer. I think this thread was good for those of us who find that we really don't need to "do" a lot to get our hair to grow long. Some feel that they need all that other stuff. Live and let live. This is just another option and thank you so much to the OP for sharing. It has inspired me to stop messin in my hair so much!;)
ITA. Thank you FAMUDva for starting this thread and sharing your friend's hair success. It is inspirational. :)
winterinatl said:
I do. I have a friend w/ thick, waist length hair that is natural. But her wave is like 2b, 3a. She washes once or twice a month, and wears her hair up most of the time. the point is she doesn't comb it every day.

But even if she did (she was once relaxed and WS) I don't think it would matter much. She would still have very long hair. Maybe less 3 inches at the most.

If I washed my hair once a month it would be 2b too :lol:
My hair flattens after a day or two, it would probably be almost straight after a month. :eek:

I have to wash twice a week or I'll get the itchies!
FAMUDva said:
Ladies, I have a long haired friend who is not a LHCF member, but has 4a hair that is waist length. Her definition of waist length is not the natural waist as most LHCFers... She's basically at the top of her pants or belt (which is what I always thought was WL before LHCF).

Anyway, her def isn't the point :lol:, the point of the post is after talking to her last night she confirmed that ALL she does to grow and KEEP long hair is take her vitamin and no heat! That's IT! She doesn't shampoo her hair often at all... She shampoos once or twice a month and she wears a pony tail most days. She says she wears a pony tail for sheer ease because has ULTRA thick hair! If I have to use an example, her hair is as thick or thicker than Lauren450 (sorry for calling you out girl :)).

I know the "dirty" hair thing has been mentioned here before, but after talking to her last night I'm convinced that you don't have to do a tremendous amount of work to have great, thick, long hair! Her motto is just leave it alone. She relaxes every 6 months, gets dominican blow outs or roller sets for special occasions, and trims only when necessary! I wasn't shocked at her regimine (or lack there of), but I told her that much of what she does "just because" have been things that I've only recently become enlightened about. I can't wait to have hair her length. She really proves that it's not magical or secret concotions to grow nice long 4a hair.

I'm so EXCITED! I can't wait!

ETA: Her shampooing isn't scheduled, it just is done when she feels it's time. She told me she know it sounds nasty, but she had long hair growing up and she said her mom only shampooed her once a month. She said her hair isn't "dirty" so she doesn't shampoo until she feels it is. She does wet her hair most days to pull it up in the pony and uses a diffuser to scrunch her ends to have a wash and go.

Hey FamuDva that s funny i find that my hair really started taking off and sprouting out when i stop shampoing ) i have only used shampoo 4 times in a year and 5 months!) I HAVENT USED HEAT either for a whole year and 5months but i plan to use when i reach my goal;and i wash my hair now every 2 weeks (when it itches too much:lachen: ) i religiously take my vits, mtg and leave my hair alone in cornrows and baggie and satin bonnet ( i cant stand the air even in my house it s my worse nemesis and can dry my hair out:mad: ) one day for fun in unravel the front and was surprised to see it had gotten long:eek: without me knowing so i like it that way. i m stick to cornrows, sometimes i just rinse or use my praital that s it but lately i m lazy so i dont wash my hair and let it get dirty and when i stretch it it has gotten longer cant wait for summer hihi:D ;) :)
Mystic said:
Your friend, and other thick hair ladies are blessed to do almost anything and still grow long healthy hair. Unfortunately, many other ladies with fine - medium hair are not so lucky. Based on my experience, most thick hair ladies that I have seen (there are exceptions) can do almost anything (heat/no heat, minimal washing, no vitamins, etc) and still maintain long beautiful hair that grows very quickly. Fine to medium texture hair might not be so lucky, and so maintaining a haircare routine is beneficial to growing and maintaining long hair. I know for sure that if I incorporated your friend's routine, my hair would go right back to what it was before LHCF:lachen: :lachen:

I agree with this!

My hair is fine and so much more fragile than many others. Prime example, it breaks off when i comb it only lightly, whether i have sufficient moisture and protein or not. Although its an optimal health, the strands are just fine and weak and cant sustain a lot of stress.

But anyway, in terms of the OP's friend.... sounds like she is just using a low-manipulation, moisture-based regimen. And thats the key right there, to sustain length, no matter what hair type!