Dirt makes my hair grow?!?!

How often do you wash your hair?

  • 2 or more times a week

    Votes: 281 32.4%
  • at least once a week

    Votes: 448 51.7%
  • bi-weekly

    Votes: 96 11.1%
  • once a month

    Votes: 34 3.9%
  • wash my hair? hmmm...(explain)

    Votes: 8 0.9%

  • Total voters
its not the dirt that makes your hair grow (your hair is always growing). its the low manipulation that is helping you retain length. i don't see that as an excuse to not wash daily though.
Now that I know how to do my hair I was it once or twice a week. Back when I didn't and it took me forever to do it I had been known to go over a month without washing. My friends use to tease me that dirt made my hair grow and that's why I had long hair! LOL
I can't go more than two or three days without pooing my hair. If I try to my scalp itches like crazy and after a week I wind up with the start of a scalp infection. Not to mention the smell....lawd I just can't take the way my hair smells when it is dirty...feels like no matter where I go a dirty sock or something is following me lol.
I wash my hair at least once a week and sometimes more. Hair can and should be washed in braids too. It is the way that you wash them to keep the appearance up, and not look like you are rocking dreads - unless you like this look.
I've heard this statement a lot.

I cowash 2-3 times a week and shampoo atleast once a week. If I'm in braids, I don't use shampoo. I use a baking soda and water solution every 2 weeks. I've been told I'm "not white", I "wash my hair too much",etc.:rolleyes: I notice that my hair seems to be growing faster than when I washed every 2 weeks in the past.:ohwell: Also, the overall health of my hair seems to have improved as well. I guess my hair thrives off the frequent cowashing.
I've heard that before too and it sounds gross to me. Dirt just makes for smelly hair. ew.
I couldn't stand to go beyond a week without washing my hair. It has become a habit for me and I like for my hair to be clean.
I shampoo and dc once a week and co-wash 1x or 2x a week.
I wash right now about every 3-4 weeks b/c my hair is constantly braided otherwise, unless taken down to wash or rebraid. In summer its once every 2 weeks S&DC or weekly CW. I've done it all...from daily washing to going a couple months in braids without washing. I have noticed my hair likes to be left alone, and the infrequent washing/manipulation helps me much more with length retention and thickness than shampooing and CWing all the time.

Its the combing during detangling that leads me to believe frequent washing isn't beneficial to my hair in all aspects. My hair doesn't have a smell because my scalp doesn't sweat, and I don't overload with products. Works for some, not others as I have said before.
I don't know it not washing your hair makes it grow. I have to wash my hair at least 2x a week, or my scalp itches like crazy. I wish i could go without washing so much, because it would cut down on the manipulation:yep::yep::yep::yep:
I gotta say that my hair grew the most when I didn't have the money to get it done. I was prob wasing it every other week and bunning it. Low to no manipulation. I easily gained 6 inches over 6-8 months. When I finally went to a stylist I had to get it trimmed.
Iono about that.. like it's been said.. I think it grows regardless of extremely clean or dirty scalp. My roommates coworker goes months between hair washings, is transitioning and has MBL hair.. I only go for a month without washing If i'm in braids, and even then I still try to clean my scalp with a rag and hot water.... I sweat in my head terribly, especially at night ..so over a period of time It gets funky, and hair funk is something I can't get wit..
Iono about that.. like it's been said.. I think it grows regardless of extremely clean or dirty scalp. My roommates coworker goes months between hair washings, is transitioning and has MBL hair.. I only go for a month without washing If i'm in braids, and even then I still try to clean my scalp with a rag and hot water.... I sweat in my head terribly, especially at night ..so over a period of time It gets funky, and hair funk is something I can't get wit..

That's a good technique. thanks, I am gonna tell my sis cuz she has new micros and doesn't want the braids to unravel during traditional washing, though I created a diluted shampoo spritz to use in the shower especially for her. One could add a little astringent, witch hazel, shampoo, AVC, etc or other light cleanser to the hot water. That's a great idea.
I wash my hair once a week and absolutely do not believe that dirt in any form makes your hair grow. I think the low manipulation factor during these extended periods is the primary reason for growth and not the dirt accumulated. The key for me was to find my perfect balance of washing my hair Vs maintaining a low manipulation regimen; this I found (for me) to be once a week washing.

Personally, I wash my hair for a variety of reasons that are not solely growth based, namely hygiene, the fact that I love the feeling of freshly washed hair :lick: and I just can’t go any longer than this period without washing. However, everyone’s hair and perfect balance will differ in ranges from shorter to longer periods but in all instances, it’s definitely not the dirt accumulation that aids growth in anyway.
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You know if you look at dirt closely, you'll probably find some minerals and maybe a protein in there somewhere that will make hair grow. People do take mud baths. Maybe it's a special kind of dirt she's referring to that makes her hair grow.

But just as silly as it sounds, I would ask the question.....what kind of dirt do you use? :lachen: FLowers grow in dirt but they also need water too!
If dirt makes your hair grow then I'd rather have short hair .....I have a girlfriend that washes her hair ever 3 weeks...and I can not stand the way her hair smells....she keeps it gelled in a bun..one time she used my brush to do hair and my brush was stinking .I had to throw it away...I told her, her hair stinks and she was like I don't smell anything and if it did my husband would tell me....her hair has a sour mildew smell to it:barf:

yeah, a lot of people don't wash their hair often because their hair doesn't produce oil. but they are forgetting about dirt, sweat, dust, other crud. When washing my hair less frequently than once a week, whenever I scratch my head I can feel gunk start to buildup in my nails. :barf:
I've heard that for many years and I never listened to it. A lady at my church used to say that all of the time. Cleanliness is next to Godliness as far as I'm concerned. In the past I would wash my hair once a week. These days I co wash two or three times a week and shampoo once a week. I don't like build up and gunk at all.
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Hey everyone this is my first post but I have been lurking and a member of this site a few yrs now.

Anyway I wash my hair once a wk and I cant see me going any longer than that. However my "Hair Idol" on Youtube is Waist Length and she washes a her hair once a month. She even made a video addressing this issue. Here is the link. The 2nd link is a video of pics of hair journey:

I've heard people say that before... Personally after a little over a week my head will start itching like ants are in it so I have to wash it
Ive seen people scratch the dandruff out and just keep it moving like it was nothing....but i seriously doubt if dirt makes ur hair grow...lol

When I was permed back in Jr. High I washed my hair every 2 weeks, because I made the mistake of IMPROPERLY washing my hair everyday in the 4th grade, because that's what I heard white girls were doing and had yet to know the difference between my hair and theirs. Smh.
It is a fallacy that dirt makes your hair grow. People are misinterpreting what they see. For some people, infrequent washing (whether or not combined with oiling) can be very successful in growing out their hair.

This is because of the low manipulation, retention of natural oils, and sometimes protective styling (if the person constantly wears their hair in buns, braids, twists or under weaves / wigs). NOT the dirt.

If you like it and can make it work for you, don't let anybody shame you into washing your hair more frequently. As long as it doesn't become a hygiene issue. My problem is I just like getting my hair wet! So even though fortnightly washing worked for me as a child and would probably work again, I just can't stick it out.