Did you ever have a strong gut feeling about the person you would marry ?


Well-Known Member
Did you ever have a strong gut feeling about the person you would marry ?

Have you ever had a strong instinct that you will meet you soulmate? Or a strong gut feeling of what they would look like? Where you right or way off now that you look back and compare the person you actually marry?

For the last 6 years, I had a strong feeling that the man of my life is in Boston for some reason. I also had a strong gut feeling that his background would be different than mine. For some reason, I also have a gut feeling that I will meet him soon. This weird I never felt something like this in my entire life. Has anyone experience something like this?:perplexed:spinning:

another odd thing is that, I was talking to a co worker about a trip I planned to do To Boston. She responded :" your going see your man over there? You got a man there or something"

I was simply talking about the scenery , woodsy area of vermont and NH when I drive towards Boston. Her comment got me thinking here.
wow. that sounds pretty powerful. i can't say that i've felt that. i am married now but, when i met my dh.. things just kinda happened naturally. i wasn't expecting anything. hopefully your gut feelings are correct =]
yeah girl... My best guy friend since the 8th grade. he came back to my life and we just fell for each other... His fam loves me and his mommy calls me her "daughter" lol
I can't say I've felt anything as powerful as you OP, but I was with my ex-boyfriend for four years and rarely thought about marriage/weddings/etc. I've been with new SO for two months now and I must admit I fantasize about getting married all the time. Not to him... just in general. But I find it odd how once I started dating him I started having the normal marriage fantasies, while I never had those with I was with ex-SO.
Some people say that the things that occur in our lives happen for a reason. I have heard that we are prepared to be with our soulmate and often that we have met our soulmate at least once (whether you are aware of it or not) before you two come together.

I'd like to think there is more to love than just chance :)

I would love to hear other people's thoughts on the matter.
Yep. I saw stars when I first saw my husband. I was literally dumb struck, mouth hanging open and all. I knew right then and there that he was the one. Then I felt a horrible gut wrenching sadness and literally cried that night because at the time he had a girlfriend. Well, you see how that relationship went:grin: None of my doing, I assure you! We did not start seeing each other until after they had broken up.
i have a gut feeling about my ex bf esp since he's always coming back. Btw
Zooki your family is very beautiful. I will take the eight and 2 yr old. (smiles)
Almost four years ago I wrote a list of things my "perfect guy" would have. It even came down to physical appearances, though never in a million years I thought I would meet anyone who had the things I listed in such detail. Two years ago I met my SO. he was EVERYTHING on that list. Not one thing on there he wasn't. Including his physical appearance. (We never saw each other when we first met, we met through a business contact of my mothers) We then found out we had an uncanny amount of things that we both shared interests of. When we first started corresponding via email, we would write long (think 6 page) emails, this is something I never done with any of my friends before. I found myself having this strong connection to him, and I honestly felt like I knew him for a lifetime. I still feel this way two years later. We talked on the phone for hours this summer, one night we talked for 8 hours straight into the morning. I knew early on in our friendship he was special and I thought to myself, I could see myself with someone like him, for a lifetime. We have been together for four months, he is in the army now, but I'm sure he is the one I will marry. I've never felt this way before about anyone before, and I believe it is the same for him. I believe in soul mates, and I feel like he was meant for me.
Thats interesting...when are you going to boston??

I never had a gut feeling about somebody I didn't know...but had strong feelings upon meeting, seeing or talking to somebody who did become very relevant in my life
I went out with a girlfriend a few years ago. When I got into her truck, I told her that I had a feeling that something was going to happen, I was gonna meet someone that night...it wasn't a bad feeling, just an instinctual feeling. I met my last SO that night. Even though we're not together anymore that relationship had a profound effect on my life.

So even though I haven't met my DH yet (or at least I don't think I have), I believe its definitely possible that you can have a gut feeling about him. I believe "gut" feelings are God's way of talking to us.
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i have a gut feeling about my ex bf esp since he's always coming back. Btw
Zooki your family is very beautiful. I will take the eight and 2 yr old. (smiles)

:grin: Sorry! They're a package deal! Along with the stipulation that you will be willing to also take any others that "come" along.:grin: JK about that "others bit:look:.:grin: