Did you are your SO meet in an unusual way? or do you know a couple who did?

we met on craigslist. i read on here that a few girls found their husbands or SO's on there and i didnt even kno u could do that. so i went on there and found a bunch of losers. then i saw one he posted like a month back. i thought he was really cute but didnt like what he wrote. i was bored so sent this message questioning it. (btw i was very snotty in what i said and just wrote one sentence) he wrote back w. a paragraph, i was shocked cause i had him pegged all wrong. i thought he was (forgive me) but just another n*gga. anyway i wrote back then he wrote back. we talked on AIM til the sun came up and for the rest of the week we talked from morning til morning. n e how. fast forward to the present and we're in love, talking possible marriage. it hasnt moved that long and things progressed really quickly but... i guess when u kno u just kno.
nice thread... i met my "friend" on bp...long story short i visited his page...like i was visiting many other pages..just admiring pictures. He notice i visited his page...contacted me..and we have been talking and going out for a few weeks now....he keeps it 100%..very honest with his intentions and is educated :drunk: (a lawyer) (ding ding)...:lachen:i met his sisters yesterday :look:.
define 'unusual' please...

anything aside from "traditional". The type of stories that make people think "wow, who would have thought!?" A college friend of mine met her now ex in a coffee shop when she ran into him causing him to drop his coffee. Who would have thought that would lead into a relationship?
I met him when I was driving home from work and I was covered in ink. Come to think of it, I met most SO's while driving....
My current SO is my neighbor. Lol. After me and my SO broke up my next door neighbor invited me over for dinner and we have been together ever since. What makes this unusual is because I never saw myself being with him, although he is very attractive. We are from two different worlds. He is White, I am Black. He is from a rural area (where we live now). I am from the city. Its funny though, because all these differences on the surface. But together we are so alike until he is the best relationship I’ve had so far.
I met my fiance online. I actually was pretty rude to him at the beginning because I thought he was just another sorry a$$ dude wasting my time. I was already fed up with the ones I met in the past from that site. Many months later he tried talking to me again online and this time I chatted with him. Our conversations got pretty interesting and funny. We later agreed to meet for dinner and I was joking with him about making sure he showed up with roses. Sure enough, when we met for the first time, he took me to his car and took out a beautiful bouquet of a dozen roses. I was so shocked. I didn't expect it because I was only joking with him online. So things progress over the years and now we're engaged.
I've shared this story several times here on the forum, but here it is again...

I met my SO at a Christmas party (2006) a friend of mine from work gave.

I was in the process of breaking up with my then-current-boyfriend and was really just tired of men and what-not. I went to the party just to please my friend who always invites me to gatherings and I would never attend. I really didn't want to go, but boy oh boy, am I glad I did!

I was sitting in front of the fireplace and just observing the people mix and mingle and this skinny, tall, white guy sits down on the couch adjacent to me. We struck up a conversation and I find he was pretty interesting and kind of cool in a way; I found that I really liked talking to him and could tell he was a very nice person. He wouldn't leave my side ....:look:

To make a long story short, that very same night (hours later), he shocked me by kissing me when I turned my head to ask him a question.

We have been together ever since that night and I couldn't be happier! :grin:. Oh, I found out later that he had seen me before at my friend's house and was attracted to me then; that was 2 years before this party.

Our relationship has really progressed to the point where we practically live together (his home; I have my own key & everything!). He drives me nutz sometime (what man doesn't?), but we seem to be made for one another. My family is amazed that some skinny white guy has turned out to be my match and a good one at that! :yep:

That is why I always say this; "Always smile because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!"
Loving the stories, keep em coming!

Here are some stories I've heard that caught my attention...

A friend's parents met at a restaurant. She was the server and he was the guest. It was her first day serving on her own and she screwed up the order. He was having a bad day and took it out on her by not leaving a tip.:nono: He thought about it later and felt bad and revisited the restaurant a week later to give her the tip. She refused:ohwell:. He offered to take her out to dinner. She accepted:perplexed...been together since. :yep:

My former supervisor met her husband while she was a flight attendant on a plane and he was a passenger. Once again, he gave her a hard time, and somehow they began a relationship and got married. Don't know much else about the details.

This one is kinda creepy and I heard it from a former professor of mine. She was out grocery shopping one day as usual. She noticed this cute guy checking her out but didn't think much of it. Well a few days later she checks her mailbox and sees a note. It was from the guy. He followed her home and came back and slipped the note into her mailbox.:perplexed He left his number and something told her to just give him a call and tell him that he's crazy and his actions were stalker-ish. Well they talked for hours and have been married for a good long while. I would have called he police!:rolleyes:

A poster from a message board I frequented YEARS ago met her now husband when he delivered pizza to her apartment. They flirted and numbers were exchanged.

This is also from another message board.

A young woman volunteers at a community center. She works overseeing the elderly in various recreational activities offered by the center. Well she becomes very close to the ladies she works with. One in particular really admires the young woman and always compliments her. She tells her she is beautiful, smart, and an overall good example of how a young woman should be in this day and age. One day she tells the young woman that she would love for her to be her grandson's future wife. The young woman thinks the older lady is a little off...mainly because the young woman is black...and the older lady is as white as they come, but she laughed it off anyway. Well weeks later the older lady informs the young woman that her grandson will be picking her up and she'd like for her to meet him. The young woman felt very uncomfortable about the whole situation. But lo and behold, he comes in to get his grandmother and she introduces them. They are both nervous as they shake hands and instantly kinda hit it off. After that, he comes and picks his grandmother up every visit, and they talk for a while every time. He finally asks her out and it turns into a serious relationship. Well his grandmother passes before they get married, so they dedicated a portion of their wedding to the woman they say saw potential for love that transcends all borders and barriers. And she was right, this young woman did become her grandson's wife. Who would've known?

So don't give up so easy. Sometimes love comes when you least expect it. Keep your eyes and heart open because you might meet the love of your life today or tomorrow in the most unusual way!
I've shared this story several times here on the forum, but here it is again...

I met my SO at a Christmas party (2006) a friend of mine from work gave.

I was in the process of breaking up with my then-current-boyfriend and was really just tired of men and what-not. I went to the party just to please my friend who always invites me to gatherings and I would never attend. I really didn't want to go, but boy oh boy, am I glad I did!

I was sitting in front of the fireplace and just observing the people mix and mingle and this skinny, tall, white guy sits down on the couch adjacent to me. We struck up a conversation and I find he was pretty interesting and kind of cool in a way; I found that I really liked talking to him and could tell he was a very nice person. He wouldn't leave my side ....:look:

To make a long story short, that very same night (hours later), he shocked me by kissing me when I turned my head to ask him a question.

We have been together ever since that night and I couldn't be happier! :grin:. Oh, I found out later that he had seen me before at my friend's house and was attracted to me then; that was 2 years before this party.

Our relationship has really progressed to the point where we practically live together (his home; I have my own key & everything!). He drives me nutz sometime (what man doesn't?), but we seem to be made for one another. My family is amazed that some skinny white guy has turned out to be my match and a good one at that! :yep:

That is why I always say this; "Always smile because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!"

GREAT advice! You really NEVER KNOW! It's easy to get discouraged because nothing seems to be working. But that party or get-together you are thinking about not attending might be where you will meet the man that will become your husband. Like in my last post, what if my friend's mother didn't screw up some guy's order? Or like many of the other posts in this thread, what if we were so quick to give up on meeting a man online? A simple smile goes a long way!
Keep it coming. I met my son's father when I went out with his friends to a club. I was preparing for a fashion show and some of the models decided to hang out. His friend was a model so we went clubbing. Later on I went out to breakfast with the guys. I had no clue he was feeling me. Well, he asked me out at the fashion show two weeks later. Years later 1+1 = 3
Short version: My husband and I knew each other from high school, and reunited several years later on myspace lol...fell in love, and got married.

Long version:

We had crushes on each other in high school, but neither of us ever made a definite move. I was dating a guy who dumped me the week before the prom, and Charlie (my DH) slipped me a note that had the lyrics to comforter by Shai. I was cheesing so hard. But still, he never asked me out! Come to find out all these years later, he told his parents about me and they werent cool with him dating outside of his race and thats why he stopped pursuing me. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and hung out in a group, but it never went further. We lost touch the summer we graduated.

He was one of those people I always wondered what ever happened to. Im not that sentimental and dont keep a lot of stuff because Ive moved a lot over the years, but for some reason I kept a picture I had of us from 11th grade all these years. Come to find out, he went in the Air Force right after high school in 98 and got married shortly after that, and divorced in '04. I had been in an on and off relationship with someone who treated me badly for pretty much all those years. We were engaged twice, but never got married. We were still together, but on the rocks as usual.

I always thought myspace was stupid and juvenile...but one of my friends finally got me on there and the day I signed up I saw his profile on our schools page. I was ecstatic and literally screamed like a little girl and was jumping up and down.

I emailed him and we started talking back and forth about what we had been up to over the years. Then he started calling me...at first it was just like old friends catching up type of thing. We went to school in TN but coincidently we were both in FL at this time. He was serving his last year in the air force. I casually mentioned maybe we could meet up SOMETIME. He called me the next day and said he was coming that same weekend LOL. The spark was already there and I knew what I was getting myself into...but it was so exciting and I felt so alive that I couldnt say no. Its like I just wanted to see "what if!?"....

Well what if turned into us instantly becoming crazy about each other. I broke it off with my ex for good, which took a little time. In the meanwhile, Charlie had gotten out of the military and went back to our hometown. I went back for 2 weeks to see family and we were inseparable the whole time. I didnt want to come back home lol. We decided one of us was moving. It ended up being him. 6 months later we got engaged...10 months later we got married (easter sunday of this year)...and thats our story. Never been happier :)

*wipes eyes*

That is beautiful, Leslie! I wish you and your hubby a lifetime of happiness!
Short version: My husband and I knew each other from high school, and reunited several years later on myspace lol...fell in love, and got married.

Long version:

We had crushes on each other in high school, but neither of us ever made a definite move. I was dating a guy who dumped me the week before the prom, and Charlie (my DH) slipped me a note that had the lyrics to comforter by Shai. I was cheesing so hard. But still, he never asked me out! Come to find out all these years later, he told his parents about me and they werent cool with him dating outside of his race and thats why he stopped pursuing me. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and hung out in a group, but it never went further. We lost touch the summer we graduated.

He was one of those people I always wondered what ever happened to. Im not that sentimental and dont keep a lot of stuff because Ive moved a lot over the years, but for some reason I kept a picture I had of us from 11th grade all these years. Come to find out, he went in the Air Force right after high school in 98 and got married shortly after that, and divorced in '04. I had been in an on and off relationship with someone who treated me badly for pretty much all those years. We were engaged twice, but never got married. We were still together, but on the rocks as usual.

I always thought myspace was stupid and juvenile...but one of my friends finally got me on there and the day I signed up I saw his profile on our schools page. I was ecstatic and literally screamed like a little girl and was jumping up and down.

I emailed him and we started talking back and forth about what we had been up to over the years. Then he started calling me...at first it was just like old friends catching up type of thing. We went to school in TN but coincidently we were both in FL at this time. He was serving his last year in the air force. I casually mentioned maybe we could meet up SOMETIME. He called me the next day and said he was coming that same weekend LOL. The spark was already there and I knew what I was getting myself into...but it was so exciting and I felt so alive that I couldnt say no. Its like I just wanted to see "what if!?"....

Well what if turned into us instantly becoming crazy about each other. I broke it off with my ex for good, which took a little time. In the meanwhile, Charlie had gotten out of the military and went back to our hometown. I went back for 2 weeks to see family and we were inseparable the whole time. I didnt want to come back home lol. We decided one of us was moving. It ended up being him. 6 months later we got engaged...10 months later we got married (easter sunday of this year)...and thats our story. Never been happier :)
I know a couple that met online only to discover that they live around the corner from each other AND attend the same church! :drunk:
Short version: My husband and I knew each other from high school, and reunited several years later on myspace lol...fell in love, and got married.

Long version:

We had crushes on each other in high school, but neither of us ever made a definite move. I was dating a guy who dumped me the week before the prom, and Charlie (my DH) slipped me a note that had the lyrics to comforter by Shai. I was cheesing so hard. But still, he never asked me out! Come to find out all these years later, he told his parents about me and they werent cool with him dating outside of his race and thats why he stopped pursuing me. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and hung out in a group, but it never went further. We lost touch the summer we graduated.

He was one of those people I always wondered what ever happened to. Im not that sentimental and dont keep a lot of stuff because Ive moved a lot over the years, but for some reason I kept a picture I had of us from 11th grade all these years. Come to find out, he went in the Air Force right after high school in 98 and got married shortly after that, and divorced in '04. I had been in an on and off relationship with someone who treated me badly for pretty much all those years. We were engaged twice, but never got married. We were still together, but on the rocks as usual.

I always thought myspace was stupid and juvenile...but one of my friends finally got me on there and the day I signed up I saw his profile on our schools page. I was ecstatic and literally screamed like a little girl and was jumping up and down.

I emailed him and we started talking back and forth about what we had been up to over the years. Then he started calling me...at first it was just like old friends catching up type of thing. We went to school in TN but coincidently we were both in FL at this time. He was serving his last year in the air force. I casually mentioned maybe we could meet up SOMETIME. He called me the next day and said he was coming that same weekend LOL. The spark was already there and I knew what I was getting myself into...but it was so exciting and I felt so alive that I couldnt say no. Its like I just wanted to see "what if!?"....

Well what if turned into us instantly becoming crazy about each other. I broke it off with my ex for good, which took a little time. In the meanwhile, Charlie had gotten out of the military and went back to our hometown. I went back for 2 weeks to see family and we were inseparable the whole time. I didnt want to come back home lol. We decided one of us was moving. It ended up being him. 6 months later we got engaged...10 months later we got married (easter sunday of this year)...and thats our story. Never been happier :)

I hear a lot of stories like this! So sweet! It's kinda crazy when you think about it, we are all out looking for the right man only to realize he might have been under our nose the whole time! Funny how you think back to highschool and you never would have thought that he'd be your husband someday.
I've shared this story several times here on the forum, but here it is again...

I met my SO at a Christmas party (2006) a friend of mine from work gave.

I was in the process of breaking up with my then-current-boyfriend and was really just tired of men and what-not. I went to the party just to please my friend who always invites me to gatherings and I would never attend. I really didn't want to go, but boy oh boy, am I glad I did!

I was sitting in front of the fireplace and just observing the people mix and mingle and this skinny, tall, white guy sits down on the couch adjacent to me. We struck up a conversation and I find he was pretty interesting and kind of cool in a way; I found that I really liked talking to him and could tell he was a very nice person. He wouldn't leave my side ....:look:

To make a long story short, that very same night (hours later), he shocked me by kissing me when I turned my head to ask him a question.

We have been together ever since that night and I couldn't be happier! :grin:. Oh, I found out later that he had seen me before at my friend's house and was attracted to me then; that was 2 years before this party.

Our relationship has really progressed to the point where we practically live together (his home; I have my own key & everything!). He drives me nutz sometime (what man doesn't?), but we seem to be made for one another. My family is amazed that some skinny white guy has turned out to be my match and a good one at that! :yep:

That is why I always say this; "Always smile because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!"

I 3> this post :spinning:
A young woman volunteers at a community center. She works overseeing the elderly in various recreational activities offered by the center. Well she becomes very close to the ladies she works with. One in particular really admires the young woman and always compliments her. She tells her she is beautiful, smart, and an overall good example of how a young woman should be in this day and age. One day she tells the young woman that she would love for her to be her grandson's future wife. The young woman thinks the older lady is a little off...mainly because the young woman is black...and the older lady is as white as they come, but she laughed it off anyway. Well weeks later the older lady informs the young woman that her grandson will be picking her up and she'd like for her to meet him. The young woman felt very uncomfortable about the whole situation. But lo and behold, he comes in to get his grandmother and she introduces them. They are both nervous as they shake hands and instantly kinda hit it off. After that, he comes and picks his grandmother up every visit, and they talk for a while every time. He finally asks her out and it turns into a serious relationship. Well his grandmother passes before they get married, so they dedicated a portion of their wedding to the woman they say saw potential for love that transcends all borders and barriers. And she was right, this young woman did become her grandson's wife. Who would've known?


:spinning: :drunk: :spinning: :drunk:

Short version: My husband and I knew each other from high school, and reunited several years later on myspace lol...fell in love, and got married.

Long version:

We had crushes on each other in high school, but neither of us ever made a definite move. I was dating a guy who dumped me the week before the prom, and Charlie (my DH) slipped me a note that had the lyrics to comforter by Shai. I was cheesing so hard. But still, he never asked me out! Come to find out all these years later, he told his parents about me and they werent cool with him dating outside of his race and thats why he stopped pursuing me. We had talked on the phone a couple of times and hung out in a group, but it never went further. We lost touch the summer we graduated.

He was one of those people I always wondered what ever happened to. Im not that sentimental and dont keep a lot of stuff because Ive moved a lot over the years, but for some reason I kept a picture I had of us from 11th grade all these years. Come to find out, he went in the Air Force right after high school in 98 and got married shortly after that, and divorced in '04. I had been in an on and off relationship with someone who treated me badly for pretty much all those years. We were engaged twice, but never got married. We were still together, but on the rocks as usual.

I always thought myspace was stupid and juvenile...but one of my friends finally got me on there and the day I signed up I saw his profile on our schools page. I was ecstatic and literally screamed like a little girl and was jumping up and down.

I emailed him and we started talking back and forth about what we had been up to over the years. Then he started calling me...at first it was just like old friends catching up type of thing. We went to school in TN but coincidently we were both in FL at this time. He was serving his last year in the air force. I casually mentioned maybe we could meet up SOMETIME. He called me the next day and said he was coming that same weekend LOL. The spark was already there and I knew what I was getting myself into...but it was so exciting and I felt so alive that I couldnt say no. Its like I just wanted to see "what if!?"....

Well what if turned into us instantly becoming crazy about each other. I broke it off with my ex for good, which took a little time. In the meanwhile, Charlie had gotten out of the military and went back to our hometown. I went back for 2 weeks to see family and we were inseparable the whole time. I didnt want to come back home lol. We decided one of us was moving. It ended up being him. 6 months later we got engaged...10 months later we got married (easter sunday of this year)...and thats our story. Never been happier :)

Where's the teary smily... This is beautiful

I love this thread...
I met my ex SO in an unusual way and he never lets me live it down lol. I was in the mall shopping and whatever when this girl started talking to me, me being nice told her yeah i would be her friend and whatnot and gave her my number. She's in the marines. I talked to her once or twice but never chalked it up to nothing just friendly convo.. then out the blue she bust out and asks me out. I was like um "I don't date girls" lol. Man she got upset talking why am i talking to her if i don't date girls. lol i told her i thought she just wanted to be friends lawd what a mess. well anyways i heard this guy in the background and I asked her who it was and it was her "brother" another Marine and lawd he sounded good. So i politely asked if i could talk to him and we hooked up soon after lol.:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I'm so terrible. he was a good man sadly he PCS'd :sad:.