Did Megatek Jack up anyone's hair???

What were your results with Megatek

  • My hair grew like a weed

    Votes: 120 56.3%
  • No visible results, does not work

    Votes: 36 16.9%
  • Heck, it jacked up my hair

    Votes: 8 3.8%
  • Other- please elaborate

    Votes: 49 23.0%

  • Total voters
i voted OTHER because it wasnt like MT jacked me up, it just didn't do me favors....

it was a lot of unnecessary breaking and hard hardness - but nothing major...:ohwell:
I like Megatek but what jacked up my hair was assuming I needed to moisturize often to avoid too much protein...wrong!

I didn't need to moisturize as often as I did because really, I was only putting the Megatek on my scalp. I still needed a protein/moisture balance for the length of my hair.

My hair started breaking since it was over moisturized, lesson learned.
I like MegaTek and the funny thing is that I apply it to my scalp every day or two. No problems thus far. I also take garlic pills.
To get the best results from Mega-Tek, make sure your hair is clean of any cones or anything coating the hair. The hair must be clean so that MT can penetrate the shaft. I also like to apply heat for 15-30 minutes so that the hair shaft can swell and open up allowing for greater penetration. Then I do a moisture DC and a conditioner rinse. It's a hard regimen to follow I must say, because of the shower hopping. Due to it being an intense regimen many stop using MT.

Due to the only drawback of Mega-Tek, PRICE; I stopped using it for a few months. I have reordered and will receive it this week. I'm going to start using this in the steam room at the gym 4x a week just to see what happens.
Of course it jacked up folks' hair...more than will admit to it. I wish more people would come forward and be honest about it. :( There's no way it didn't jack up tons of heads. It's formulated for an animal that's 10x the body weight of many people, so you're getting a MEGA BLAST of 10x contration of whatever's in it.

Stuff made for animals is formulated and administered by the animal's weight by species. Never forget this when you're talking something made for an entirely different species than homo sapien sapien! ;)
Of course it jacked up folks' hair...more than will admit to it. I wish more people would come forward and be honest about it. :( There's no way it didn't jack up tons of heads. It's formulated for an animal that's 10x the body weight of many people, so you're getting a MEGA BLAST of 10x contration of whatever's in it.

Stuff made for animals is formulated and administered by the animal's weight by species. Never forget this when you're talking something made for an entirely different species than homo sapien sapien! ;)

naaaaat necessarily. have you ever been in any of the threads that compare the ingredients to OCT? its the same thing. why would people be afraid to admit what does not work for them when thats practically what we do here all day?:ohwell:
Of course it jacked up folks' hair...more than will admit to it. I wish more people would come forward and be honest about it. :( There's no way it didn't jack up tons of heads. It's formulated for an animal that's 10x the body weight of many people, so you're getting a MEGA BLAST of 10x contration of whatever's in it.

Stuff made for animals is formulated and administered by the animal's weight by species. Never forget this when you're talking something made for an entirely different species than homo sapien sapien! ;)

Sorry I have to disagree. People are quick to come in here and speak up when things don't work for them. I think for a lot of people this product has worked. I think you would have all kind of threads in here with people screaming about how mega tek or ovation jacked up their hair.
No, it is not. Mega Tek is sold at TACK SHOPS, not at drugstores (like the human formulation of Main and Tail...diff formulation at Tack Shops) or for human consumption. If the product were for human consumption, it would be sold conventionally, given it's popularity.

If you are buying this at a tack shop, it's for horses, plain and simple. OCT was the HUMAN version of this formualtion. If it has the same concentration, they could not legally sell it to humans.

A horse it 10x the size of a human, why would the products have the same concentrations? That's illogical.

I will not argue w/ those who choose to use it. Your money, yuor hair...but putting the info out there for OTHER to consider. shrug!
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Sorry I have to disagree. People are quick to come in here and speak up when things don't work for them. I think for a lot of people this product has worked. I think you would have all kind of threads in here with people screaming about how mega tek or ovation jacked up their hair.

LOL...you assumed I tried it. Fat chance luv, I'll let y'all take these risks, I have hair and wanna keep it! I'm not seeking a growth aid, but this is for those who are. I know enough about animals and the size of horses to KNOW BETTER. :grin:
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I use Ovation, but keep a bottle of Maga-Tek as a backup when Cell Therapy is running low.

My hair is fine, better than it was, actually.

If anyone's hair got jacked up it was because of "over doing" their hair.
Too much manipulation, too much protein without moisture and other bad practices destroyed the hair, not the product in and of itself.
LOL...you assumed I tried it. Fat chance luv, I'll let y'all take these risks, I have hair and wanna keep it! I'm not seeking a growth aid, but this is for those who are. I know enough about animals and the size of horses to KNOW BETTER. :grin:

It's not that big of a deal, but want to clarify. I think there may be some confusion. My statement that people are quick to come in here and speak up when things don't work for them was a response to your statement "Of course it jacked up folks' hair...more than will admit to it. I wish more people would come forward and be honest about it." My point was the hair board with be lit up if mega tek or ovation was screwing up people's hair. This is after all a hair board most of us LOVE our hair. :grin:
naaaaat necessarily. have you ever been in any of the threads that compare the ingredients to OCT? its the same thing. why would people be afraid to admit what does not work for them when thats practically what we do here all day?:ohwell:
actually , well ummmmm

clears throat

alot of people did say here that they had protein overload, and since I was a big voice around at that time about the heavy/frequent protein usage and its risks, I can personally testify that I got SIDELINED ALOT ,and got alot of msgs, about people and scalp pain, and massive shedding and being very upset, why didnt they post? Trust me I asked them to- well one person I can think of did, but she was upset and didnt handle it right-thread got deleted, I do believe she did create another thread -her name was rosesblack or blackroses (not sure it was long ago) also 'the reason many wont speak up' well errm its always the same answer -not the product-something they did/didnt do-so whats the point? most people that gave it up gave it up in obscurity, plus ,lets not talk about how pissed people were getting that used this product when anyone spoke up about it- I talked to those ladies myself, trust-sadly they were afraid, disturbingly afraid:ohwell:

It wont matter what anyone says about this stuff , or what it did to them, the blame will always be put on the person/what they did/didnt do

I dont deny that for some ladies it must have worked for, if they said so then so be it, but trust there were many that had massive shedding, scalp pain, tenderness, itching, whatever- taking tons of garlic pills (blood thinner) to combat and still didnt work out-sorry the fact is frequent/heavy use of Keratin can have it's downsides and did for many

it is what it is
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actually , well ummmmm

clears throat

alot of people did say here that they had protein overload, and since I was a big voice around at that time about the heavy/frequent protein usage and its risks, I can personally testify that I got SIDELINED ALOT ,and got alot of msgs, about people and scalp pain, and massive shedding and being very upset, why didnt they post? Trust me I asked them to- well one person I can think of did, but she was upset and didnt handle it right-thread got deleted, I do believe she did create another thread -her name was rosesblack or blackroses (not sure it was long ago) also 'the reason many wont speak up' well errm its always the same answer -not the product-something they did/didnt do-so whats the point? most people that gave it up gave it up in obscurity, plus ,lets not talk about how pissed people were getting that used this product when anyone spoke up about it- I talked to those ladies myself, trust-sadly they were afraid, disturbingly afraid:ohwell:

It wont matter what anyone says about this stuff , or what it did to them, the blame will always be put on the person/what they did/didnt do

I dont deny that for some ladies it must have worked for, if they said so then so be it, but trust there were many that had massive shedding, scalp pain, tenderness, itching, whatever- taking tons of garlic pills (blood thinner) to combat and still didnt work out-sorry the fact is frequent/heavy use of Keratin can have it's downsides and did for many

it is what it is

Thats unfortunate for real. no one has the same anything, thats one thing that has to be taking into account when reading reviews. Its really sad. I'm the first one to scream from the rooftops about discomfort with new hair products. i also do extensive research because as much as someone fawns over growth, someone else is lamenting over setbacks
Thats unfortunate for real. no one has the same anything, thats one thing that has to be taking into account when reading reviews. Its really sad. I'm the first one to scream from the rooftops about discomfort with new hair products. i also do extensive research because as much as someone fawns over growth, someone else is lamenting over setbacks
Of course it jacked up folks' hair...more than will admit to it. I wish more people would come forward and be honest about it. :( There's no way it didn't jack up tons of heads. It's formulated for an animal that's 10x the body weight of many people, so you're getting a MEGA BLAST of 10x contration of whatever's in it.

Stuff made for animals is formulated and administered by the animal's weight by species. Never forget this when you're talking something made for an entirely different species than homo sapien sapien! ;)
I still use it and my hair is not jacked (as per my pic in my avatar). I've been using it for quite some time now.

It is the protein conditioner of choice. The only time I don't use it is when I do a Cassia Obovata, other than that...it's the best thing for ME since sliced bread.
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It didn't work for me at all. Had to start all over. I'm over it now, but it was a costly mistake.
I still use it for about 2 weeks out of every month. I wear my hair in twists so I use it for 2-3 times per week. I only use it on my scalp and I rinse the next day or same night depending on when I put it on. To combat shedding, I use olive oil infused with garlic.
I use Ovation, but keep a bottle of Maga-Tek as a backup when Cell Therapy is running low.

My hair is fine, better than it was, actually.

If anyone's hair got jacked up it was because of "over doing" their hair.
Too much manipulation, too much protein without moisture and other bad practices destroyed the hair, not the product in and of itself.
as was very common and promoted around here-'the over-doing'

Yeah if I remember correctly you did not steer from the directions with this product right? I think you used it according to directions

so in that I can agree with you/ that its personal error when its not used that way, its just that so many were not, back then this product was 'blown up' huge as a growth aide, I really dont think its technically a growth aide , for those that needed the protein assistance indeed I am sure it helped, in that way I can see how it aids growth, its all the veering and steering from directions that made the whole usage of the product a bit more complex/risky
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MT worked WONDERS for my hair (when I was using it). My hair grew and got much MUCH thicker, which is why I stopped using it. I already had thick hair to begin with, now I have a least TWO heads of hair on my head! :spinning: I put it down and a couple months ago gave it to my little sis to start using it (she is a natural but her hair is MUCH thinner than mine, she straightens it regularly and coloured it in the past) she had severe breakage around the edges of her hair, and it was thin. NOW her edges are growing in beautifully and her hair is getting thicker. She tells me how at school girls are always asking her what she did to her hair to make it thicker/longer (I don't think she wants to admit it's MT though:grin:). I :love: her results so I'm going to start using it again :yep: (Guess I'm going for three heads of hair :grin:) I LOVE THIS STUFF! My greatest LHCF find!
Just for information, there is a tack shop pharmacy that I have access to and they sell products for animals, and for humans under the same roof in the same building, including Megatek and they also sell Ovation by the case. They sell MTG and Straight Arrow Mane and Tail and their products are cross over and they sell products that are used jointly for humans and animals and our laws do not prevent this as long as their is a clear listing of ingredients. Some of the products say, can be used for human use and since this is such an animal friendly area, people use shampoos and conditioners interchangeably. Interesting note, some of the women use the balm for when they are nursing that is used on the teats of animals to heal their poor nipples. It is called 'Bag Balm'. Seriously.

Not everything is just cut and dried everywhere. The Mane and Tail Conditioner was originally a major shampoo and conditioner for horses. A lot of people use them on their show animals and for rodeos etc. and on themselves as well and don't mind telling you.

But that is just my personal experience. It is a one stop shop,