Did anyone here start with...


Active Member
shorter hair? It seems like most people here came to the board with shoulder length hair and are trying to achieve bra strap or waist length hair. Is there anyone here who started out with 4 inches of hair or less and now has shoulder length hair or longer? If so, please share. Thanks.
Good darn question!!!!
My hair is currently about 2 inches below my shoulders.
I did not start with shoulder length hair I am trying to achieve that now, But 4' or less, I have never had that when I cut all my perm off, I had about 6' of new growth so, I have never had to worry about that so much. When I found this board I had about 11' I only been a memeber for less then 2 months
,Many ppl are cuting and started over natural
I had fried, dyed, and abused my hair to boy-cut short. But I had gotten to shoulder length by the time I started on this board.
When I came to this board 8 months ago my hair was midneck length and my hair in the back reached the base of my neck. Currently, my hair on the sides reach my collarbone which is long(I'm 5'10 and have a long, long neck)and the back is about 4-4.5 inches past the base of my neck. Overall my length all all is 2 inches away from being armpit length in the front and midback. I've never had long hair in my life so this is very interesting and exciting for me to experience.
Wow. See those are the things I need to hear about since I cut my hair so short when I started on this board. It has grown about 2 inches since then so I am excited. Adrienne did it take long for your layers to grow out? My hair is still layered somewhat. Dionne, how long before your hair reached your ears?
I was thinkin the same thing. Wondering if any started off short. But i was assuming that since this board has been up for i dunno 2 or 3 years that maybe they all did but we just came in late. LOL. I am short haired, its growing now to a medium. :^D Still not on my shoulder but gettin there. I have enough to sport a fro i no that. :^D lol
Good question! I define my hair length as medium length. It is chin lengh in the front and the back touches the top of my shoulders. I want my hair to be healthy and long. Long to me is past shoulders. I am a little skeptical because my hair as never been bra strap length and my mom's hair was very short but fine. My maternal and paternal grandmothers have hair that falls in the middle of their back.
I'd say 4a/4b i guess. When my hair is wet at the roots its curly but the rest down to my ends its wavy kind somewhat str8. So i guess that means a 4a/4b person i guess. lol. I no that if i let it it can break combs and get my fingers stuck in them.

Do you attribute your new hair length to advice you have gotten from this board? I glad to hear you have had some hair growth success.
Wow! (grandmothers) I had long hair as a child, and off and on I have had a pretty decent length of hair (at least to the shoulders). Usually, my back will grow a little past my shoulders, and the sides would at least reach my shoulders, but my front wouldn't. Then, all of a sudden, the front and sides were growing and the back stopped growing. Then, all of it broke. What da deal? I finally cut it all off when I was told about this site and I started getting a little discouraged when I started seeing that all these people with long hair started with pretty long hair. I was wondering if I could actually grow my hair long again, hoping I hadn't made a big mistake!
Good Lawd girl our stories are almost identical.
I'm also 5'10 with a long neck and also started at mid neck length. I've been taking pics and will put them up soon. Anyway I haven't achieved quite as much growth as you but I am past my shoulders now in the back and the sides are touching my collarbone last I checked. The front which started out at the bridge of my nose is now down to my chin!
I don't remember my hair ever being this long. So it is possible for anyone to grow their hair if you ask me.
I didn't find this board until maybe January, but when I started growing my hair out in September, my hair was mid-neck length, close to the very tips of my shoulders after getting all the damaged parts off (except for a part that was probably only around 2 inches because I burnt it off with a flat iron, but now even taht part goes to the tip of my shoulders). Right now I consider my hair to be shoulder length. It goes to a little past my collar bone in the front (yeah I know that seems longer than shoulder length, but my hair is fine and thin and it seems to give the appearance of shorter hair. So my hair has grown alot even without hair boards. Being tall sucks though when you are trying to grow your hair out. Even though my hair is a tad past my collar bone, I still have 6 inches until brastrap length.
LOL! Well, I have a little bit of 4A in the top middle of my head. I feel a lot better now. I am so anxious to get my hair at least to my jaw line so I can wear my bob sometimes like I used to. It was really cute. -smile- I would like to grow it to my shoulders again and eventually to my brastrap. What about you?
I joined the board in Dec and my hair was right at the top of my ears and part of the back I could not even curl myself for the longest time!
, I started growing out a short cut in August.

Currently my hair is chin length but it is thin

I would like to achieve healthy, thicker, shoulder length hair and so far with all the great advice I have been given I am sure I can get there
I did not only was it short. i had to cut off about 2 inches and my hair even still looked so awful (there is a pic in my profile). you can see it looks very unhealthy, dry, and brittle. i really should put up a pic now, mmm.. after i get my relaxer tommorow. anyways i would say it is around 1" below my shoulder now and looking healthy also the front was above my eyebrow now its below my bottom lips. Thanks everyone at LHCF.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
ComfortablyNumb said:
Being tall sucks though when you are trying to grow your hair out.

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Isnt THAT the truth!!!
I am 5'11, so it seems to me that my hair is taking FOR-EVER
to grow...even though I know differently.
I am going for the hair length i use to have when i was 12. It was a lil past my shoulders(never new that till i looked at old photo's) So im going for that this year and beyond. I wanna get it as long as i can JUST so i can show it off, hehe, and then cut it when im tired of all the attention. HAHAHA
Well, I started on another hair board with an inch of hair...maybe even less. I had a relaxer Oct 1999 and chopped it off Nov 1999. And my hair is now longer than it's ever been, about 5" longer. I think I'm at the end of bra strap now. I'll know for sure in 3 weeks. This board along with BHSGO and BHCAB really helped me stay motivated. When I found this board (well, when it was LHL..multicultural board) over a year ago my hair was just below shoulders. Hmmm, now I have to do some research to see when I found you all.
When I came to this board I had relaxed hair about 2-3 inches away from horizontal bra strap. However, I cut my hair off because I wanted to be natural. I didn't have to cut it but had I not, I would have continued to relax because it was a habit that I had. Anyway, I started with 1.5-2 inches and I'm between 3-4 inches now. So the answer is yes, I started with extremely short hair but it is on the grow.

As it appears, mine should be shoulder length by about Jan or Feb of 2004 and I should be back to the length that I started no later then July 2004.
Luvablelady I started here with 1-2 inches of hair and now I'm at 3-4 inch stage, where I just don't know what to do.I'm wearing a weave til I get another inch or two of length.

Slowly, but surely
I'm kind of new to this board, although I was at another board last summer. Anyway my hair is currently layered (unfortunately). The longest pieces are alost at the bottom of my neck. So my hair length (from the scalp to ends) 4-7 inches long. So in comparison to most of the women here my hair is short. I have 4a type hair. I am trying to find protective styles for my hair length. It seems that braids are the only option to get to longer healthy lengths. Anyway hope this helps.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
butterfly7 said:
Thanks Faith. That's really encouraging.

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I second that