Did anyone go to texturizer from relaxer w/o


Well-Known Member
big chopping? I'm curious to know. I'm thinking of going with a texturizer - still don't know how some parts of my hair will turn out though. I have 8 months of new growth so I don't think the texturized parts will look any different but the bulk of my natural hair is a bit much. And I don't want to cut it off. I've never had hair shorter than just above shoulder (went in for a trim and got about 4-5 inches CUT) which was back in 1994. Now, my hair is almost bra strap if it isn't already. I haven't worn it with the roots straightened in a while.

CurlyCrly has helped me out tremendously with tips and suggestions. But she went from au naturale to texturizer and I wanted to know if anyone *transitioned* into a texturizer.

Thanks in advance.
Hi GMMP, I am in the process of transitioning from a relaxer to texturizing. After researching and speaking to 4-5 reputable stylists, I found out it can be done but you have to be careful because you will end up with 3 textures on your head and that ups the chance for breakage. I am a 4a/3c. I had decided last May 2003 to go natural and have been growing out my hair ever since but my hair is sooooo thick and bulky that I decided to texturize to cut down on some of the bulk while keeping the curl. Several stylists I've consulted with won't texturize unless you cut off the relaxed ends because of breakage concerns which are valid. When you texurize you'll have fully straight ends and wavy roots, then when your hair grows out again you'll have natural roots, wavy middle and bone straight ends which if over manipualted will lead to breakakge. I have found 2 stylists willing to texturize who feel that they can do it safely. I will probably have to wear my hair straight (rollerset and flatiron)until I have trimmed all the relaxed ends off gradually. That way, I won't stress the point where the two textures meet and I'll need to make sure my new growth stays moisturised and soft, the most I'll probably be able to go bewteen touch ups will be 10-12 weeks, depending on the rate of growth I maintain. I will be starting this journey in 2 weeks so I can let you know how it's going. Good luck!!
Thanks, trini. I'm a ponytail with ends tucked under kind of girl with very little manipulation. My bulk is what is keeping me from going natural also but I love the waves and curls and want to keep that without having to resort to braidouts and twistouts. I guess I want wash and wear hair with the ability to wear it straight with minimal effort. I have gotten so much better at handling my hair that I think I can handle the textures.
I did, unintentionally. I went 9 mos without relaxing and then decided to give it another shot. My hair was underprocessed several times until I finally decided that I liked it like that. I had several mini-haircuts until the relaxed ends were all gone.

Sweettrini gave some very good info above. I'll just reiterate that since you will be dealing with so many textures, you will need to baby your hair (which it already sounds like you're doing). It's best to set your hair (when you want to wear it out) either in a curly/natural looking style or straight rollerset to camaflauge the two textures.

VERY VERY IMPORTANT!! Make SURE that your stylist pulls the relaxer/texturizer ALL the way the to the end of your new growth!! If possible, let your hair airdry before you get your chemical so that the new growth is distinctly visible and NOT camaflauged. This is critical.

My stylist didn't do this so instead of having straight/curly/kinky hair (from ends to roots) I had straight/kinky/curly/kinky . It was NOT cute and led to unnecessary damage.

You're definitely on the right track by finding out as much info as possible before the fact. Good luck and let us know how it comes out.
Thanks, Chan,

Airdrying is really all I do. Everything else requires a Herculean effort since I've gone 8 months since my last retouch. I'm happy with the way it looks. I'm planning on doing it myself (thanks to CurlyCrly) and I'm planning on placing clips where the new growth and relaxed ends meet so I'll be sure not to (1) overlap and (2) underprocess like your stylist did. I'm also thinking of buying the video from Jazma. My product junkiness is calling but my pocketbook is putting on the brakes at the $100 price tag.
GodMadeMePretty said:
Thanks, Chan,

Airdrying is really all I do. Everything else requires a Herculean effort since I've gone 8 months since my last retouch. I'm happy with the way it looks. <font color="blue"> </font> so I'll be sure not to (1) overlap and (2) underprocess like your stylist did. I'm also thinking of buying the video from Jazma. My product junkiness is calling but my pocketbook is putting on the brakes at the $100 price tag.

[/ QUOTE ] <font color="blue"> </font>

Good idea!

Hmm, that didn't come out like how I wanted. I was trying to say that doing it yourself and using the clips was a good idea. I'm still trying to get the hang of using all the bells and whistles of posting.