Did anyone experience unprecedented growth after joining LHCF?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
My hair has always pretty much been shoulder length. )For a while in college, it was just past the shoulders -- but that was because I had a regular hairstylist (she was my spirital mom who did my hair for free!) and I basically did no manipulation because I just didn't bother to style my hair . . . I just put it in a french braid or bun everyday.) The point is that I've never had LONG hair . . . and sometimes I get discouraged thinknig that I may never have it. I'm looking for inspiration . . . are there any ladies here (especially those with 4 a/b hair, like me) who had this issue but then, after coming to LHCF and applying all that you learned, experienced growth like never before?



P.S. - I know that the real problem isn't growth . . . it's maintaining that growth (i.e., avoiding breakage).