DH wants me to relax because the natural look looks unpolished...

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Try to talk to your husband and make him understand that whether natural or relaxed, you are the SAME person and thats all that matters. As a husband he may not like certain things, but if it make you happy, then his job is to SUPPORT you and be there for you no matter what.
Only in America!!!!!!! In some parts of Africa, women are begging their husbands to get relaxers in order not to be called old fashion.

Why doesn't natural hair look good on every black woman?? This is the hair texture we were born with. In the 70's everyone was dying to have the perfect fro, so this tells me that the whole thing about not looking good with natural hair now is completely media and cutural driven whether we as black women throughout the world want to accept that or not. All of these issues will definitely be explored when Chris Rock's movie comes out.

What about if your hair can't take relaxers then your hair looks whacked??? Then that will be another issue. Then you need a wig or lacefront to look presentable but then the husband doesn't like fake hair.

Not trying to tell you either to bust up your relationship over hair either. But gee whiz. Give a black woman a break!!!!. In Senegal women are bleaching their beautiful ebony skin because their husbands want them to be brown and light skinned.

I thank goodness that my hair could never take relaxers so most of the times my hair has been seen in a natural state or braid extensions so I only attract men who would like those hair styles and my own personal style and know that about me from the beginning, no surprises.

I work in an international and professional environment and no person has ever made a comment about my hair.

Almond Eyes
If a woman wants to straighten/relax/BKT, then I'm cool with that. If a woman decides that she wants to wear her hair THE WAY GOD MADE IT GROW OUT OF HER HEAD -- AND HER HUSBAND'S TOO (if he's black), then her man's "dislike" of it shows that perhaps HE needs to deal with some of his own issues about how blackness is supposed to look.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a comment or judgement on the OP's marriage or husband. Just something I have noticed in this thread and IRL in general.

I've seen countless threads on relaxed vs. natural issue on this board. All kinds of accusations thrown around, hard feelings, and unreasonable expectations that we subject other black women to. However, in this thread, I've seen a BM's view on natural hair labeled as like/dislikes, preferences, or the catchall, "wifely duties."

Why the kinder, gentler treatment when a black male declares it a preference ? Why all the tiptoeing around why he doesn't like natural hair?
The bottom line is you have to live with your husband. A good compromise would be roller set, flat iron, or press. You can do all these things and still maintain healthy long natuarl hair.

You could have a discusion with him on the view of hair how is comments made you feel.
Here's the thing...I'm all for compromise, which I've said from the beginning. I did compromise for my dh, letting him know that I would straighten my hair periodically, and I do that, for him and for me. But no, I wouldn't take a razor to my head simply because my dh told me to. There's compromise and then there's obedience. I'm a grown woman, not a puppy.

As far as your last point goes, I'm not taking back pathetic when said posters were putting down others' marriages and insinuating that their husbands weren't happy. When you can't disagree without throwing out "angry black woman", "you must be single", or "I can tell who's marriage is happy and who's isn't", then yes, you are pathetic and I won't apologize for that.

Plenty of us disagreed early on in the thread, but it didn't get out of hand until people on one side started being condescending and throwing out the aforementioned insults. And you're talking to me about respecting others' views?:rolleyes:
DISCLAIMER: This is not a comment or judgement on the OP's marriage or husband. Just something I have noticed in this thread and IRL in general.

I've seen countless threads on relaxed vs. natural issue on this board. All kinds of accusations thrown around, hard feelings, and unreasonable expectations that we subject other black women to. However, in this thread, I've seen a BM's view on natural hair labeled as like/dislikes, preferences, or the catchall, "wifely duties."

Why the kinder, gentler treatment when a black male declares it a preference ? Why all the tiptoeing around why he doesn't like natural hair?
Because perhaps many value what a man thinks of them, moreso than what they think of themselves. It is a really sad state of affairs (societally) when a woman's real hair is up for debate and discussion in a relationship and is even an issue. That's like telling someone their eye colour should be different because they prefer it, or skin should be darker/lighter because they prefer it. Black women have no control over the hair that grows out of their head unless they chemical it up or heat it up. Period. The fact that some are apologetic and need to appease a man over it...... I just don't know what to think about that.
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what's so bad about this thread that it needs to be locked. People are disagreeing, but no one has really crossed the line?
Because perhaps many value what a man thinks of them, moreso than what they think of themselves. It is a really sad state of affairs (societally) when a woman's real hair is up for debate and discussion in a relationship and is even an issue. That's like telling someone their eye colour should be different because they prefer it, or skin should be darker/lighter because they prefer it. Black women have no control over the hair that grows out of their head unless they chemical it up or heat it up. Period. The fact that some are apologetic and need to appease a man over it...... I just don't what to think about that.

Well said :up:

You don't have to lose yourself in your man.

Be nice, but don't be a doormat. (generally speaking)

What made him decide after two years of being natural that he don't like it? have you tried other styles? if he wants to pay for a relaxer, why not go and get it flat ironed out every once in awhile? I am married and have been Bald headed, Relaxed, Natural and not one time did my husband say a word, he might have shook his head but that is about all he done, We are here to make each other happy and make compromises, I need to be happy to.

My husband encoraged me to stay natural, as to where my sister husband refuses to let her go natural so he pays for all beauty shop appointments and upkeep.

I am sorry you are going thru this, but it is sad to see how our hair can come between so many things and so many issues, our hair has seperated us from each other.

What made him decide after two years of being natural that he don't like it? have you tried other styles?

I found that to be strange too. Why now? That's why I perceived it to be more of a whim on his part. Like he just woke up one day and was like... I want my wife to have straight hair.

Or maybe it was building up all this time?

See, we don't know all the info either. Hopefully you two have sat down and talked everything out!
DISCLAIMER: This is not a comment or judgement on the OP's marriage or husband. Just something I have noticed in this thread and IRL in general.

I've seen countless threads on relaxed vs. natural issue on this board. All kinds of accusations thrown around, hard feelings, and unreasonable expectations that we subject other black women to. However, in this thread, I've seen a BM's view on natural hair labeled as like/dislikes, preferences, or the catchall, "wifely duties."

Why the kinder, gentler treatment when a black male declares it a preference ? Why all the tiptoeing around why he doesn't like natural hair?

Thank you. :clap: (And I co-sign your disclaimer as well... I'm speaking in general terms.)

Seriously, let's get real with this. This isn't a matter of preferring Coke over Pepsi or something like that. Or Mountain Dew over Pepsi (since those are a little more different).

Taking this outside of the marriage realm, a few posters in this thread have said that black men IN GENERAL have felt the need to comment on the way black women they barely know wear their hair -- typically either how long it is or the texture. This was just stated as, "That's how it is."

But seriously, do black women not see something SERIOUSLY WRONG with this picture??? That we just say, "Oh, black men have a preference for straight, long hair," and go on about our day... why do black men (and many black women) prefer something that they DO NOT HAVE? (texture-wise, I mean... we can get length!)

And then, for said BM to lord over BW with this "preference" for something that is NOT a characteristic that 99.999999% of black people possess... we're just supposed to let that go and say, "He has his preferences?" like we're talking Miller Lite vs. Bud Light or Coke vs. Pepsi?

Nuh uh. Sorry.

The saddest things I've read -- although I'm not hard on the BW who say so -- is when single BW who WANT to go natural say that they won't because they feel that they then won't be able to find a black husband.

Wow. Just wow. That's 200000 degrees of fluggery right there... that so many BW even feel they have to go there to get a BM who has the same naps on his head.

But those BW aren't really far off the mark in feeling the way they do.
Thank you. :clap: (And I co-sign your disclaimer as well... I'm speaking in general terms.)

Seriously, let's get real with this. This isn't a matter of preferring Coke over Pepsi or something like that. Or Mountain Dew over Pepsi (since those are a little more different).

Taking this outside of the marriage realm, a few posters in this thread have said that black men IN GENERAL have felt the need to comment on the way black women they barely know wear their hair -- typically either how long it is or the texture. This was just stated as, "That's how it is."

But seriously, do black women not see something SERIOUSLY WRONG with this picture??? That we just say, "Oh, black men have a preference for straight, long hair," and go on about our day... why do black men (and many black women) prefer something that they DO NOT HAVE? (texture-wise, I mean... we can get length!)

And then, for said BM to lord over BW with this "preference" for something that is NOT a characteristic that 99.999999% of black people possess... we're just supposed to let that go and say, "He has his preferences?" like we're talking Miller Lite vs. Bud Light or Coke vs. Pepsi?

Nuh uh. Sorry.

The saddest things I've read -- although I'm not hard on the BW who say so -- is when single BW who WANT to go natural say that they won't because they feel that they then won't be able to find a black husband.

Wow. Just wow. That's 200000 degrees of fluggery right there... that so many BW even feel they have to go there to get a BM who has the same naps on his head.

But those BW aren't really far off the mark in feeling the way they do.
The thing is men who have the same "naps", cut their hair so low and so often that you never see their hair texture and when you do they have brushed the hell out of it and put that crap on it to get "waves", so they have their own hair issues, but they don't acknowledge it and most people overlook it.
-Super-controversial part: I love black people. I really do. But reading so many of these posts make me so glad that I don't have too many of "us" responsible for my employment, my progress up the corporate ladder or my emotional fulfillment, because I would be a basketcase having to be around people who feel the need to "inform" me that my GOD-GIVEN hair texture is "unacceptable" and that they "hate it." Yes, even I as a 3C have gotten that... to think that my own people would limit me because of the texture that we all have is really just sickening to me, and thank goodness that I haven't had to deal with anything remotely close to this since, oh, 2007?

Here's the thing...I'm all for compromise, which I've said from the beginning. I did compromise for my dh, letting him know that I would straighten my hair periodically, and I do that, for him and for me. But no, I wouldn't take a razor to my head simply because my dh told me to. There's compromise and then there's obedience. I'm a grown woman, not a puppy.

As far as your last point goes, I'm not taking back pathetic when said posters were putting down others' marriages and insinuating that their husbands weren't happy. When you can't disagree without throwing out "angry black woman", "you must be single", or "I can tell who's marriage is happy and who's isn't", then yes, you are pathetic and I won't apologize for that.

Plenty of us disagreed early on in the thread, but it didn't get out of hand until people on one side started being condescending and throwing out the aforementioned insults. And you're talking to me about respecting others' views?:rolleyes:

"Angry black Woman" was written to express how a majority of whites,asian,even our own black men view us as black women. It was not used to suggest that anyone on LHCF was an "angry black woman". What I meant by that comment was you dont have to become violent or aggressive to prove to your husband that you have a point. There are so many other ways to enlighten him or get him to try and understand your decision, Respectfully and peacefully.... k....

As far as the "you must be single" comment....through my observations, marriages tend to fail when one or both individuals involved in it refuse to compromise on decisions....The fact that this particular poster did not want to compromise in anyway because she felt as if her feelings about her hair was all that mattered says alot about how she possibly viewed other more important decisions as well...having a mindset similar to that will not work in any relationship in the long run...I have never met a man that wanted a woman that would not compromise, or is extremly difficult to deal with...in fact, most men run from such....

Me using "Angry Black Woman" or "you must be single" was in an effort to prove a point, not to degrade anyone on LHCF.....my views are MY views and I too will not apologize for them......k....
The thing is men who have the same "naps", cut their hair so low and so often that you never see their hair texture and when you do they have brushed the hell out of it and put that crap on it to get "waves", so they have their own hair issues, but they don't acknowledge it and most people overlook it.

That's true!

Can I start seeing more brothas with some hair? Does every brotha have to wear a Caesar or a baldie? I mean, those looks are quite handsome, but can I see some variety, please?

I love some HAIR period!
That's true!

Can I start seeing more brothas with some hair? Does every brotha have to wear a Caesar or a baldie? I mean, those looks are quite handsome, but can I see some variety, please?

I love some HAIR period!
Me too. I can't stand the super low hair and prefer it when it grows out. I have asked a few dudes why they cut their hair off so much and they said because they don't have "good hair" or said that's for the mixed dudes. So umm they have their own hair issues as well, it's just not talked about really. I notice though most of the guys I do see with hair longer than a caesar usually have 3c/4a and down hair. I rarely see someone with 4b hair let their texture show. Our hair is beautiful, I just wish I could see it more on MEN and WOMEN. I do admit though, it does take a trained eye to see the beauty in all hair. Very few people can do that without having to do some work on themselves to undo the whole "black hair issues" that has been a dark cloud hanging over us.

What made him decide after two years of being natural that he don't like it?have you tried other styles? if he wants to pay for a relaxer, why not go and get it flat ironed out every once in awhile? I am married and have been Bald headed, Relaxed, Natural and not one time did my husband say a word, he might have shook his head but that is about all he done, We are here to make each other happy and make compromises, I need to be happy to.

My husband encoraged me to stay natural, as to where my sister husband refuses to let her go natural so he pays for all beauty shop appointments and upkeep.

I am sorry you are going thru this, but it is sad to see how our hair can come between so many things and so many issues, our hair has seperated us from each other.

I found that to be strange too. Why now? That's why I perceived it to be more of a whim on his part. Like he just woke up one day and was like... I want my wife to have straight hair.

Or maybe it was building up all this time?

See, we don't know all the info either. Hopefully you two have sat down and talked everything out!

To be fair to the OP's husband I'm pretty sure IIRC that dlove didn't consult her husband, she just came home with a TWA (correct me if I'm wrong OP). So in fairness, that would be a lot for even the most liberal of men to come to terms with.

So lesson learned here - it's good to talk! :)
The thing is men who have the same "naps", cut their hair so low and so often that you never see their hair texture and when you do they have brushed the hell out of it and put that crap on it to get "waves", so they have their own hair issues, but they don't acknowledge it and most people overlook it.

yup. a lot of Black men get their hair cut every week or two in a caesar or low fade so they don't "remember" what their hair looks like when it is grown out. especially when they have been doing so for YEARS.

Just like relaxed hair ladies who don't "know" how their hair coils bc they relax every 6 weeks for YEARS.

Hair type: 4a/b thick. Shrinks into a 2 inch fro.

DH told me that the natural look on me has to go. I just two strand twisted my hair and made an updo in the back and sides with it. He told me that I looked better with straight hair and none, NONE of the natural styles I do or pay someone to do looks good on me. I have worn wng puffs, loose two strand twists, two strand twists with flat twists in the front and an afro.

I know its not about him, its about me and what I like, though feel so discouraged because of the responses and treatment I get on the job, society and now at home. Natural hair where I live is a minority. People look at my 3c hair in my nape and say, "oh, you have "good" hair BACK THERE". :wallbash: The mentality here is that if you have 4a/b hair you look upkept, unprofessional and obviously dont have job.

Right now my hair is past should length in the nape to area, 4 inches in the crown, 5 inches on the sides and I have about a 3.5 inch bang area. I want to grow my hair out so it looks like Te'yah Crystal Ke'mayh (sp?). What is her hair type anyway?

I've been natural for 2 years and 3 months. Though I like being natural, the styles seem to be suited to the younger generation. You mostly see schooled aged young children , teenagers and 20 something with twists,braids and plaits-not 40 y.o. women. I thought the "updo" kept it polished looking.

DH told me to make an appointment on Friday to get a relaxer and cut into a "style". :nono: I wish I could have youtubed that conversation. :rolleyes:

Been in my shoes?

Two years and he still has a problem? Interesting. I believe in compromise within a relationship. Have you ever thought to ask him to get a relaxer? It's only fair and I don't see the difference. Serious question.
I think the issues you are having deal with length. Since your hair is short when stretched and then shrinks even shorter. Your hair is in the middle of the awkward length phase that. Maybe you should braid/weave/wig it up until it passes this phase. I believe that most people do not have a problem with natural hair. They have a problem that natural hair doesn't show length as quick/easily as straighter hair. Once you get pass this length styling options will increase that can have the more "polished" look.
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