DH and The Alarm Clock


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, my Dh has to be to work at 8am and so do I. The problem is that he has the alarm set for 4:45 or 5am and put it on snooze every 15 minutes until 6:45 when he normally gets up. He sets his cell and alarm clock. Whenever one is not going off, the other is. This drives me CRAZY!!!:swearing: I have told him several times to stop it, but he always reverts back to this habit. Im this close to hiding his alarm clock. Anyone else been through this and how can I get him to stop.
That's a bad habit. Here are a few suggestions.

1) You should both go to bed earlier and set the alarm for 6:45a.m. and you wake up first and make sure he gets up. Teamwork.


2) Ask that he at least only set one alarm and please don't hit snooze.


3) Let him know how much this is affecting you. Because he obviously thinks it's okay.

My husband moved his alarm to our second room, so that he has to get up and shut it off and then he stays up at that point. It works!

One thing you can start with (and I had to tell myself this) be glad that man has a job. Be very glad and thankful. That should help you deal with the noise, if it goes unresolved.

5) Wear earplugs and have him wake you up at 6:45a.m.
I did this too I just didnt set it that early. And yes it is annoying- so annoying that it started driving me crazy!!! I would ask him what time do you want to get up? If its 6:45 I'd set it for 6:40 and make sure he got up at that time. It seems he is nervous about oversleeping but you have to be up too. Tell him that the constant alarms are breaking your sleep and making you even more tired.
That's a bad habit.

One thing you can start with (and I had to tell myself this) be glad that man has a job. Be very glad and thankful. That should help you deal with the noise, if it goes unresolved.

^:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:Very true, but this made me LOL!

I'm guilty but not to that extent, 2 snoozes is my maximum.

Tell him he wouldn't be so darned sleepy if he didn't set the alarm so early. He would really benefit himself by not interupting his sleep so much.

He's snoozing for 2 hours when he could be sleeping for 2 hours!

Plus, this is very unfair to you.
No no no...I couldn't live with that. My sleep is sacred.
He can sleep on the sofa until he finds a solution for that habit LOL! :lachen:

Maybe separate bedrooms isn't such a bad idea?
I'm happy for you OP! I just had an idea for if he persists - you can tell him that it's causing you to be too tired during the day to have enough energy to color at night.
Kudos for you dealing with this bad habit for as long as you have. I would be plotting on ways for said alarm clock to mysteriously go missing. LOL. I don't see the point of setting the alarm that far in advance if he just continually hits snooze. I like the idea (that was mentioned above) of putting the alarm in another room so that he is forced to get up and stay up.

Good luck
I saw an alarm clock on TV the other day. It was one that you strap to your wrist, it doesn't make a noise it just vibrates. You could get one for both of you if it's a serious problem. However, one of the presenters said, when testing, he woke up with a yelp :laugh:. But i could see this solving your problem, if you both remember to strap it on.
After I ask nicely first, he would have found his alarm clock in the middle of his side of the bed on little pieces... overkill,yes but he would get the message
Does he need this process to wake up? I ask, because I too have to rouse myself from sleep in a process and not all at once, because it won't work. He might genuinely need this process to get up and get to work on time.
Does he need this process to wake up? I ask, because I too have to rouse myself from sleep in a process and not all at once, because it won't work. He might genuinely need this process to get up and get to work on time.

I agree. OP sounds exactly like my morning routine. So it might not be inconsiderateness...though there are conflicting interests there. I liked the idea of the vibrating wrist alarm. Or, perhaps it would be less disturbing if the alarm clock played soothing, enjoyable sounds like ocean waves or something like that? Alarms don't have to have annoying sounds to work. I've also found that waking up to a song or something nice enables me to slowly come to instead of being jolted awake by incessant buzzing. I'm less likely to hit snooze if I can slowly wake up to a song. Maybe that would work for your DH.

It's good that he's willing to work on it, though!