Detangle on wet or dry hair?


New Member
heyhey, ladies!!

So I've been playing with both methods of detangling lately. Just tonight I detangled with KCKT after a Kenra moisturizing deep conditioner. i combed through with a 9-row denman, and some strands jsut tore/ ripped right out. seriously. i wanted to cry.

when i detangle beforehand on dry hair/with EVOO or CO, all is well, but my braids never stay braided, and i end up detangling again/ overmanipulating.

suggestions? how do you ladies detangle your tresses? When?

<3 BN
I typically detangle before I shampoo. I may apply oil and sit under my heat cap and then detangle, or I apply oil and let sit and then spritz with water and detangle or I prepoo with AVG and oil. My hair won't stay braided/twisted either so I use barrettes or clips to keep them together. I remove the clip from each section rinse and then bantu knot the section of hair or put it back into twists.

There's not enough slip in the world in conditioner to detangle my hair wet. My hair just doesn't play that.
wet hair after it has been pre-pooed, washed and condtioned.....i squeeze the water out with my hands ( i don't towel dry)split my hair in four sections then divide those in a few subsections that i put oyin hair dew on before using my shower comb.
I have found, to my dismay, that I cannot detangle on wet hair. Not even while in the shower laden with conditioner. I can't do it on dry, post work out hair either. I have to do it when my hair is about 20%-50% dry after wash/cowashing. My fine strands are too fragile when wet.
I detangle my hair wet before, during and after I wash it (in the shower). It's easier for me this way because it doesn't hurt. lol I never comb it when it's dry unless I have it straightened.
I have to detangle on dry (but lubricated) hair with my fingers before shampooing to get out a good chunk of the shed hairs. I then lightly detangle again after I've let my DC sit and I'm about to rinse. As gentle as I am and no matter how slow I go, I still get more breakage during the wet detangling session than the dry. My fine strands just decide to jump ship when wet. :nono:
I detangle before shampooing on sopping wet hair using an obscene amount of conditioner. I never comb my dry hair unless it has been straightened, too.
Now that I'm nearly BSL I find detangling on dry hair with oil before I poo or cowash is best for me. Detangling wet just causes issues and more problems when the shed hairs kink up and wrap around others.

Also I must add that my hair is always stretched so that assists in my dry detangling

OP try smaller braids to wash in post detangling. I dunno your length but around SL I used 12, APL I used 10 now I can get away with 8 braids or 10 twists
My suggestion is to use a tool other than the Denman. When I had one it ripped my hair out too. Can you try a wide toothed comb? I can't detangle dry. I have to do it on wet hair and I use Tresemme Naturals conditioner because it has the best slip of any conditioner I have tried.
I detangle on damp (about 60-70% dry) freshly moisturized and sealed hair. I have tried detangling on hair covered in conditioner and my hair doesn't like it.

I retired mine after it broke me off a nice small bang. Also KKKC works best on sopping wet hair.

To answer your question.

I remove shed hair first usually the night before and then after shampooing
I detangle on damp almost dry hair that has been air-dried while sitting near a fan. I aerate my hair by ruffling it up with my hand to help with the tangles, they almost fall away while doing this. When it is dry to my liking, I take small sections and start with a with a shower comb. All those combs from the BSS I felt were not doing me any good. I recently purchased a double pick that works wonders on loosening up the shed hairs and I pull them out when done combing because the pick does not pull them out.

I dont apply anything after conditioning because my hair gets mad when I do. If I do apply moisturizer it is when I use a reconstructor and then I detangle first.
Myjourney, IDK why I chuckled when I read " hair gets mad..." I guess b/c I can relate and from reading above, many of us have hair that needs some "anger management"
Myjourney, IDK why I chuckled when I read " hair gets mad..." I guess b/c I can relate and from reading above, many of us have hair that needs some "anger management"

Yeah I had quite a bit of breakage from combing my hair with product on wet hair.
I'm now coming to the realization that the denman has it out for me. It rips through my strands even when I take it slow. And I finger detangled today on freshly DCed hair. All I heard was snapping and popping :-/. No more wet detangling. Especially with the brush from hades lol. Maybe that will help you too

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Typical Wash Day.
Finger detangle with oil before I shampoo. I use this as a prepoo
Finger detangle after shampooing with a slippery conditioner. Rinse.
Detangle with wide tooth comb after dc. (this is the only time I use a comb to detangle)
If my DC starts to dry I use a spray bottle with water to rewet until damp not soaking wet
finnger detrangle on oil laden hair prior to washing
then after washing finger detangle as I twist on towel dried hair with my leave ins -normally a creamy plus an oil
Detangling process on my hair- once per month after I take down braids:
I finger detangle really well during the pre-poo process, which I typically leave on overnight. Then after I've shampoo'd my hair (but before I henna), I use a wide tooth comb to detangle on sopping wet hair loaded down with either V05 or HH Conditioner.

Detangling process on my DDs' hair or my hair when loose:
I'll typically finger comb to remove as much of the shed hair as I can before shampooing or CW'ing. Then, I only detangle on hair that has been DC'd- either under the steamer for 45 mins or overnight. I've learned through trial and error that this method minimizes tangles and possible breakage for us.
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I have fine 4b hair that is lightly texlaxed. Before my hair was apl I would only detangler in the shower under running water. After my hair was apl it would knot terribly when I did this. I now have to detangle before I get in the shower. I mist my hair with a little water, and detangle in small sections slathered in conditioner to get the sheds out. I plait each section then move on to the next. I do a quick detangle again during my final rinse after I dc.
Best thing for me is detangling with a wide toothed comb on freshly moisturized i.e slightly damp hair. It has enough lubrication for the comb to glide through easily, but not wet enough to tear and break.
I detangle my hair in the shower while it is soaking wet, sometimes i use an oil to help with the process.
I detangle soaking wet hair saturated with conditioner and/or oil using shower comb or denman brush (co-wash/oil rinse)
I detangle dry hair using oils and fingers (pre-poo)
I finger detangle under running water in the shower while cowashing, so my hair is filled with conditioner to help the tangles just slip out by themselves.
I used to always detangle on wet hair after shampooing, with a little leave in sprayed on and it took me about 3-4 hours to get through my whole head.

Then I switched to seamless combs and got my time down to about 2 hours.

Just recently I started saturating my hair with aloe vera juice + water and then putting coconut oil on top. I let that sit for an hour under a plastic cap and then detangle before I shampoo. I have done this twice now, and both times it only took me 30-35 minutes to fully detangle my whole head to where I can comb through it with a fine tooth comb. It also cut down on snagging and broken hairs. I definitely recommend giving it a try.
I detangle after I wash /co wash my hair as it's air drying with my fingers. As it dries it practically detangles itself:yep:
In 2008, after going to bed with loose hair, I woke up to tangles. So I had my first detangling session in years. I had learned from *Happily Me* about detangling on dry using conditioner, so I gave it a shot. Worked like a charm.

I started with this nest:

I added Organix Vanilla Silk conditioner to my hair and started finger detangling. I couldn't believe how easy it was. This photo was taken during the process, and here's what I jotted down that day:
"Detangling with Organix Vanilla Silk
I decided to add conditioner and finger-comb as Dsylla once shared she does. I didn't wet my hair. The conditioner made separating the strands very easy. It was fun to detangle like this."​

When I rinsed my hair off it was fully detangled. Again here are the notes I made then about the photo below:
"Rinsed and fully detangled hair
Although it doesn't look it, my hair is fully finger-combed and detangled. This is immediately after conditioner was rinsed off."​
I agree with those that said put the denman down. I lost way to much hair with it. I prefer to finger detangle first and then I detangle on soaking wet hair with a slippery conditioner and usually I like to add oils for extra slip. I use a wide toothed comb. I can't even imagine detangling on dry hair. I've had success with finger detangling while rinsing the conditioniner out and then using the Kimmay leave in to detangle. But I prefer the first.
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After removing all shed hairs and separating my hair into no fewer than four ponytails, I detangle only under running water, with either a wide tooth comb or my tangle teezer.

ETA: I'm not really detangling it under the water, I'm just combing it to release any further hairs. I am having less and less issues with detangling as time goes on.
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