Desperate Women


Well-Known Member
I'm venting :nono: but I am so pissed off. Here's the situation. My husband and I are currently living in two different states because we are relocating. He had to leave sooner because of his new job and I will follow as soon as I find a new position. I have an important position so I cant just leave at a moments notice. Anywhooo, he was walking with a guy at the new job and the guy was showing him around and introducing him to various people, ect. My husband said that this older lady approached them and started looking at his left hand, then she proceeded to state that she wanted to know for the other younger ladies if he was married. Before my husband could answer, the other guy interrupted her and basically said yes he's married and is happily married and she left.
My husband is a faithful man and has never cheated on anyone and I trust him but I feel irritated because I feel I need to be there with him esp since the vultures are lurking.

My question is why are women so desperate? they see a black man who is in a position of power and attrative and they are hoovering around like vultures. He's only been there since Monday...WTH:perplexed
I understand your concern, but she just asked a question. At least she walked away after she found out he was married. She would be desperate if she kept pushing after she knew he was taken.
You're right and I hope this is the last of it. I just know how some woman can be regardless of if a man is married or not. I'm not concerned about the one who made her prescence known it's the ones who were inquiring through her that I don't care for. Why would a group of women send someone to find out if someone is married? IDK maybe I'm tripping cause we have to be apart for awhile, although he does come home on the weekends
Women are like this in my area, hard. Even after he tells them he's married, they still hover around....smh.
I'm confused. She looked at his left hand and still had to ask if he was married? Or does he not wear a ring?
You're right and I hope this is the last of it. I just know how some woman can be regardless of if a man is married or not. I'm not concerned about the one who made her prescence known it's the ones who were inquiring through her that I don't care for. Why would a group of women send someone to find out if someone is married? IDK maybe I'm tripping cause we have to be apart for awhile, although he does come home on the weekends

No you're not trippin. You have a right be be concerned. This means somone at his work place has taken an non-work related interest in him and that would upset me regardless of my being in the same state as him or not.:yep: But I'm sure being away makes it all the more upsetting for you. :bighug: Just keep your eyes open because some women are a trip.
I'm confused. She looked at his left hand and still had to ask if he was married? Or does he not wear a ring?
Yes he wears his ring that's why it makes me mad.

Lexi- you're correct and that really gets underneath my skin because the behavior is innapropriate.

I think we will have a long talk this weekend just to make sure he feels comfortable sharing this stuff with me just in case anything else occurs. I think we need to make sure our lines of communication open.
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I understand your feelings but women and men use the workplace as dating pit. So it's like High school when the new person transfers in your class...everyone wants the scoop :lol: It's just inappropriate behavior but now a days manners and class are a lost cause.
I've trailed dh several times when we've made moves and it's hard everytime. Hope you find a new job soon.
My question is why are women so desperate? they see a black man who is in a position of power and attrative and they are hoovering around like vultures. He's only been there since Monday...WTH:perplexed

I feel you. BW are desperate and then top it off with that natural attraction women have to strong, powerful men who walk upright.

My SO was on a trip to a seminar giving a lecture. After the lecture, he said a sister walked up to him and introduced herself and said right off the bat, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: Just out of the blue. No convo. No nothing. No prior introductions. Just, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: He said he just stood there in shock for a second because it was so inappropriate and then he just felt bad for her that things had gotten that deep that this was her approach. He told her he was attached and kept it moving but...I told him, "I'm sure that line has worked for her SOMEWHERE before."
I feel you. BW are desperate and then top it off with that natural attraction women have to strong, powerful men who walk upright.

My SO was on a trip to a seminar giving a lecture. After the lecture, he said a sister walked up to him and introduced herself and said right off the bat, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: Just out of the blue. No convo. No nothing. No prior introductions. Just, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: He said he just stood there in shock for a second because it was so inappropriate and then he just felt bad for her that things had gotten that deep that this was her approach. He told her he was attached and kept it moving but...I told him, "I'm sure that line has worked for her SOMEWHERE before."

That is absolutely pathetic. She obviously has no respect for herself and kudos to your SO for dismissing her.

Thanks ladies for being so supportive:grouphug3:
Unfortunately, some women don't care. That's sad, but it happens. I agree at least she walked away, I just hope there isn't someone who is a little more persistent. "Are you happily married?..." You know your husband, so it doesn't sound like there is absolutely anything for you to really be upset or worried about.
I'm venting :nono: but I am so pissed off. Here's the situation. My husband and I are currently living in two different states because we are relocating. He had to leave sooner because of his new job and I will follow as soon as I find a new position. I have an important position so I cant just leave at a moments notice. Anywhooo, he was walking with a guy at the new job and the guy was showing him around and introducing him to various people, ect. My husband said that this older lady approached them and started looking at his left hand, then she proceeded to state that she wanted to know for the other younger ladies if he was married. Before my husband could answer, the other guy interrupted her and basically said yes he's married and is happily married and she left.
My husband is a faithful man and has never cheated on anyone and I trust him but I feel irritated because I feel I need to be there with him esp since the vultures are lurking.

My question is why are women so desperate? they see a black man who is in a position of power and attrative and they are hoovering around like vultures. He's only been there since Monday...WTH:perplexed

That is just sooooooo tacky and unprofessional. Is he working at a factory? How could women be so bold about that kind of talk, especially in this era of sexual harassment and such?

Unfortunately, there will always be women that don't have any class about themselves, but at least she walked away. Now if she or her friends continue to pursue it after he said he wasn't interested that's a different story.

I wouldn't worry about it if I was you. Your husband has his act together.
Some women want what they know they cannot have.

But truth be told, that may be enough for them.

Nowadays, many women are after married man for the sex, the rush, and control. They are not seeking emotional attachment, but an ego boost.

A married male friend of mine said that a wedding band is a woman magnet for married men. When he does not wear his wedding band, women are not as presumptuous. Sad, but true.
She might be the resident match maker. i have one of those at my job. she's married and wants everyone else married too, and as soon as she sees what she thinks is a hopeful she's latching onto him and if he's good in her mind, she's trying to fix him up. she needs to get a life
A lot of people meet their spouses at work, and several others meet their affair partners there too. Her behavior was unprofessional, but at least she asked. That shows that at least she cares about whether he is taken or not.
I have a GF who is not desperate, just bold. I could see her in the "I wanna f*** you" scenario easily, but probably with a more seductive tact about it, but pretty much getting that same point across. She's very much like Samantha Jones from SITC. Lately, however, she has expressed to me that she's getting the feelings of wanting to settle down. Her problem is she's too picky with regards to the *one*. I don't think she really cares for men enough to be in a serious relationship with just one man, and that she's feeling societal pressure more than anything else.
I'm venting :nono: but I am so pissed off. Here's the situation. My husband and I are currently living in two different states because we are relocating. He had to leave sooner because of his new job and I will follow as soon as I find a new position. I have an important position so I cant just leave at a moments notice. Anywhooo, he was walking with a guy at the new job and the guy was showing him around and introducing him to various people, ect. My husband said that this older lady approached them and started looking at his left hand, then she proceeded to state that she wanted to know for the other younger ladies if he was married. Before my husband could answer, the other guy interrupted her and basically said yes he's married and is happily married and she left.
My husband is a faithful man and has never cheated on anyone and I trust him but I feel irritated because I feel I need to be there with him esp since the vultures are lurking.

My question is why are women so desperate? they see a black man who is in a position of power and attrative and they are hoovering around like vultures. He's only been there since Monday...WTH:perplexed

Girl, my hubby and I were separated for 7 months in nearly the same situation. He got a new job in TN and I stayed in Cali with the kids to finish selling the condo and let them finish school. He had to leave early to start working and to oversee the building of our new house from that end. Women were all over him even though they saw he had a ring. What made me upset is most of the action was AFTER they found out he had a wife and kids temporarily in Cali and knew we would not be joining him for a while. He was honest with me and told me of all the hits. I really got upset when I found out that one of the women who down right propositioned him to the point where he had to verbally say "No thank you" was a younger woman who had met me when I came out to visit with him to choose where to live. I was livid. After he turned her down she had the nerve to beg him not to tell me because I looked like the type of woman who would beat the crap out of her. Hubby told me but made me swear I wouldn't touch her:wallbash::wallbash:.
I understand your concern, but she just asked a question. At least she walked away after she found out he was married. She would be desperate if she kept pushing after she knew he was taken.

Yep! Besides even if or when you move there you can't follow him around 24/7. You just have to trust him enough to know that he won't take the bait and he's resistant to the vultures.
Yeah it seems as if things are getting worse these days. The stories that my "SO" and other men tell me are RIDICULOUS. :nono: Is it THAT hard to find a good man??? You definitely won't find one talking like that!
I feel you. BW are desperate and then top it off with that natural attraction women have to strong, powerful men who walk upright.

My SO was on a trip to a seminar giving a lecture. After the lecture, he said a sister walked up to him and introduced herself and said right off the bat, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: Just out of the blue. No convo. No nothing. No prior introductions. Just, "I want to f**k you." :ohwell: He said he just stood there in shock for a second because it was so inappropriate and then he just felt bad for her that things had gotten that deep that this was her approach. He told her he was attached and kept it moving but...I told him, "I'm sure that line has worked for her SOMEWHERE before."

Girl, my hubby and I were separated for 7 months in nearly the same situation. He got a new job in TN and I stayed in Cali with the kids to finish selling the condo and let them finish school. He had to leave early to start working and to oversee the building of our new house from that end. Women were all over him even though they saw he had a ring. What made me upset is most of the action was AFTER they found out he had a wife and kids temporarily in Cali and knew we would not be joining him for a while. He was honest with me and told me of all the hits. I really got upset when I found out that one of the women who down right propositioned him to the point where he had to verbally say "No thank you" was a younger woman who had met me when I came out to visit with him to choose where to live. I was livid. After he turned her down she had the nerve to beg him not to tell me because I looked like the type of woman who would beat the crap out of her. Hubby told me but made me swear I wouldn't touch her:wallbash::wallbash:.

:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: I just have no words. :nono:
This is guff about nothing...there are a lot of "matchmakers" floating around the workplace. Your concern is not women approaching/flirting, but how HE handles it. Do you have trust issues? It has always taken TWO to tango.

By the way being a military couple, DH and I have lived in different states, different countries and on different continents. We've never had trust issues...not even when his admin/secretary sent me a picture of her hugging my spouse in the office. Don't let relationship anxiety/paranoia ruin your relationship. By the way, why did he mention it to you.....was it just casual reference to the day's events...or was his ego still inflated over them asking?

Jealousy/Trust, imaginary or not, leads to just as many divorcees as monetary issues. I've always held the position that my spouse will do what HE wants to do, my presence or someone else dangling bait have little to do with his decision.