Kinky Coily 4A, Fine Strands, WSL
DC'd yesterday with AO HSR.
Anyone use Saran wrap to DC? I see a few ladies on YouTube DC that way, they all say it makes a difference
I'm DCing with HydraTherma Moisturizing Conditioner. It's really thick and it reminds me of cheese whiz I hope it isn't too thick form my hair. I hate to waste time DCing and nothing happens I guess I could always use my Deva Curl One for a quick rinse if it doesn't work out.
I will be DCing tomorrow after church using:
ORS Replenishing Pak- Professional
Organic Root Stimulator HAIRepair Nourishing Conditioner Pack
1/2 ounce of EVCO
Anyone use Saran wrap to DC? I see a few ladies on YouTube DC that way, they all say it makes a difference
Trying to correct a protein overload over here so I'm under my heating cap with some V05, GSO, EVOO, and honey. Not rinsing out till tomorrow