Deep down, do you believe that certain hair traits are attributed to being mixed?

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What tha actual fukk???

Wait so people of color dont come in all shades and features???...So errone in Africa walking around with charcoal skin, nappy roots, lookin like Flava flav mixed with bonnet girl????

What if that lighskin black came from two brown/black skin parents???
Gurl, what is you mad about?:lachen: You're not identifying with anything, you're simply accepting that it is what is and there are greater things to care about. Not everyone is a product of rape. If we were all products of rapes that happened generations and were so appalled by it then you would not have comments like such in the other thread. People breed with others to perpetuate certain features, be it height, body shape, eye color, nose, length of limbs...whatever. I really don't want to address the offensiveness of the comments about bonnet girl (whatever that means) but as I said earlier, recent studies have show that because of the unique geography of Africa and the colonization of the continent... Africans are the most ethnically diverse group of people in the world. So, no, not every african looks the same as the next.

smh@ charcoal skin and nappy roots. You said that like it was an insult. And?
I agree. If this isn't the case, why isn't 4b hair more common in white people?? Or even type one hair being more common in african americans (No i don't want to hear about your cousin, friend, aunt, uncle who fits this category because thats ONE person :lol: ) . But seriously. People need to be real with themselves about this!! It has soooooo much to do with genetics!!

First and foremost, genetics is all about probability based on natural and sexual selection. If certain traits have not been selected because they weren't environmentally friendly or there was not some evolutionary benefit, or because they weren't seen as desirable , this will ultimately reduce he likelihood that that trait will be exhibited within a given population and ultimately it may almost be completely phased out (ie. like blonde & red hair may become extinct due to the fact that there are not enough carriers for the trait such that it remains fixed within the world population). Certain diseases such as sickle cell and cystic fibrosis are examples of this because a person who possesses a heterozygous allele of these two diseases is more genetically fit for their environment than people who possess homozygous dominant and recessive alleles. As a consequence, they are protected from diseases such as malaria and cholera endemic to their regions. Unfortunately, those born with the homozygous recessive allele are vulnerable, but since the incidence of this is so rare, the allele is maintained within the population.

Since cholera began to spread in European countries, most of the individuals who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis are of Caucasian descent. Likewise, the majority of sickle cell anemia patients are of African descent, in regions where there is a high rate of malaria. BUT, Caucasians can carry and suffer from sickle cell, just as some people of African descent can suffer from cystic fibrosis. Therefore, it's not so much a "race= traits" issue as much as those traits were not favored by the environment or by members of the opposite sex (in which females are usually the ones to select). So, prehistoric Africans may not have sexually selected straight hair in their mates for whatever reason, or the environment may have selected against it ( or perhaps an intersection of both).
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Idk about the rest of your post, but recessive genetic traits are what allow kids to look different from their parents.

For example, a kid may have red hair (a recessive trait) although no one else in the family does.

And....not all race mixing was the result of rape. Especially not in the last century.

Yea, those comments were highly ignorant. As I said, if modern black people's phenotype is a result of rape then that would say a LOT about our attitudes towards perpetuating colorism. Why would you go SO FAR as to interbreed with a specific group to perpetuate a group that reminds us of such pain? That's pretty much like admitting we ain't never gonna stop it (not that I care. :ohwell:)

Gurl, what is you mad about?:lachen: You're not identifying with anything, you're simply accepting that it is what is and there are greater things to care about. Not everyone is a product of rape. If we were all products of rapes that happened generations and were so appalled by it then you would not have comments like such in the other thread. People breed with others to perpetuate certain features, be it height, body shape, eye color, nose, length of limbs...whatever. I really don't want to address the offensiveness of the comments about bonnet girl (whatever that means) but as I said earlier, recent studies have show that because of the unique geography of Africa and the colonization of the continent... Africans are the most ethnically diverse group of people in the world. So, no, not every african looks the same as the next.

smh@ charcoal skin and nappy roots. You said that like it was an insult. And?

lmaoo im not mad son its just the NY in me :lachen: I just find your post kinda hilarious, and pointing out how it came across...

and no stop reachin, I'd be insulting my African roots which I identify, super proud and love more with more than anything if that were the case.

Butterum uhhhhh what if they didnt have immediate mixing???? People of different races werent screwin all willynilly and proud like that before this century...Why would someone identify with people they werent raised around and did the ABUSIVE meshin' over centuries ago??

Wait wait wait.....Are you one of them black folks who claim 1/25teenth injun???

Im jussayin
How could a lightbright be in denial?? how could that be self hate? They mamma black, they daddy black, they gromma black, they granpa black , but they just happen to have a lighter shade of skin , so what??

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What tha actual fukk???

Wait so people of color dont come in all shades and features???...So errone in Africa walking around with charcoal skin, nappy roots, lookin like Flava flav mixed with bonnet girl????

What if that lighskin black came from two brown/black skin parents???

Why would you identify with clear folks who obviously aint like yo ***, beat, raped because they felt you werent human over people who you obviously came from??? How tha hail could that even compare to self hate?...
I think a lot of people don't want to accept this notion because they don't want to accept that their relatives deliberately mated with a person for something as superficial as hair or skin tone. Honestly, I think people here give too much power to race and phenotype. I really don't see anything wrong with people choosing their mates solely to keep a certain feature because all mammals do it.

I also think a lot of AAs sound pretty silly walking around with light skin, small noses, loosely-curled hair and light eyes professing their blackness. To me, that reeks more of self-hate than a person wanting to breed with only light-skinned partners. It's like either you must really think white people weren't there or you think I'm that stupid.:rolleyes:

You jealous sweetie? Smh.
Am I the only one who has watched Henry Louis Gates' specials on PBS? He did the genetic testing and Don Cheadle is 22% white. I believe Henry Louis was something like a mere 19% black. When they did the swab test on my black Arkansas granddaddy, the predominant countries that came up were Ghana and the Netherlands. Go figure! This is the reality of being an African-American born of the slave legacy--this is nothing new.

As far as Asians and Latinos having kinky hair--yes, due to mixing! Pilipinos, for instance, who have Asian, pacific islander and Spanish ancestry. But don't tell me you know a Chinese person who gets a relaxer. :ohwell: You can't just put all Asians in one catchall category. And intermixing is a global phenomena, affecting us all.

There is also mixing going on in Africa. Do the people in Tunisia look like the people from La Cote D'Ivoire? There is a lot of genetic diversity. No one said mixing or genetic diversity meant "black/white" only.
You know you aint black enough to have an opinion on this riiiiii????

Thank ya very much though...

Giiiirl I saw that other post and I was like what in the little baby jesus...your post was a perfect example of my fam, being that my parents are both brown, as is my brother, with kinkier hair than I have, and trust, no one would try to tell them that they are mixed and not black...I can't...I gotta go take a shot after that idiotic mess...
lmaoo im not mad son its just the NY in me :lachen: I just find your post kinda hilarious, and pointing out how it came across...

and no stop reachin, I'd be insulting my African roots which I identify, super proud and love more with more than anything if that were the case.
You just insulted your African roots a few posts ago:lachen:?! Whatchu talkin' bout?

Butterum uhhhhh what if they didnt have immediate mixing???? People of different races werent screwin all willynilly and proud like that before this century...Why would someone identify with people they werent raised around and did the ABUSIVE meshin' over centuries ago??
Not all multiracial black people who are brought in this world were a product of slavery. The Loving case happened only 50-60 years ago and interracial marriage have grown significantly since then.
Wait wait wait.....Are you one of them black folks who claim 1/25teenth injun???

Im jussayin
How could a lightbright be in denial?? how could that be self hate? They mamma black, they daddy black, they gromma black, they granpa black , but they just happen to have a lighter shade of skin , so what??

No, I know my family members very well. I know exactly who my parents and grandparents are. They are still alive and I know who their parents are. Not everyone who acknowledges all of their lineage is reach way back because to be honest, if black people TODAY were not crossbreeding to make a certain aesthetic then colorism would not be an issue now.
A lighter-skinned black person was forced to claim black because of archaic rules designed to separate white fathers from their half-black offsprings. If black people choose to continue that rule then so be it. But, don't be surprised if a geneticist gives you the ultimate :rolleyes: it because WE as a race look FAR different than we did 600 years ago. This is partly due to evolution and partly due to colonization.

You jealous sweetie? Smh.

Jealous of what?:ohwell:
To me, it sounds crazy. Why would anyone walk the earth feeling belittled because they carry a genetic trait that they cannot control? I know a lot of have this ignorant belief that lighter-skinned people are all products of slavery but that is FAR from being true. No one has to shout their lineage from the rooftops. You're not obliged to identify with any race at all, it's your life. But, you're just as black if you accept that many different factors made up all of the person you are, not just one.

having a cousin who looks like Digimon with type 1 hair or that looks like Nahla with 4xyz hair doesn't mean anything to me. the exception proves the rule.
I think a lot of people don't want to accept this notion because they don't want to accept that their relatives deliberately mated with a person for something as superficial as hair or skin tone. Honestly, I think people here give too much power to race and phenotype. I really don't see anything wrong with people choosing their mates solely to keep a certain feature because all mammals do it.

I also think a lot of AAs sound pretty silly walking around with light skin, small noses, loosely-curled hair and light eyes professing their blackness. To me, that reeks more of self-hate than a person wanting to breed with only light-skinned partners. It's like either you must really think white people weren't there or you think I'm that stupid.:rolleyes:
Am I the only one who has watched Henry Louis Gates' specials on PBS? He did the genetic testing and Don Cheadle is 22% white. I believe Henry Louis was something like a mere 19% black. When they did the swab test on my black Arkansas granddaddy, the predominant countries that came up were Ghana and the Netherlands. Go figure! This is the reality of being an African-American born of the slave legacy--this is nothing new.

As far as Asians and Latinos having kinky hair--yes, due to mixing! Pilipinos, for instance, who have Asian, pacific islander and Spanish ancestry. But don't tell me you know a Chinese person who gets a relaxer. :ohwell: You can't just put all Asians in one catchall category. And intermixing is a global phenomena, affecting us all.

There is also mixing going on in Africa. Do the people in Tunisia look like the people from La Cote D'Ivoire? There is a lot of genetic diversity. No one said mixing or genetic diversity meant "black/white" only.

This is exactly why black history needs to be mandatory and more extensive than knowing a few black pioneers. There's a lot of genuine ignorance being perpetuated because of lies and a lack of education. When you don't know any better you tend to try and rationalize things in your mind with emotion and not facts. If more people knew the truth then they would stop hating themselves. Why would anyone look at themselves and assume that they are a product of a rape that happened 500+ years ago then expect to feel okay about who they are?

I also think a lot of AAs sound pretty silly walking around with light skin, small noses, loosely-curled hair and light eyes professing their blackness... It's like either you must really think white people weren't there or you think I'm that stupid.:rolleyes:

But, you're just as black if you accept that many different factors made up all of the person you are, not just one.
which one is it?
Jealous of what?:ohwell:
To me, it sounds crazy. Why would anyone walk the earth feeling belittled because they carry a genetic trait that they cannot control? I know a lot of have this ignorant belief that lighter-skinned people are all products of slavery but that is FAR from being true. No one has to shout their lineage from the rooftops. You're not obliged to identify with any race at all, it's your life. But, you're just as black if you accept that many different factors made up all of the person you are, not just one.

But that's the thing...I think a lot of people recognize mixing in their heritage, but it's so far back it's not considered significant (like seriously, who needs to claim 1/16 or 1/25 of something, come on...), especially if they are not aware of the exact origin. Who needs to make ish up? Your parents are black = you're black. Also, you noted light skin and other "non-black" features, but obviously someone can have the same lineage as you but be darker, have kinkier hair, etc....yet they aren't practicing self-hate because they "pass" for black? Seems like you're basing your conclusions on phenotype and not actual genetic makeup, which makes no sense whatsoever...
:lol: For me it's not deep down. It's right on the surface. Of course certain hair types come from being mixed with certain ethnicities, the same way certain hair types are common to being black. It's really not a big deal.
which one is it?
:rolleyes: It's however you want to read it.

You're black automatically because that is your RACE. However, when I hear the same people who are not much darker than me putting down people who identify as mixed race in public simply to make themselves feel better...I just look give them the :rolleyes:. Because denying the obvious is so much better right? Same for people who label others as claiming a rape that happened 500 years ago just to promote a false sense of indignation. Why are you still holding on to that and being ashamed and why are you projecting all of your self-hate onto her?
But in my experience, the "exception" IS the rule. It wasn't until around high school that I began hear differently. As a matter of fact, when I went natural, many people questioned whether or not I "put something" in my hair to make it the way it is because I'm dark skinned with hair other than type 4z :rolleyes::ohwell:


having a cousin who looks like Digimon with type 1 hair or that looks like Nahla with 4xyz hair doesn't mean anything to me. the exception proves the rule.
But that's the thing...I think a lot of people recognize mixing in their heritage, but it's so far back it's not considered significant (like seriously, who needs to claim 1/16 or 1/25 of something, come on...), especially if they are not aware of the exact origin. Who needs to make ish up? Your parents are black = you're black. Also, you noted light skin and other "non-black" features, but obviously someone can have the same lineage as you but be darker, have kinkier hair, etc....yet they aren't practicing self-hate because they "pass" for black? Seems like you're basing your conclusions on phenotype and not actual genetic makeup, which makes no sense whatsoever...

No, I think you're reading my comments with too much emotion in them. What I said is why would anyone claim that they look the way they do because of a rape or because of slavery, something that happened 500+ years ago. Even colorism, why would you allow your family history to make you look your head down in shame. People find certain traits attractive and we are all a product of such. No need to deny it and be embarrassed. Stop giving slavery so much power.
I'm not bout to read this thread if yall really in here acting brand new like y'all don't know diluting black with white is normally gonna result in some looser curls


like, for real, y'all play way too goddamn much.
Many of the comments in this thread --> had me thinking about this topic. Now, I concede to the fact that generally mixed raced individuals tend to have a loose hair type (somewhere in the type 3 range or type 3/4 mix). But what about black individuals, including Sub-saharan Africans, Afro-Caribbeans, & AAs who aren't mixed (as far as they know) with type 2 or type 3 hair? Do they have to be mixed somewhere down the line to possess a certain hair texture?



If you are African American with very dark skin and loose curly or wavy hair you might want to check your family tree for Native American or Mexican ancestry (basically same as NA but south of the border).

Continental Africans have diverse heritage too. It's worthwhile to do a little reading on the subject if you're interested. Chancellor Williams and Diop are some key words to start with.

Someone mentioned the Gates PBS special - haven't seen it yet but also worth watching.

I'll pass on the pop corn and hope the thread stays open. :)
No, I think you're reading my comments with too much emotion in them. What I said is why would anyone claim that they look the way they do because of a rape or because of slavery, something that happened 500+ years ago. Even colorism, why would you allow your family history to make you look your head down in shame. People find certain traits attractive and we are all a product of such. No need to deny it and be embarrassed. Stop giving slavery so much power.

You are making more sense to me now, although I found your first post incredibly offensive...

First...slavery ended in wasn't that long ago. Let's be real.

Your first post implied that professing one's blackness = self hate. I don't see how this is the case. I can only speak for myself, but I love being black, and I love being light. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Furthermore, unless we are having an extensive conversation about heritage, I don't see the point in bringing up racial mixing since socially you're going to be black no matter what, and some bitter little negro most likely is going to think you're boasting your special sauce and acting like massa's little offspring. It's a trap I tell ya!
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I'm not bout to read this thread if yall really in here acting brand new like y'all don't know diluting black with white is normally gonna result in some looser curls


like, for real, y'all play way too goddamn much.

For some, this is brand new. This is history you have to get up and learn on your own because your teachers won't teach it. And, that's what I'm talking about with "self-hate." Part of loving yourself is being able to say I love all of myself. I love every part of me, good and bad. White and black and indian and chinese, and arab and everything. To accept that you are a person of African descent is to accept that you are also mixed race because the black people you see today... ARE MIXED RACE.
You are making more sense to me now, although I found your first post incredibly offensive...

First...slavery ended in wasn't that long ago. Let's be real.

Your first post implied that professing one's blackness = self hate. I don't see how this is the case. I can only speak for myself, but I love being black, and I love being light. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

I never said professing one's blackness is self-hate. I said walking around wearing flea market kunte cloth while looking nothing like our ancestors and picking on those who are not ashamed of their multiracialism = self-hate. To be black today... is to be MIXED RACE, whether you are dark or light.
I never said professing one's blackness is self-hate. I said walking around wearing flea market kunte cloth while looking nothing like our ancestors and picking on those who are not ashamed of their multiracialism = self-hate. To be black today... is to be MIXED RACE, whether you are dark or light.

Oh. Well dang, why didn't you say that in the first place? Can't argue with
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