New Member
Gurl, what is you mad about?What tha actual fukk???
Wait so people of color dont come in all shades and features???...So errone in Africa walking around with charcoal skin, nappy roots, lookin like Flava flav mixed with bonnet girl????
What if that lighskin black came from two brown/black skin parents???You're not identifying with anything, you're simply accepting that it is what is and there are greater things to care about. Not everyone is a product of rape. If we were all products of rapes that happened generations and were so appalled by it then you would not have comments like such in the other thread. People breed with others to perpetuate certain features, be it height, body shape, eye color, nose, length of limbs...whatever. I really don't want to address the offensiveness of the comments about bonnet girl (whatever that means) but as I said earlier, recent studies have show that because of the unique geography of Africa and the colonization of the continent... Africans are the most ethnically diverse group of people in the world. So, no, not every african looks the same as the next.
smh@ charcoal skin and nappy roots. You said that like it was an insult. And?