Me: How often should I wash my hair?
Stylist: Are you one of THOSE people that have to wash your hair all the time?
Me: Ummm, I don't know, how often is all time?
Stylist: More than 1 or twice a month?

Stylist: :Looking at my hair: You don't have that grade of hair

Me: What grade should wash their hair more?
Stylist: You know, people with that good grade of hair.
Me: Oh......
Lawd, Lawd, Lawd, between having a bad grade of hair, bad blood, big lips, big booty, skin that is too dark, and a nose that is too wide, whats a black woman to do

The worst part about it is, all these statements came from people who look just like ME!!!!

Maybe I should have tried to share what I've learned here about hair care but I noticed when she would express herself, she would braid tighter

I did give her the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe she didnt want me to ruin the look of the braids by frequent washing, but it was her tone, her look and choice of words that me a little annoyed.
Thanks for letting me vent.....