Deep conditionning/Washing


New Member
Okay, this may seem like a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway.
I see some of you guys who deep condition many times a week.
My question is: When you deep condition do you have to wash (poo or CO) you hair ?
Can I wash my hair once a week and deep condition twice for example ?
Can I just deep condition rince it and style it without washing ?
FlutterGirl said:
Okay, this may seem like a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway.
I see some of you guys who deep condition many times a week.
My question is: When you deep condition do you have to wash (poo or CO) you hair ?
Can I wash my hair once a week and deep condition twice for example ?
Can I just deep condition rince it and style it without washing ?

You sure can! :yep:

Sometimes, I do CO Wash my hair by putting the conditioner on it, washing my hair and scalp w/ it, sitting under a dryer to deep condition, followed by rinsing my hair.
Mestiza said:
You sure can! :yep:

Sometimes, I do CO Wash my hair by putting the conditioner on it, washing my hair and scalp w/ it, sitting under a dryer to deep condition, followed by rinsing my hair.

Fluttergirl this was a great question. I'm going to start doing this too. Thanks Mestiza for posting this!