What Else Do You Do When Co-washing?

What Else Is Part of Your Co-wash Regimen?

  • I pre-poo beforehand.

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • I pre-poo beforehand and deep condition afterward.

    Votes: 9 12.5%
  • I deep condition afterward.

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • I just co-wash. I don't do anything else with it.

    Votes: 48 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I usually deep condition afterwards. I only do it for a couple of hours using my heat cap. If I'm doing an extra co wash session then I don't do it but that is very seldom.
I guess it's a prepoo. I detangle with coconut oil the same way I do before I do a full wash just so it's an easier process. And I rinse with AVJ
Refresher: co-wash followed by a leave-in and sealant
Weekly Cleansing: co-wash followed by a DC (no heat for ~1 hour), leave-in and sealant

I am phasing co-washing out of my routine though. I never pre-poo.
Wednesday cw day for me I'm gonna put on some megatek (on dry hair) for 30 mins then after I rinse that out ill cw with HE LTR!
I dc covered with a plastic and winter cap before cowashing. Afterwards I apply a water based leave-in and a sealing product before styling. My go-to is a twist out.
I just cowash. I couldn't pre-poo or DC without serious buildup and/or uncomfortable scalp. I have fine strands and for the most part, one moisturizer is enough.
I Co wash and call it a day!

I don't pre poo any way and I DC once in a blue moon. My hair would have a fit if I manipulated it that much!

If I do DC I do it on dry hair
@PJaye, Why are you trying to phase out cw'ing?

Honey Bee

Because it’s unnecessary manipulation that causes my hair to go out of whack.

Since my hair doesn’t suffer from chronic dryness and my scalp isn’t prone to itchiness and dehydration, there is no need for it. I was only doing it because: (1) I love the feel of the water and conditioner; and (2) it helps me use up the non-staple conditioners in my stash. So, it has to go.
@PJaye, how often were you doing it?

Honey Bee

I went from one shampoo-DC session every 7 to 10 days to doing 2 DCs and a co-wash every week, which proved to be too much. This summer’s heat had me jumping in the shower at the drop of a hat at least twice a day. I reasoned that I might as well slather on some conditioner while I’m in here, but my hair said, “Think again, Agnes.” :lol:
PJaye, Gotcha. I reached a similar conclusion this summer, that's why I asked. It was so humid that my already fine hair just didn't need all that moisture. I still co-washed twice a week, otherwise it gets obviously dirty, but I stopped dc'ing so often and upped my protein. I think it's almost time to change that back, though. Winters are terrible on my hair. :nono:
When I was fully relaxed, I used to deep condition afterwards each time. Now that I'm transitioning, my new growth feels fine with just the co-washing. On DC days, I co-wash beforehand.