Deep Conditioners: Have you found the "one"?

^^ LOL Angelicus

I have in so many ways:

I am such a unfaithful one, because they are all too good to me. :)

I love

Silk Elements in the Creme Tub MEgaSilk
Banana Brulee
ORS Replenishing Pak
Alter Ego Garlic DC
I have 4 staples- for sure. But I am a sucker for a Moisturizing DC and will keep on tring new ones with the added security of knowing that I have 4 great ones to fall back on.
My next one to try is the Elasta Dpr. My favs are: AOHSR,AOWC, Aussie 3 min, and my most favoritest is Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment. Truthfully I would give them all up for the SE.
Yes I've loved the same DC for years, KeraCare Humecto. I often try others, some have been good some have been bad. But no matter the results I always go back to my KC Humecto.
Okay, I admit: I'm Fickle....My Love Changes like The Weather! And I love Several all at the same time.:love2:

Right now my affections are for::cloud9:

Joico Moisture Recovery, Hairveda Sitrinillah, Alter Ego Garlic, SSI Banana Brulee.:lovedrool:

I am about to introduce Jessicurl WDT into my current rotation (next wash day) and I know I will fall in love with that one too.:love3:

Yes... I'm a Playa':sekret:

Next week, It'll be someone else........:laugh:
Lustrasilk Shea Butter, mango + cholesterol is it for me. I've been using it for about a year. I would like to try Nexxus HUmectress though but it cant be a staple because i pay $72 for it compared to $20. for the Lustrasilk. They both have ceramides so its on!

$20 for Lustrasilk? I assume you get the large size. If so, please let me know where I can find it because that's what I use also.
and $72 for Nexxus Humectress? :perplexed She's gotta be paying A LOT for shipping, or buying a PAIL of it.

$20 for Lustrasilk? I assume you get the large size. If so, please let me know where I can find it because that's what I use also.
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I really love the lustrasilk sheabutter cholesterol. I add olive oil to it and use a heating cap for 30 mins... I also have the Kenra hair masque but I haven't tried it yet.
I am addicted to thick deep conditioners, but the one item I continually reach for in a pinch (especially for serious detangling sessions) is Lustrasilk Aloe Vera Cholesterol.
Yep, 3 in fact.
Lustrasilk shea butter + mango, silicon mix and Old Humectress (hopefully GVP is good enough)
Silicon = amazing shine and moisture
Lustrasilk = Smooth/no frizz hold styles like braid outs long with great moisture
Old Humectress = The conditioner of all time .....

I don't even have a desire to replace and I'm a PJ
I've found a few I really like and that give really good results but nothing great enough to stop me from trying other DCs. Hopefully soon!
OK, ladies, anyone who has tried Neutrogena Triple Moisture, what other DC's have worked for you? I'm asking because NTM is good, but there has to be another DC that's serious.

Last week I went to Sally's because I wanted to buy the Elasta QP DPR 11, but they didn't carry it. And after looking at the ingredients I discovered the Silk Elements Moisture Cholesterol has Mineral Oil as a SECOND ingredient.......and me in all my newbness even knows that mineral oil is one of THOSE ingredients, lol.
I just got back from Walgreens......I have bought Queen Helene's Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream and Organic Root Stimulator's Replenishing Conditioner. The QH Cholesterol is on sale this week at Walgreens, btw!

Today's my deep condition day and I'm not sure which to try first! :o
I love my Dominican conditioners. I honestly don't have a favorite between Silicon Mix (any kind... regular, proteina de perla, or bambu) or Miss Key 10 en 1.

I'm not even tempted to try anything else. :nono:
nope i haven't. i hope to someday though. i'm actually starting to like sittin under my dryer on sundays and relaxing like i'm in a spa. ♥
I want to try SE moisturizing treatment when they have a sale. They've run out of the hopefully it comes in soon so I can pick it up. I have the SE hair mayo waiting under my cabinet. Probably will try this weekend.
My hair needs change through the seasons, so I have found "The One" for each need. =) I know exactly which product will correct my hair or bring the results I'm looking for:

- Aubrey Organics HSR (Honeysuckle Rose)
- Aubrey Organics GPB (Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner)
- Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner
- Phytospecific Vital Force

How many have I tried? Thousands of dollars worth. A shameful amount. Nearly every product mentioned in this thread, and every other thread on LHCF. Nearly all of Sephora and certainly all of CVS and Walgreens conditioners. Probably at least 100 different types over the years? I was a severe PJ, rushing to the next best thing. But now I am healed. Feels good to be free. =)

Now, if I could ONLY keep one, it would be the Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose.

Olive Oil ORS Replenishing Mask
Keracare Humecto Creme
Joico Moisture Recovery
Bain de Terre Intense Primrose
Phytospecific Intense Nutrition Mask
Elasta QP DPR-11
Nexxus Emergencee (Not a DC, but great strengthening treatment when your hair is starting off in BAD shape!!)
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