Deciphering men


New Member
Ok, I was in a long term relationship and recently just re-entered the dating field. I never had much experience with the whole online scene but I need some insight. I was on a forum similiar to this that has a mix of men and women. I contacted a guy on there and made a comment about a picture on his page. We started emailing back and forth for about a week. Then on Friday he responds with saying he's not much of an email person and gave me his number. I called him on Sunday and we spoke for close to an hour. During the conversation we spoke about activities that we enjoy and he kept saying how we have to do this or that when it came to things I haven't done yet. He then said he had to wash clothes and asked to call me back later than night or Monday. Now granted he does work the night shift but he never called. I've logged back on to the website and saw that he has been online and has viewed my page everyday since Friday (there is a feature that allows you to see who's viewed your page each day). So I'm just trying to figure out what is going on. Is he just checking out my page to see who else is checking out my page? Is he playing games? Sorry for the long message just wanted to give background....Any insight??? Thanks
sometimes in these situations men can have too/so many options.

he shouldv'e called back like he said he would. the fact that he's viewed your page without making contact after the fact would be weird to me...
During the conversation we spoke about activities that we enjoy and he kept saying how we have to do this or that when it came to things I haven't done yet.

This seems like a little much for someone to say who hasn't met you, and only spoke to you on the phone, what, once?

Online dating is a much slower process than face-to-face dating and in fact, until you get to a face-to-face stage don't even begin to decipher anything. People can be whoever they want to be online and on the phone.

Unsolicited advice: Be your fabulous self and try not to focus on their issues or play the guessing game.